Absolute Honor

Chapter 661: Victory belongs to the desperate guy (thanks to book friend Heiner 0...

The other uninjured members of the Jiaolong team hurriedly helped their injured comrades into the car, while Jin Donghai and Liu Hai used both hands and feet to pull down all the soft sand by the bunker and pull down the ones lying in the bunker. Qin Fei and the other three buried them alive.

It was already morning, the temperature was gradually rising, and the sand felt a little hot.

Under the tactical scarf, Qin Feimeng was completely dark in front of him. He couldn't see anything. The nostrils were full of a muddy breath, and even choked his nose.

He knew that it was the fine dust in the sand that raised up, drilled into the nostril and stimulated the natural response of the mucous membrane.

But I can't sneeze, I can't move, even my breathing has to be the slowest.

The sand is covered on the tactical scarf, instead of directly pressing on the eyes and nostrils, a cavity is formed in the face, and a part of the air is collected inside.

Since the overlying soil is low-density sand, and the thickness is not high, Qin Fei tried breathing, and it did not cause suffocation.

He heard the sound of the Ural truck going away, but he was powerless now, and could only quietly lie in this grave-like sandpit like the old fish and the corpses of Thor.

All this is a gamble.

Every commander on the battlefield will face such and other bets. Among the many famous players in history, there are many people who boldly bet and take risks.

It is also a gamble for Qin Fei to ask Jin Donghai to bury himself, Lao Yu and Thor here.

To turn defeat into victory at the fastest speed, you must bet your life once. Anyway, the sky won't fall in vain, and victory won't be in your hands.

Before the arrival of Black Sun's mercenary reinforcements, he had to make a bold attempt to get a dozen ridiculous guys.

The key to success or failure depends on the next ten minutes.

Liu Hai and Jin Donghai fled to the village a few hundred meters away with other people in a truck. This move is bound to make Hei Sun's mercenaries think that they have lost the battlefield initiative. In order to prevent the Dragon Team from fleeing with Abkhala, they must Will chase.

To pursue it, it is necessary to approach and block off the entire small village, and all the mercenaries will definitely cross the sandpit where Qin Fei, Lao Yu, and Thunder God are hiding at this time.

Once more than a dozen mercenaries crossed Qin Fei's position, it was equivalent to betraying the rear of the entire front to Qin Fei and the other three.

Tactically, this is equivalent to "please enter the urn"!

The sound of gunfire and explosion suddenly became violent.

Qin Fei's heart suddenly hung in the air.

The opponent must have discovered that the Ural truck was about to escape, so they kept focusing their firepower and started bombarding.

Once the truck hits the Gustav M4, everyone will die.

This suffocating tension lasted almost five minutes.

The gunfire gradually became thinner, and Qin Fei couldn't see all the scenery, and his eyes were completely dark.

But what is certain is that Liu Hai and the people from the Jiaolong team should have arrived in the village. If the shooting is too far, the experienced soldiers will not blindly shoot, and will choose to do it again when they get closer and have more confidence.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Dragon Squad is safe, and their decoy mission has been completed.

Next, just wait.

Waiting for the commanders of the black sun mercenaries to choose to besiege the village. This is something that any normal commander will do. After all, their target is Abu Khara. Wherever this person goes, they will chase it, immortal. endlessly.

Qin Fei took advantage of the waiting moment and slowly began to think about what had happened before.

It stands to reason that after the first ambush, in order to avoid encountering the enemy again, Ibrahim had asked the two bodyguards to choose the most deviated route towards Hodeidah.

However, the Black Sun mercenaries seemed to have the eyes to help each other. It seemed that the other side knew exactly which route they ran, and they were able to ambush the roadside ahead in advance.

It can be seen that this confirms his previous thoughts, and the other party is helping with tracking satellites.

It's just that ordinary spy satellites need to have a military background or even an intelligence agency background before they can be mobilized. Hei Sun can actually get support in this regard. Are they behind a certain country's military or intelligence organization?

Thinking of this, Qin Fei seemed to understand why Fan Tianlong’s Black Sun organization dared to challenge the special forces. This was not only because he was a top trained by Unit 203, but because he had enough capital and background to dare to challenge.

Reminiscent of the previous FOX team, such an elite SEAL squad can actually work for the black sun. In the incident of the tyranny training camp, the FOX team apparently fled in the direction of the Mi Army base in Jebuti.

The Americans are not fools. They have the strongest military power. They are naturally on guard around the base of Jebuti, and no one can swagger into their guard range.

And the FOX team dared, it means that they have identity verification, which is the so-called pass ID and password, and the navy who was on alert can also pass it smoothly.


Who is it that I have to deal with? ?


Quick footsteps sounded around.

Qin Fei heard someone commanding in English through the thin sand.

"Fox~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take two people over there, Anderson, you take three people to outflank the right side of the village, and use recoilless guns to block the right intersection of the village..."

As soon as the order was given, the people around seemed to disperse, the footsteps gradually weakened, and finally they could not be heard.

Qin Fei was planning to get up. At this time, his hands were crossed on his abdomen, he was holding a Glock 17 pistol, and his left hand was covering the right hand holding the gun to block the dust so as not to fall into the gun and barrel of the pistol. It causes jamming or blasting.

Just about to get up, suddenly, there was a rustle on the edge of the pit twice.

Qin Fei's whole body froze immediately, his neck that had been slightly lifted stubbornly supported him and did not dare to move.

Then he heard the sound of running water.


After a while, he held up his hands with a moist feeling, and then a strong smell came into his nose.

Someone seemed to be in high spirits, whistling, it was an unknown piece of music.


Someone peeed on the side of the pit toward where he was lying!

Qin Fei could only bear it. He didn't know how many enemies were around him. If there were too many people, he would definitely lag behind when he got up from the pit. If he couldn't get the opponent out at once, there would be risks.

Sweat had already soaked Qin Fei's underwear. It didn't take long to pee, but it seemed like a century had passed.

Qin Fei suddenly felt a warm feeling in his hands, and then heard someone scream.

His mind exploded in an instant, and Qin Fei suddenly realized that he had been discovered!


Surprisingly, he was exposed to a pee!

What a shame!

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