Absolute Honor

Chapter 668: Anxious

Qin Fei walked to the hood of the Ural truck and looked at the engine with a probe, and saw that the entire engine cover was covered with oil stains and it was dripping wet.

"what happened:?"

"The tubing was broken. Maybe I was hit when I drove into the village before." He pointed to a few bullet holes in the hood: "Maybe it was just a scratch at the time. Later, the car bumped on the road and passed through. ."

Kunchai said while pointing at one of the copper pipes.

Qin Fei took a closer look, and there was a small hole on it. Although it didn't look very big, when the engine started, the oil pipe was under high pressure, and the oil would spray out like a fountain.

This kind of malfunction is extremely hidden, no wonder Kun Guai didn't find it during the previous inspection. ,

"Can you solder it back?"

"Technically, of course." Kunchai said: "The problem is that we don't have time, and we don't know where this kind of bird doesn't **** and we are hungry for a close friend copper welder."

Liu Hai walked to Qin Fei, his face solemnly said: "Qin Fei, time is running out."

While talking, handing up the PAD in his hand, on the satellite screen, the Hummer team was still racing towards Lavra Town. Obviously, like Liu Hai, these people have satellite monitoring in their hands and they are in control of their whereabouts.

"How long will I be here?" Qin Fei asked.

Liu Hai said: "Now it is only ten kilometers away. I estimate that at their speed, it will take about ten minutes to arrive at most."

A layer of cold sweat oozes from Qin Fei's forehead.

"Or, let's organize defenses here for six hours..." Kunchai said: "They are only more than 30 people, we are more than 10, and we have the advantage in terrain."

"But the wounded can't wait." Qin Fei glanced at the carriage, and the two seriously wounded were now in a coma.

This is really a difficult question to choose.

Qin Fei knows that Kun Guai is right. If he stays on hold for assistance, the thundering squad will arrive here in six hours, that is, the hotel at night. They will definitely use helicopters. Once they have air support, they can handle the dozens. A black sun mercenary is not difficult.

Only in this way, the two wounded were almost equally sentenced to death.

In such a broken town, of course, there will not be any regular good hospitals that can provide medical treatment, and the hot weather may cause wounds to become diseased at any time.

"Qin Fei!" Old Yu ran over excitedly, "I found a new car."

"New car!?" Qin Fei's eyes lit up and he almost slapped himself.

This is a small town, since there are diesel and gasoline, of course there will be cars.

"It's a pickup truck." Old Yu said, "I just considered that we didn't have time to repair the car, so I hurried to find their leader with Ibrahim and told them that we wanted to buy a car and paid a high price. Promise to sell us a pickup truck for five thousand dollars."

"Lao Yu! I love you to death! You are really a savior!" Qin Fei hugged Lao Yu and laughed loudly: "I am a pig. Why didn't I expect a car to buy here?! "

Generally in places like the Middle East, pickup trucks are the most popular, and most of them are Japanese cars. There are also brands such as the Z Great Wall.

Although the pickup truck is not as heavy as the Ural truck, it is not badly maneuverable. You can still sit on it with a squeeze.

"Where's the car!?" Qin Fei asked.

The old fish pointed behind him, "Ibrahim followed them to get the car, and I paid the money."

"That's good!" Qin Fei was overjoyed, what is five thousand dollars, at this time, ten thousand dollars will be bought!

With the roar of the engine, everyone's eyes surrendered behind Old Yu.

At the end of the alley behind him, a pickup truck appeared.

Well, it really is a pickup.

When everyone's eyes fell on the car, it dimmed in an instant.

If this clanging and rusty thing can also call a car, then it must be the ones in the scrap factory that have been exposed to the sun and rain for several years and will be crushed into scrap iron.

"My grass--"

The old fish's face became very ugly, and he shouted at Ibrahim: "Can you call a car!? How can you fool me?"

Ibrahim looked helpless: "Do you think this is Europe? This is Yemen. It's good to have a car like this in this kind of place."

Lao Yu came to the car and circled around the thing.

Kunchai jumped into the car, stepped on the neutral gear and stepped on a kick. The exhaust pipe behind the car sprayed out a puff of black smoke, almost choking the old fish to death.

"Cough cough cough--"

Lao Yu coughed and ran to the front of the car: "Ibrahim, would you ask him if he has the best car!? What I want is a car that can run! It doesn't seem to be a few kilometers away. To fall apart, do you think five thousand dollars is toilet paper!?"

"No way, this is their best car." Ibrahim said: "You don't want it, I can tell them to give you the money."

Kun Guai stretched his head out of the cab and said to Qin Fei: "Boss, this car can drive or drive, but the engine sound is a little loose, it is probably aging, it must be boring, and it can't run fast."

Qin Fei raised his hand and looked at his watch. There were only five minutes left.

He looked up at the sky, the sky was clear, and the **** spy satellite hidden in orbit was staring at him.

This is the horror of technology. In the face of modern technology, the naked squad is simply the meat on the cutting board.

"Counsel Liu, I have an idea, I don't know if you agree or not."

Liu Hai frowned slightly and said, "You said."

"In this situation, it is impossible to have the best of both worlds. If this car is planted with more than a dozen of us, I am afraid it will be the same as no car ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Hummer team in the black sun may soon catch up with us."

"What do you mean..." Liu Hai's eyes showed admiration: "You want the wounded and Abu to go first, and then we can stay and fight without being injured?"

"Blocking is necessary. If the problem is blocking, we can't stop them. They have a total of six vehicles. They found that we can divide our troops to block, and send people to continue chasing. Then we can't block others with two legs. Hei Sun's employment The soldiers are retired veterans, not pigs."

"Then what do you think?" Liu Hai asked.

Qin Fei turned his head and asked Kun guess: "Is the Ural truck refueled?"

Kun Guai nodded: "It's done."

"If you seal the oil pipe with tape, how far can the car go?"

Kun guessed for a while: "It is impossible to completely seal off the oil leak, because once the engine starts, the pressure in the oil pipe is very high, even if the sticky tape can't stand it for long, the oil will still leak."

Qin Fei violently interrupted Kun Guai: "I only ask you, how long can I hold on?"

"About fifty kilometers, with full fuel, you can probably only run that far, maybe even worse..." Kunchai said.

Qin Fei raised his head and sighed, "It's not our turn to choose."

After sighing, Qin Fei retracted his gaze and turned to Jin Donghai, "Donghai, all of your team will stay without injury, and Lao Yu and I will cooperate with you."

Turned around and looked at Liu Hai: "Counselor Liu, can you trust me and my men?"

Liu Hai hummed, "I believe that it is not my turn to not believe the people who come out of Troop 203."

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