Absolute Honor

Chapter 658: Special character

Qin Fei was caught off guard and was pushed back a few steps by Jin Donghai and slammed into a boulder.

Both of them were trained by special forces. Qin Fei subconsciously grabbed Jin Donghai's shoulders, and with force, he pushed Jin Donghai on the stone again.

When the two captains at the head of the two sides moved their hands, their subordinates naturally became nervous.

The members of the Jiaolong team immediately raised their guns. At the same time, Lao Yu and the others also pointed at each other.

"do not move!"

"You guys don't move!"

The atmosphere was suddenly tense, and there was a heavy smell of gunpowder in the air.


The middle-aged man in Arab robes rushed up suddenly, separated between the two sides, waving his hands to indicate that both sides were calm.

"It's all your own, don't flood the Dragon King Temple!"

Qin Fei thought for a while, exhaled heavily, and let go of Jin Donghai.

Jin Donghai stared at Qin Fei and spat on the ground.

"Let's put down the guns!" Qin Fei said to Kun Guess, and when he finished, he looked at the members of the Jiaolong team: "You guys put down the guns too. I didn't plan to have trouble with you. Don't forget, if it's going to be bad for you, I just did it. You can let those who ambush you kill you without taking action!"

The three Jiaolong team members headed by Wang Dongcheng thought for a while, their guns hung down.

Qin Fei was indeed right, he was really malicious and would not try to rescue him at all.

The reason why I raised the gun just now was actually a totally subconscious behavior.

"Excuse me, what is your name, soldier." The middle-aged man in Arab robes stepped forward and stretched out his right hand: "My name is Liu Hai."

Qin Fei's gaze fell on this person's face, the national character face, dark skin, and a look of deja vu in his gaze, as if he could see through the person.

This person is not easy! And from the perspective of temperament, he is definitely a soldier, or he has definitely served.

"Qin Fei, superior soldier." Qin Fei said as he said, "Are you from the army?"

Liu Hai smiled and said noncommittal: "You can call me a veteran, but you don't need to know other things."

He smiled, and Qin Fei suddenly remembered that the penetrating gaze from Liu Hai's pupil was exactly the same as that of a scholar.

If so, there is really no need to ask his identity, because even if he is willing to say it, it will not be true.

Hearing Qin Fei reported his military rank, Liu Hai was a little surprised: "I often deal with your units, including Team 1 and Team 2. Which team are you from?"

Qin Fei said, "I'm from the 3rd team."

"Oh! That's it..." Liu Hai's eyes still remained vigilant, "As far as I know, Unit 203 never recruits ordinary soldiers. Are you an official member?"

He knew that all the official members of Unit 203 were officers, and even if ordinary soldiers participated in the training, as long as they were selected, they would definitely be awarded the rank of officer immediately, at least as a second lieutenant.

Qin Fei was stunned, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, my situation is quite special..."

Thinking of his incredible experience over the past six months, Qin Fei really didn't know where to start.

He simply pointed to Jin Donghai behind him: "If you don't believe me, ask him, I'm at the same time with him."

At this time, Qin Fei deliberately threw the ball to Jin Donghai.

Secretly said in my heart: If there is a seed, you will continue to lie, I will see when you can tell a lie.

Liu Hai didn't say a word, and looked over Qin Fei to Jin Donghai.

Jin Donghai hesitated for a moment, then nodded and gave an acknowledgment.

Liu Hai did not speak, turned back to correspondent Ge Qiming, picked up his individual contact radio station, and began to whisper to the headquarters.

"Give me the headquarters, I want to inquire about a person's information."

Qin Fei looked at Liu Hai and knew in his heart that people like Liu Hai were very meticulous and hardly made any mistakes, because everything he did was secret and involved national security.

Soon, Liu Hai put down his earphones and walked to Qin Fei's side and said, "Qin Fei, can you take a step to speak?"


The two walked aside, more than ten meters away from everyone.

Liu Hai said: "Please forgive me for being cautious just now. I contacted the headquarters before and then received your troops."

"203?" Qin Fei asked.

"Yeah." Liu Hai nodded, stretched out his hand and patted Qin Fei on the shoulder: "That's good, you are the first ordinary soldier recruited since the establishment of Unit 203. After the identity check, there is no problem. However, they feel very much about your being in the wild gate. be surprised."

"Yes, I'm just here to save my friend's family, they are trapped in Maitan." Qin Fei said.

"Meitan?" Liu Hai was a little surprised. There was a war there. The government and youth troops were already fighting hard. Qin Fei's squad had only a few people. How did he get in? Can you actually retreat all over?

He couldn't help but look at Qin Fei with admiration. If this person can be absorbed by an exception, there must be something extraordinary.

"Just now, the time is limited. The political commissar of your army told me that you are a very special person. Although you belong to the 203 army, you are living overseas and you are still the head of a mercenary regiment. I didn't ask carefully, but since you I’m fine, I’d like to ask you to do me a favor."

"Should I take you along?" Qin Fei said.

Liu Hai nodded and said, "Yes, my task is to take that person away--"

He pointed to the Middle Eastern man sitting in the ditch opposite.

"I can't want you to reveal anything. After all, you are not a person involved in the action. I just need your help. If so, would you agree?"

"Will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei said: "I have my resources here, I have a car, and a broker specializing in the Middle East arms business. He has a good relationship with the youth army and the government army. , So we can guarantee that we will not be attacked. "

"No, no, no, you are mistaken, the person who attacked us is not from this country at all." Liu Hai said.

"What?" Qin Fei remembered that the ambushers were all equipped with foreign military special warfare equipment, and he seemed to have guessed something. I just want to know who the opponent is, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is not dead."

Liu Hai said: "Have you heard of the Black Sun organization? If you belong to Unit 203, I believe you will not be unfamiliar."

"They are members of the Black Sun Organization!?" Qin Fei was taken aback.

Liu Hai nodded and said: "Yes, there are four elite military teams under the Black Sun organization, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku. These people are all from the Qinglong group. We were caught up by them, behind this incident. It's not simple. There are several large intelligence agencies involved, and I can't disclose the strong relationship among them, but the person named Abkhala..."

He pointed at the Middle Eastern guy again.

"All the key information is in his mind, but he asks for safety and shelter, and then tells us everything, so I must ensure that he arrives in Jebuti safely. Our submarine is in the Red Sea area. Just go We can get in touch when we get to the vicinity of Hodeida."

"Hodeida?" Qin Fei said, "That's good, we are going there too."

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