Absolute Honor

Chapter 660: Dilemma

The smoke blocked the enemy's sight, but the machine gun still fired blindly towards this side.

Qin Fei could tell from the gunshots that they were just those people. Less than half an hour had passed since the last ambush. These guys actually set up another ambush circle twenty kilometers away.

How do they know their route?

Is it because they have satellite support?

If so, it would be terrible.

"Boss, do you hear me?" Yuri's voice suddenly appeared on the channel.

"I'm very busy!" Qin Fei roared loudly.

It was really not a good time to listen to Yuri's report. The bullet swished overhead, and everyone ran to hide behind a small mound on the side of the road.

The smoke obscured the sight of the enemy and at the same time the sight of Qin Fei and others.

However, the enemies hiding around can blindly shoot behind the smoke, but Qin Fei and others cannot blindly shoot, because the surrounding area is too big and he is the one being attacked, and he hasn't even seen the enemy anywhere.

Relying on the vague determination of the location of the gunfire to fight back, this kind of shooting is really not very effective, unless the opponent is a group of pigs, standing and not even knowing how to conceal the fire.

Of course, this situation cannot happen. The retired mercenaries of the Buffalo Battalion are not ordinary soldiers in the garbage army.

"Boss, I just got the mobile phone communication records sent to me by the front sight. I hacked into the server of the signal provider where the phone was located and found a number they had been contacting. Five minutes ago, I intercepted a call record. They reported on the previous battle and requested reinforcements. The reinforcements are located near Jebi City and will soon reach your position."

Yuri’s intelligence is really outdated. Now the team has been ambushed, but the opponent’s vitality has been severely injured just now, and the number has been reduced by half. That is to say, now he has to face only a dozen people, and there is still a chance to comeback, but once the opponent’s reinforcements The troops come...

Qin Fei shuddered under the scorching sun, and did not dare to think further.

"How many of them are there!?"

"I heard from the intercepted conversation that they have 32 reinforcements."

"32?" Qin Fei's heart beat a few times.

There are a dozen people in front of it. It’s more than 30. You know, these are not ordinary rebels. If some of them are from the Buffalo battalion, then other elite troops cannot be ruled out. veteran.

And in terms of firepower, the opponent has everything, including Gustav recoilless guns. Apart from one of the Gustav M4 captured just now, perhaps the heaviest firepower is grenades.

"Their reinforcements are coming soon." Qin Fei said to Lao Yu: "We have to find a way to get them done quickly."

The old fish was a little annoyed and said: "I can't figure it out. Now they are in the smoke dispersing. I guess they are on the opposite hillside, condescending. Once the smoke disperses, we will be passive and easily suppressed here."

Qin Fei looked around.

In this ghost place, there are no trees or patches of shrubs. Unlike jungle warfare, the terrain of Yemen determines that it belongs to the plateau and Gobi landforms. Many times it is bare and there is no shelter at all.

Copying from the side is definitely not enough. There is still a full two hundred meters away from the **** on the left and right sides. People run for at least 20 seconds, which is enough to become a living target.

Looking back, I saw a house not far away, which seemed to be a village.

"Retreat to that village!" Qin Fei said to everyone.

"No! We have wounded people, we can't run fast!" Jin Donghai retorted, "I was killed before he even got there."

Qin Fei said: "It's a dead end to stay here! To go into the village, you must enter the village, I will get the car over!"

Turning his head and said to Kunchai and Eric, "You two will throw two more smoke bombs in front of the car, and the others will try to cover me!"

Khunchai and Eric didn't say a word, and threw two smoke bombs in front of the car.

Taking advantage of the heavy smoke to rise again, Qin Fei bent over and ran all the way.

The bullet swishes against his feet and splashes the mud. Qin Fei whispers in his heart, you can't see me, you can't see me!

The opponent really couldn't see himself, just blindly shooting.

The mound was not far from the car. Qin Fei quickly ran to the side of the car, dragged the two corpses out of the cab and threw them on the ground, then jumped into the driver's seat and started the car again.

"cover me!"

Almost at the same time, the light and heavy machine guns of the Dragon Squadron and the X Mercenary Corps were all pouring over to the place where gunshots were heard on the opposite hillside.

For the first time, the motor turned a few times and did not catch fire.

Qin Fei was sweaty. He knew that the car was not a long-term place. Once the other party heard the sound of the motor and knew that he was going to start the car, he would definitely come over.

The second time, I still didn't fight...

Sweat dripped on his thighs, and Qin Fei felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

In the third time, the car shook a few times and finally caught fire.

The Ural trucks are military trucks, made from Da Maozi, and they are solid enough.

Qin Fei slammed the direction, stepped on the accelerator, and pushed into a low-speed gear. The car shook a bit and struggled out of the dirt ditch.

Without further ado!

Qin Fei drove the Ural truck towards the back of the mound.

Obviously the other party has noticed Qin Fei's move ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the bullets greeted the car, but through the smoke, the shot was not accurate.

A bullet hit the glass, and it was instantly white. Qin Fei didn't care too much, and continued to drive forward based on his feelings.


Immediately after leaving the dirt ditch, a Gustav M4 recoilless cannon shell directly blasted to the original position, and the entire car was immediately filled with yellow dust.

"Quick, quick!" Qin Fei jumped out of the car and shouted at Kunchai: "You drive and take them into the village."

Kun Guai turned around subconsciously and was about to get into the car, suddenly remembering something: "Boss, how about you!?"

"Don't worry about me, I have my plan." Qin Fei turned his head and said to Lao Yu and Eric, "Don't you gamble?"

"How to bet?" The old fish saw a crazy look in Qin Fei's eyes, knowing that the guy was going to take another risk.

Qin Fei said to Jin Donghai, "Buried us here!"

"What!?" Jin Donghai's eyes were round.

"Buy the three of us here--" Qin Fei pointed to a sandpit next to him: "Then you get in the car and run! Leave us alone, if we are unlucky, you can also catch the houses in the village. Stand and fight back."

Jin Donghai seemed to understand something.

Qin Fei jumped into the pit, took off his tactical scarf from his neck, and greeted the old fish: "You are all like me."

He said to Jin Donghai: "Don't be special, don't bury too deep."

After speaking, he covered his face with a tactical scarf and lay down in the sandpit.

Lao Yu and Eric glanced at each other, and the two nodded, lying beside Qin Fei together.

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