Absolute Honor

Chapter 665: Unable to get rid of the chase

Qin Fei sat on the ground for a few minutes, and the sight came from a distance, carrying a radio station in his hand, and walking to Qin Fei with a communication headset system in his hand.

"Boss, we have to go quickly." The sight put the radio and headphones on the ground: "Those guys are only thirty kilometers away from us."

"What?" Qin Fei rested for a while, his head no longer dizzy, but his body was still very painful, he got up from the ground with his hands on the ground and moved his muscles and bones.

Fortunately, if you don't press **** the intercostal position, it won't hurt too much.

"I found one of their communication stations from the dead, and heard their conversation in the headset. These **** are a lot of people and are coming towards us."

"Then let's quickly collect ammunition, and take away everything we can! I don't know what else will happen. The most important thing now is to find a safe way to leave here." Qin Fei turned his head and said to Ibrahim: " Hey! Ibrahim, is there any other route that is fast and safe? I have two wounded people who must be sent away."

After speaking, he turned to look at Liu Hai: "Where is your evacuation point?"

Liu Hai said: "On the beach 30 kilometers south of Hodeida Port, I can provide coordinates here."

"I have a route here..."

Before Ibrahim had finished speaking, the front sight interrupted him and said: "Don't plan the route, we can't run away."

Liu Hai suddenly sighed.

Qin Fei noticed the change in the look on Liu Hai's face, and asked the sight, "What's the matter?"

The sight took out something from the tactical bag, walked to Qin Fei, opened it, and stretched it out in front of him: "Boss, look at it."

What Qin Fei took over the front sight was actually a military PAD. This small gadget like a handheld computer is generally part of the special operations equipment system. Most of it is used to receive instructions, view positioning data, and track. Wait, Qin Fei had used it in Unit 203 before.

The screen seems to be an overhead satellite map, and there seems to be a small red box in the middle.

Qin Fei zoomed in on the screen, the more it zoomed in, the more surprised he was, and finally he was stunned.

Seeing Qin Fei's dumbfounded expression, Lao Yu stepped forward and glanced at the screen. The picture on the PAD made him gasp.

"It's satellite surveillance!?"

Qin Fei nodded, raised his head and looked at the cloudless sky, and couldn't help cursing: "We are being stared at, and there is a spy satellite on his head tracking us."

The people of the X mercenary group were taken aback.

What is the sacred opponent who can use satellites?

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but gradually sink.

You know, being able to mobilize a spy satellite is not as simple as beckoning to stop a taxi on the street. The scanning frequency of general commercial satellites is low, and the number is also small.

If it is not in a certain orbit, the satellite cannot scan the image on the ground.

And compared with spy satellites, accuracy, resolution, etc. are several grades worse.

There are a huge number of spy satellites in low-Earth orbit, but these satellites are all countries in the world and can only be owned by powerful countries. Among all the countries on the earth, the country with the most complete satellite network system can be counted by a single palm.

The mercenaries of Hei Sun can mobilize these satellites, and think with their toes to know how huge and powerful forces are behind them.

Qin Fei saw the power of Hei Sun again.

"Can't you let our people follow them?" Qin Fei walked up to Liu Hai and whispered: "You can't let them stare at us but we can't do anything, so there is no difference between fighting a blind man and a normal person. ."

Liu Hai said: "We can mobilize satellites, but I want to know their exact targets. Satellites are not omnipotent. At least we have to find them at a certain approximate coordinate. We just knew that they are near us, so I let people track them. Now it’s scanning the area near us. It will take a while."

"I can't control that much. They are still dozens of kilometers away from us. If we run desperately, we may be able to reach the beach before they can catch us, and when we get on the boat, they can't help us."

Qin Fei waved his hand and said to Kun Guai: "Go, you drive and drive the truck out, we will withdraw right now!"

Everyone collected some 5.56 ammunition on the corpse. Fortunately, the other side used NATO ammunition of 5.56MM caliber, so the ammunition was common to each other.

After searching for ammunition, the car drove to the side of the road. The big guy hurriedly got into the car and ran towards the seaside under the guidance of Ibrahim.

After getting in the car, Qin Fei contacted Yuli who had been on the Dolphin on the channel.

"Yuri, what have you gained over there?"

Yuri said: "According to the communication frequency given to me by the front sight, I have searched their channel, but the channel they use is very encrypted, and I need time to crack it."

Qin Fei said: "I have a PAD that the front sight got on the dead. They set up a satellite channel to monitor our actions. Can you do something?"

"What to do?" Yuri said, "Of course, you also have a PAD. Let the crosshair link it to our PAD. I can read the data on their PAD~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I will It can be used to do an analysis to find out their channel or even which satellite it belongs to."

"What then?" Qin Fei asked, "I don't want you to analyze the data and do experiments. What I want is whether you can do something to them, such as destructive."

Yuri chuckled twice: "Of course, who am I? I'm the famous white ghost!"

He proudly boasted of himself, and then said: "Don't worry, I can use the back door I planted in the defense ministries of various countries to enter their military command system and cut off their satellite connections."

"Fuck me!" Qin Fei was really surprised. He didn't expect Yuri to be able to do such a thing. You must know that invading the command system of the Ministry of Defense of others is not an easy task.

"Are you sure you have buried a back door in the Ministry of Defense of the country to which the satellite belongs?"

Yuri said: "Generally speaking, top hackers usually do some boring things to prove their abilities. Just like your soldiers are going to participate in training, the way we train ourselves is to invade various servers. What's better than breaking into national defense. The firewall of the Ministry of the People’s Republic of China and then enter their server is more fulfilling? We usually bury a Trojan horse to wipe out our traces. This Trojan horse is equivalent to a hidden footprint, because we don’t know when we will use it again. For example, I want to steal some information and sell it..."

Qin Fei has a black line. In the real world, Yuri's combat effectiveness is absolutely at the level of the five scumbags. On the Internet, he is the king, the most awesome A!

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