Absolute Honor

Chapter 662: Sneak attacker

It was too late to think about it. The urine dripping on his hand told Qin Fei that the thin layer of sand covering his body was splashed away by this guy with a pee. It is estimated that this guy also saw it in his own beach. A human hand suddenly appeared in the urine, so he exclaimed in a low voice.

It's just that he didn't realize that this was not a corpse, but a living person.

Qin Fei jumped out of the sand abruptly, his whole body was covered with yellow and orange, the effect looked like a corpse in the desert, and the guy who was peeing at him suddenly screamed, and the zipper was too late to pull. , Actually sat down on the ground.

Qin Fei shot him in the head, headshot him directly.

Lao Yu and Eric also drilled out the sand at the same time, and their muzzles were facing both sides of Qin Fei, protecting his wings.

By the mound two meters away, a sniper appeared in sight with a German MSG90, and Eric shot him down with a short shot.

Qin Fei realized that one of them was an observer and the other was a sniper. When the others pressed on to pursue the Jiaolong squad, the two chose the mound that Qin Fei and the others used to hide as a concealment. Objects, constructed a sniper position.

The mound is still four to five hundred meters away from the broken house in the village, which is relatively safe. The observation hand held a pee and ran over here to solve the physiological problem, but it happened to be on Qin Fei's body.

A total of four shots were fired, killing the two of them. The three of them lie down in the sandpit and observe for a while, for fear that the person who has run to the front will find that they have been outflanked behind them.

The situation is better than expected.

The Jiaolong squad drove into the village, and the two sides had already exchanged fire, so amid the intense gunfire, no one paid attention to the short shots coming from behind.

After killing the two, Qin Fei whispered to Eric: "Eric, you use MGS90 to support you, and Lao Yu and I are responsible for touching them from behind and killing them."

Pressed the communication button again and told Kunchai in the channel: "Kunchai, you tell Jin Donghai that we have succeeded, let them stay where they are and wait for my order to start attacking."

"Good boss." Kunchai said.

Qin Fei asked again: "Is anyone injured?"

"The front sight was hit by a ricochet and he was scolding his mother." After speaking, Kun guessed that he turned on the microphone and stretched it out in front of the cursing sight, so that Qin Fei could hear the guy's vulgar words.

"It's fine if you haven't died." Qin Fei finished speaking, turned his head and lay on the edge of the pit, picked up the telescope and looked into the distance.

"Damn!" Lao Yu looked at Qin Fei, wrinkled his nose and smiled: "You smell like fished from a urine pit."

Qin Fei lowered his head and looked at himself. The combat vest on his abdomen and chest was covered with water stains, and there was a lot of sand sticking to it. It looked really embarrassed, and there was an indescribable smell all over his body.

"I had known that he was still found in the end, I should kill him sooner, I thought I could hide it, and then secretly get that guy done."

Eric couldn't help covering his mouth and grinning.

"It looks like there are more than a dozen people." Lao Yu pointed to the left side and said: "The terrain in the middle is open. Only four people are left among them, and the rest have all been outflanked on the left and right sides."

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "Eric, you are responsible for supporting us behind. Be careful. First, see if there is anyone behind us. Lao Yu and I are separated from each other and attacked them one by one from the left and right sides. Wait. We crossed the position of the four gunners in the middle, and you shoot and fix these guys. Be careful to choose as much as possible to kill when they shoot, and try to cover up our guns so that we can get closer to them a little longer."

"No problem." Raytheon couldn't help but said: "But you attack one side alone, do you have enough firepower?"

"It's okay. The sneak attack is taking advantage. When I really find me, I will notify the Dragon Team to start an attack. The two sides are frustrated, and they should be dealt with soon."

Having said that, Qin Fei and Lao Yu bent over, using the gravel piles on both sides to cover them, and slowly began to outflank the wings of the mercenaries in Hei Sun.

"Kun Guai, tell them that Lao Yu and I are now starting to outflank our wings. Seeing that their formation is in chaos, you can start a counterattack. Tell Crosshair and Jin Donghai to let the snipers take a closer look. Don't treat us both as enemy."


Kun guessed it, and quickly said: "Boss, I saw you in the telescope, your new camouflage uniform is so beautiful!"

Qin Fei's head was covered with black lines, and his heart flew past the black and crushing group of crows. Now he looked like a clay figure all over his body, but this was more similar to the color of the land here, and more concealed.

Hidden all the way and ran three hundred meters, the black sun mercenaries in front of them have been focused on the village, the two sides you come and I will not cut off the gun.

The Jiaolong squad occupies the advantage of the house. The only thing they have to worry about is being shelled by Gustav M4. Fortunately, there are more houses, so you can change a place with one shot.

Coupled with the sight and Leng Xuanmo two snipers, the gunner was snipe off as soon as he raised his head.

The two sides are temporarily stuck in a stalemate.

In terms of time, the mercenaries of the Black Sun organization have an absolute advantage. As long as they trap the Dragon Squad, once their own reinforcements arrive, they can definitely encircle and destroy the Dragon Squad with their superior strength and heavy firepower.

Because they are not in a hurry to launch a strong attack, just guard the exits of the village.

But they didn't know that death had slowly approached them from behind.

Near a pile of gravel about 100 meters away from the village, Qin Fei was lying on the ground like a lizard. He was in charge of attacking the right side, and the right-wing mercenaries were squeezing into a dirt ditch at the right exit of the village.

However, Qin Fei can only stop his progress now, and the line of defense established by the Black Sun mercenaries on the front of the village is level with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you run further, you will pass them, and it is easy to become a living target. .

"Eric, kill the four mercenaries on the front of the village building."

"Okay!" Eric lay next to the mound and looked through the sight of the MSG90. The entire body of the four black sun mercenaries lying behind a few piles of rocks was completely exposed under his muzzle.

MSG90 is a sniper rifle similar to MK11MOD0, developed from the German PSG-1 sniper rifle. It is also a semi-automatic sniper rifle. It also has a capacity of 20 rounds. It has terrible firepower and extremely high accuracy.


Eric pulled the trigger, and Qin Fei, who was on the right, was lying behind the gravel. He saw the head of a Black Sun mercenary on the front line exploded with blood plasma, and he didn't move anymore when he fell apart.

The gun was detained when the opponent fired, so the sound of the gun concealed the voice of the MSG90. The three mercenaries nearby obviously did not realize that their companion had belched.


The second shot was fired, and a mercenary was killed.

But this time, the people next to him became alert and turned his head to see that his accomplice had actually hung up. A mercenary looked in the direction of the village in surprise, as if he felt that he would not be shot by the opponent's sniper in such a place. .

Looking at the brain and blood splashed by his comrades when they fell to the ground, he seemed to understand something. He turned his head abruptly, looked towards the road, and pressed his hand on the position of the earphone at the same time.

Qin Fei's heart trembled suddenly. He wanted to inform everyone that he had been attacked behind his back!

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