Absolute Honor

Chapter 664: Cruel game

Qin Fei tried hard to support his body, he must immediately counterattack, otherwise the other party's gun fired a shot in his head, and the gods would not be able to save him.

Fortunately, the Black Sun mercenary who was hit at close range was already at the end of the crossbow. The Beretta pistol seemed to be heavy in his hand, and his wrists were trembling under pressure.

The impact caused by the air wave made Qin Fei fall apart.

The Black Sun mercenary on the opposite side was shot three shots at close range by himself, and he happened to be standing on the side where the grenade exploded. Although the turning position of the dirt ditch blocked part of the shock wave, part of it was still acting on Qin Fei.

The saddest thing is that Qin Fei is equivalent to a living shield, blocking all the remaining shock waves for the guy on the opposite side.


As soon as Qin Fei supported half of his body, the Beretta pistol rang.

A bullet almost wiped Qin Fei's helmet and flew past, hitting the mud.

Qin Fei was startled in a cold sweat. He swayed and used all his strength, but the dizziness made him unable to hold his center of gravity. His foot slipped and fell to the other end of the ditch.

Seeing a missed shot, the black sun mercenary on the opposite side stubbornly continued to raise the pistol.

The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and the creek ticked down.

The distance is too close. The initial velocity of HK416 of 882 meters per second and the 5.56X45MM NATO bomb smashed the enamel baffle in the body armor. Two of them broke his ribs, and the last one directly penetrated the dirt in his abdominal cavity. The organs caused a lot of bleeding.

But after all, they are trained professional soldiers. Even in this near-death situation, the Black Sun mercenaries still want to kill Qin Fei.

He knew that he was bound to die, but he had to drag Qin Fei to the bottom of his body.

Qin Fei sat on the ground in a daze, with his back leaning against the wall of the dirt ditch, and the soil that had fallen from the ditch was dripping from the helmet, and he found that his HK416 had no idea where it was blown up.

Subconsciously, Qin Fei stretched out his hand to pull out Glock 17 from his thigh.

The shooting action that can be completed by the gun in less than 0.3 seconds, has become extremely difficult at this moment.

It took a lot of effort before Qin Fei pulled out his pistol.

The hand was shaking, Qin Fei's eyes saw the other party's pistol gradually pointing towards him, but his body was out of control.

The soul is like being blown up, and the brain is in a state of crash, unable to direct the nerves in every part of the body.



The two shot at almost the same time.

Qin Fei felt that he had been hit by a hammer directly on his chest. He was wearing a simple interceptor body armor. The protective cover of the crotch had been removed, but his chest was still very resistant to shooting.

You know, this is the standard body armor of the U.S. Special Forces. There was once a member of the team who was able to shoot the enemy with a pistol with 29 rounds of AK bullets in his body.

It can be said that the 9MM bullet of the pistol is difficult to penetrate the interceptor.

Qin Fei quickly discovered that the other party was the same.


Also an interceptor!



The two shot at each other again.

This time, Qin Fei was slammed against the wall again, and the other party also trembled and vomited blood.

Half a catty, kill a thousand enemies and hurt yourself eight hundred.

No one got any benefit.

Everyone knows that the body armor of the opponent is not pierced, and they want to shoot the opponent's head, but when both sides are in the worst condition, it is good to be able to raise the gun.

The body is the largest area of ​​impact and the place where it is most likely to be shot.

Now let's see who falls first, who is more resistant to creation than who!

Qin Fei felt that now he was caught in a funny and cruel game of life, just like playing Russian roulette with a revolver.

Both of them moved very slowly, like sloths, but they didn't move an inch, they seemed to be one step closer to death.



Both men fired a third shot at the same time.

Qin Fei was desperate in his heart, and the other party seemed even worse. Every time Qin Fei was shot, he would spit blood. Qin Fei prayed for this guy to die quickly. Damn, living is not just a torture to himself. A torture to himself.

Both sides are in a deadlock, no one can get out, only shoot each other to death unknown.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot from HK416 nearby. The black sun mercenary's head was slammed to one side, spouting a mass of flesh and blood, and half of his head was gone.

This guy's feet stretched like a frog on the test bench and charged his spine with a battery. Then his whole body softened, and he finally saw God.

Qin Fei lifted his head and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Kunchai standing next to the dirt ditch.

The crisis is finally resolved.

"I...fuck..." Qin Fei gathered a sigh of relief without any difficulty, before uttering two words, feeling dizzy and spitting out yellow gall to the side.

"Help me...untie...the body armor..."

He pointed to his body armor, which seemed so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Kunchai jumped into the ditch, rushed to Qin Fei and squatted down, hurriedly pulling away the Velcro and the like for Qin Fei.

Seeing bullet holes all over the interceptor's body armor, Kun guess was dumbfounded, and hurriedly asked, "Boss, are you okay?"

"Don't hurry up..." Qin Fei flipped through the white smoke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took a hard breath, "I'm really going to be okay..."

Taking off the body armor, Qin Fei felt pain everywhere in his chest.

Kunchai carefully checked and found no blood stains on Qin Fei's body. He gently lifted Qin Fei and looked at his back. There were no bullet holes, and a heart finally fell to the ground.

"Boss, you can't die."

After he finished speaking, he gently pressed Qin Fei's ribs with his hand, and Qin Fei's face turned blue, and he took a breath of air, and cursed, "It hurts me to death, fuck!"

"Boss, your ribs may be cracked." Kunchai couldn't help but laughed twice, "but people must be fine."

Soon, Lao Yu, Thunder God and others all came over, and they were shocked to see Qin Fei's embarrassment.

Qin Fei is now even more ugly than a maggot in a dungpit. There is mud all over his body and a little vomit on his chest. He lay on the ground and gasped for breath. He didn't even bother to say hello when he saw no one open his mouth.

"Head!" Raytheon picked up the tattered body armor on the ground and looked at the bullet holes on it and said: "It's okay, only four shots. The last time I was shot by Simon in a magazine! It hurts for half a month, nothing else ."

"I knew you were okay, your fate is hard, don't believe me count your horoscopes tonight." Lao Yu held his gun, checked the ammunition, and opened the gun to check the barrel, and said: "Now The quality of the body armor is really good. When I return to the offer, I have to send money to my wife to let her see which body armor company is listed. I must buy some. With such a good quality, it will definitely appreciate in value."

Seeing a bunch of teammates who made fun of each other, Qin Fei almost fainted without letting it through.

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