Absolute Honor

Chapter 663: Enemy in the arms

Once the black sun mercenaries on the left and right were notified, the consequences were self-evident.

Although the Black Sun mercenaries responsible for the blockade of the two wings stood up to less than ten people, if these experienced veterans resisted and defended their defenses, the X mercenary group and the dragon squad might have to pay a certain price to win these. people.

What's more, the advantage of time is in the hands of others, and if it is delayed for a minute, it will be disadvantageous to Qin Fei and others.

Injury or even death is unacceptable to Qin Fei.

What he wants is to take everyone out completely and away from this **** country.

Qin Fei could only raise his gun and shoot down the mercenary who planned to notify his accomplices of the rear changes.

That poor guy never thought that there was still ambushing on his right side a mud and sand opponent who looked like a mummy just dug out.

Almost at the same time Qin Fei shot, the old fish on the left also knocked down another mercenary.

The complete tacit cooperation is simply perfect!

"Old fish, well done!" He couldn't help but praised on the channel.

What is tactical awareness?

This is the tactical awareness. The biggest difference between special forces and ordinary soldiers is not only in the use and adoption of weapons, but in fact, the physical training and even weapon training of many awesome front-line army troops are equally crazy.

The biggest difference between special forces and ordinary soldiers lies in their tactical awareness. They can calmly judge the situation under any circumstances, do not panic, do not follow blindly, and make the most correct choice.

Joining is not the old fish shooting, Qin Fei can only shoot one person, and the other person may hide, and then notify his accomplices.

"It seems that we are trained by the same unit. The tactical ideas are completely the same." The old fish smiled on the channel, his tone seemed calm and normal, in fact, he was very proud of it.

Although he was regarded as an old senior in front of Qin Fei, he was just a terrifying young man. He said he was over forty years old, and the sunset was infinitely good, but it was near dusk when he saw Qin Fei who was as fierce as a little tiger. I am old, really old.

Qin Fei's admiration is not only his respect for an veteran, but also an affirmation of his own military qualities.

A soldier, whether in service or retired, is always something to be proud of when others praise his military literacy.

"Keep on **** them!" The old fish finished speaking and disappeared behind the gravel mound in the distance.

Qin Fei slowly crawled in a low posture, crawling into the dirt ditch like a snake. Along this dirt ditch, he can quickly reach the exit on the right side of the village, where the black sun mercenaries set up defense lines to block the dragon team. .

This trench was dug by people in the village. The rainfall in this country is extremely low. It may be used for irrigation, or it may be because of the low terrain of the village and the surrounding mountains. A place where water is stored is used uniformly.

The ditch was dug against the mountain, so it was not a straight line, it was curved in an irregular shape, and Qin Fei hit a black shadow head-on at a corner.

The dark shadow was obviously also in a hurry, and he and Qin Fei ran head-on.

Because Qin Fei rushed to the entrance of the village on the right, Qin Fei ran fast, and the other side was fast, and the two sides almost ran into each other.

This time the impact caused both sides to retreat a few steps.

When everyone saw each other, they almost jumped out of their hearts.


The same thoughts flashed through the two people's minds at the same time.

This black sun mercenary was actually one of the team on the right. They found that something was wrong around because the snipers could not call, and the team of four people responsible for the frontal fire blockade seemed to be missing.

The leader in charge of the right line of defense sent him back to see what went wrong.

Unexpectedly, when he ran wildly along the dirt ditch towards the road, he actually hit Qin Fei who was running towards them on the halfway!

Qin Fei picked up the gun, and before he pulled the trigger, the opponent saw that the situation was not good, and he looked like a wild cat flexibly. He turned sideways behind the corner of the dirt ditch.


He heard the faint sound of a reed spring.

The scalp on his head suddenly numb, and the other party found that he was not raising his gun as fast as Qin Fei, and after hiding decisively, he threw a grenade at Qin Fei's place.

Once the grenade fell in the narrow dirt ditch, it was enough for Qin Fei to drink a pot when it exploded.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Fei could only bite the bullet and rush forward. He didn't know if the opponent had a gun in his hand, so he could only stop him from drawing a gun while throwing a grenade!

When he rushed forward to the corner, a grenade flew over his head and landed where he had just been.

Qin Fei rushed across the corner like an arrow, and the Hei Sun mercenary looked at him in horror. The metal ring of the safety latch was still hung on the finger of his left hand, and his right hand was about to lift the gun.



The first three shots were short shots fired by the HK416 in Qin Fei's hand, and the last shot was a bullet fired from the Beretta pistol in the opponent's hand.

Seeing Qin Fei rushing forward, the opponent gave up holding up the longer automatic rifle and chose to directly pull out the pistol from the pistol holster on his chest and fired a shot at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei felt black in front of him and a pain in his chest.

Then, there was an explosion behind him.


A wave of air pushed him down, and he fell directly into his mouth and chewed on the mud~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His head seemed to be hit hard, and he almost fainted.

Seeing a cloud of dust rising in the dirt ditch, Eric in the distance was startled and called Qin Fei frantically on the channel.

"Boss! What's wrong with you!? Boss! Are you okay?!"

Gunshots also sounded from Lao Yu, apparently smashed everywhere.

Eric gritted his teeth and immediately informed Kunchai: "Counterattack now! Counterattack now! The boss seems to be in trouble!"

The defense line of the Black Sun mercenaries has been completely disrupted. They are now completely caught between the Dragon Squad and Qin Fei and others. This is the most feared situation in combat.

Someone turned around and wanted to evacuate to the mountain on the right. As soon as he climbed out of the ditch, Eric shot and fell. The corpse rolled down the **** and fell into the ditch.

The special forces of Jin Donghai and Jiaolong squadron began to counterattack. Kunchai and others cooperated and soon broke through the right-wing defense line and killed the remaining two Black Sun mercenaries.

"Go help the old fish! He is on the left!" Eric, who was the farthest from the battlefield, had to start to bear the battlefield dispatch that Qin Fei was supposed to be responsible for.

"Jin Donghai! You take your people to help Lao Yu, I'll see my boss!"

Kunchai yelled at Jin Donghai and ran into the dirt ditch by himself. In his heart, Qin Fei's safety is more important than anyone else.

Qin Fei climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and vaguely heard the call in the headset.

With a blur in front of his eyes, he rolled over, spit out the sand in his mouth, and then looked up to look around.

In his sight, he saw a Beretta 92F pistol, slowly raising it, aiming towards him...

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