Absolute Honor

Chapter 667: Lavra

"Kun guess!" Qin Fei was a little angry: "Didn't you check the fuel tank before you set off!?"

This is a battlefield procedure that an elite mercenary must understand. Before escaping, you must carefully check your escape tools, otherwise it is easy to fall into death.

"Boss, I really checked. When I set off, I looked at the fuel tank, and I can still run 400 kilometers!" Kunchai turned his head and cried out loudly while holding the steering wheel.

Hei Sun’s mercenary was twenty kilometers behind him, and it happened that there was no oil at this moment!

God is really making a big joke with Qin Fei!

If there is no oil, you can only refuel!

Qin Fei knocked on the iron sheet of the cab and asked loudly, "Ibrahim, you are familiar with this area, where can I refuel?"

"Damn it!" Ibrahim thought for a while, pointing to the front right. There is a small town called Lavra ten kilometers ahead. I used to refuel there when I was transporting things, but I have already I haven't run for a while, and I don't know if there is anyone in the gas business.

"Then go to Lavra Town immediately, we have no choice!"

Qin Fei can't manage that much anymore. If there is only a small town nearby, even if there is no diesel to add, you must go there and try your luck. Maybe you can find other means of transportation. If you don't have one, you can use the buildings there. Cling to.

This approach is at least much better than fighting in the suburbs with mercenaries who are several times stronger than themselves.

According to Ibrahim's guidance, Kunchai changed the route of the car and drove towards the small town of Lavra.

Back in the carriage, Liu Hai asked Qin Fei: "Is it out of gas?"

"Yeah." Qin Fei didn't intend to hide it from everyone. Everyone heard the conversation just now. "There is a small town ahead. Let's go there to try our luck."

Liu Hai looked at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Qin Fei, according to the instructions we received from the headquarters before, at around nine o'clock tonight, the 3rd squadron will dare to arrive. Our two destroyers in Jebuti have also set off. By then, they can use the shipboard. The helicopter came and took us away."

There are still six hours before nine o'clock, and Qin Fei can't estimate whether he can stick to that time.

The Black Sun mercenaries who are pursuing not only have Hummers, they must also be equipped with heavy weapons.

Only two Gustav M4s and 3 armor-piercing rounds picked up from the dead were the only ones who dealt with the Hummer on my own side. Everyone can only fight for their personal military qualities and tactics.

"Liu..." Qin Fei opened his mouth, but didn't know what to call Liu Hai.

Liu Hai immediately woke up and said: "You can just call me Staff Liu."

"Counsel Liu, I don’t worry about anything else. When we add up to the four members of the Jiaolong Detachment, there are more than ten people, including you. Although they are superior in strength and have armored vehicles, if we take them Introducing the town of Lavra, so that their Humvees can't perform their armor, maybe there is still a chance."

Using street fighting to entangle armored forces, this style of play is the best choice for infantry to deal with armored vehicles.

Otherwise, relying on light weapons such as automatic rifles and sniper rifles, people will be swept into meat sauce by the 12.7mm large-caliber machine gun on the roof of the Humvee before they get close.

"I agree with your idea, go to Lavra and make plans."

Among all the people, Ibrahim was the most flustered. He kept talking and complaining to himself why he was involved in such a mess for the exhaustion of these hundreds of thousands.

He originally thought it was just a very simple pick-up and drop-off task, and what he assumed was just a role similar to a driver and guide.

Unexpectedly, he was now engulfed in a fierce battle that did not belong to him.

Soon, a small town appeared in front of the car.

Unlike the previous big cities like Maitan, the small town here can almost be seen from above.

It is no different from other buildings in the Nomen Republic. They are all earthy-yellow floors, and the windows are painted with white lime paint. The style looks simple and hearty, but most of the buildings here are only three floors. It doesn't seem to be as big as Maitan's, and many of them have their own small yards, like a cluster of settlements.

On the dirt road entering the town, a dozen armed men wearing robes of various colors and walking on rotten shoes and holding AK47s suddenly appeared behind the surrounding soil bags.

They unanimously pointed their guns at the Ural truck, shouting with the local eaves.

Everyone in the car immediately entered a fighting state, and the muzzle extended from the baffle of the car. Among them, Qin Fei and Lao Yu jumped out of the car and hid behind the tires.

Once the fight begins, these dozen or so militants can still handle it.

Qin Fei has this self-confidence. What he worries most is Kun guessing in the cab.

"Guess, if you see something wrong, lie down on the seat as soon as possible, the lower the better, I will come to rescue you!"

"I see, boss..." Kunchai couldn't help but vomit: "Why are we so unlucky... Damn, we just came to cheer..."

Ibrahim opened the door and jumped out of the car, raised his hands and said something loudly as he walked.

Qin Fei stared at Ibrahim's every move, once the people around him had the intention to kill him, Qin Fei would not hesitate to smash the opponent's head.

The matter did not develop in a vicious way. Ibrahim's communication seemed to have quickly achieved results, and the other party all lowered their guns.

"Qin, it's okay, they are just local tribal armed forces, they are just protecting their own town."

Qin Fei asked, "Is there any oil?"

Ibrahim smiled with joy: "There are some! They have diesel!"

All the militants stepped aside and pushed all the way to both sides of the road.

The car drove slowly towards the town, Qin Fei and Lao Yu followed Ibrahim on foot.

"Ibrahim, are these people reliable?"

"Reliable, how unreliable, they are just tribal armed forces, and their positions are vacillating. Both the government and youth army want to win over them, but they look at their interests and whoever suits the interests better." Ibrahim spread his hands: " There are hundreds of tribes in this country, most of which have their own armed forces. Because of this, it is difficult for this country to achieve true peace."

After that, he turned his head and pointed his finger towards Qin Fei: "Later, you have to give one thousand dollars. This is gas money."

One thousand dollars?

Qin Fei didn't even think about it. Compared with the lives in the car, a thousand dollars is a fart!

"Okay, I promise, and I'll pay it right away if I fill up the gas."

The car finally stopped by a small yard under the guidance of local militants. The armed leader who led the way screamed towards the house. Several youths pushed a trolley out of the yard. On the trolley was a big yard. drum.

Qin Fei estimated that there was diesel in there.

"Guess Kun, where is the car leaking oil, can you still refuel?"

The hood of the Ural truck was lifted, Kunchai crouched next to the engine, and the two of them carefully searched for a moment.

"Boss..." Kun Guai's head oozes from behind the hood, his face is not pretty.

Qin Fei's heart immediately hung up. Kun guessed he was a guy who couldn't hide much in his heart. Once his face was bad, it meant that the situation was not good.

"The tubing is worn..." Kunchai said, "We don't have time to fix it..."

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