Absolute Honor

Chapter 670: Satellite delay

"Leng Xuan silently, follow me!"

Qin Fei threw the HK416 assault rifle on his back, picked up a Gustav M4 and started rushing towards the hillside, while Lao Yu handed the Gustav M4 to Jin Donghai.

"Boy, use it?"

As the old fish saw that there must be a gap between Jin Donghai and Qin Fei along the way, he and Qin Fei were friends of life and death. Qin Fei didn't like Jin Donghai very much, and he certainly wouldn't like it.

Although Jin Donghai was a captain of the Navy Special Forces anyway, Lao Yu didn't take it seriously.

You know, the veterans who stepped down from the southern Xinjiang battlefield, Lao Yu, and the leaders of Unit 203, Lin Zhonghu and Wei Tiansheng, belong to the same generation. According to the army’s practice, Jin Donghai must call him the veteran squad leader even if he is a colonel. .

"Of course I understand!" Jin Donghai replied with an annoyed voice.

He knew that people like Lao Yu were not ordinary mercenaries. They were old fritters that had been the most powerful special forces soldiers in China and the most powerful mercenaries abroad. In the eyes.

"You go over there, ours." The old fish pointed to the two hillsides, turned and watched the Minimi M249 dashing away with Qin Fei.

"Xiao Leng, follow me." Jin Donghai threw the SCAR automatic rifle on him, and Leng Xuan silently held the XY-7 sniper rifle and followed closely. A pile of broken stones fell on their faces.

On the hillside on the right, Lao Yu set up a machine gun next to Qin Fei, and couldn't help but ask Qin Fei: "Aren't there satellites following us? By doing this, they won't be able to take precautions?"

After all, Lao Yu retired early and worked as a mercenary in Africa for too long. Although his tactical awareness and battlefield experience are much richer than Qin Fei’s, when it comes to the use of cutting-edge military technology, there is no such thing as Qin Fei’s higher education and experience. Soldiers in the 203 army modernized military intensive training are better.

"Old fish, real-time satellite monitoring is delayed." Qin Fei checked the sights of the Gustav M4, calibrated the distance, and set the shooting distance to about 300 meters.

"What do you mean?" Lao Yu asked puzzledly.

Qin Fei pointed to the sky and said: "Any communication has delays, more or less problems. Spy satellites operate in low-Earth orbit and transmit the captured images back to the ground. They first pass through the receiving site and then send to theirs. The command system is then transmitted to the personal handheld terminal-that is, the individual military PAD. This takes time. If I didn’t estimate the error, their real-time monitoring screen was delayed for about five minutes. Just now, Liu Hai and I were reduced It took five minutes to calculate the distance between us."

The old fish seemed to understand and couldn't help but smile: "Are you playing time difference?"

He suddenly realized that there was a reason why Qin Fei wanted Liu Hai to enter the three kilometers range of the chasing convoy of the hired guest in Black Sun before reminding him.

Because the average speed of the Hummer fleet driven by the Black Sun mercenaries is more than 60 kilometers per hour, which means that the distance traveled by the fleet is one kilometer per minute. Within five minutes, their car can travel at least five kilometers.

The gap of three kilometers can be caught up in less than four minutes.

In other words, in less than five minutes, looking at the dirt road ahead on this hillside, you can definitely see the black sun mercenary convoy biting behind the car body.

Although the people in Hei Sun have surveillance images to observe the whereabouts of Qin Fei and others, they only saw satellite images five minutes ago. By the time they found Qin Fei and others had stopped, the convoy had already reached the ambush position. Everything will be too late.

This is the time difference Qin Fei used.

All technological products have their own deficiencies that cannot be remedied. The advanced military technology in many places is not as advanced as that of a big country like Eagle Sauce. Therefore, the rabbits here are very serious about how to win high-tech wars under existing conditions. The place is here.

"Yes, what I want is the time difference between beating them." Qin Fei raised his hand and looked at his watch, staring at the beating value.

"Jin Donghai, once I fire, you also fire. How do you do it? I don't think you need to discuss it anymore, right?" Qin Fei switched the channel and switched to the channel of the Jiaolong squad. .

In order to facilitate cooperation between battles, Qin Fei took the earphone terminals from the two seriously injured Jiaolong team members over to him and the old fish, and could contact all members of the X mercenary group and the Jiaolong team by switching channels.

"I know." Jin Donghai ridiculed Qin Fei as he agreed, "Huh! Do you think I am an idiot? Qin Fei, don't think you know everything, everyone else is an idiot!"

"Fuck--" Qin Fei let go of the call button and cursed in a low voice.

When is this, Jin Donghai is good to others, and when he meets himself, he is like a cat with a blown hair.

Qin Fei didn't understand that he and Jin Donghai belonged to the same compound. Although they had fought a few fights when they were young and grown up, the relationship was not good, but the relationship was not so bad.

Damn, you must ask him carefully when you go back.

"He seems to have a big opinion of you." Hearing the conversation on the channel, Lao Yu couldn't help but said: "The little captain of the Dragon Division looks very arrogant, do you have hatred?"

"The ghost knows!" Qin Fei said dejectedly: "I came out of the same compound with him. It is not an exaggeration to say that we were young. This guy has been staring since my dad's accident ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I, like a mad dog, I went with him to the 203 army to participate in the training. He and I were one of the last few people. I don't know why I went to the navy now."

"I lost the election!" Lao Yu smiled, "Is there any other reason. Troop 203 has to stay here early. If it doesn't work, we will return to the original troop."

"He was from the Special Forces of the Air Force, from the Thor Brigade." Qin Fei said.

"Oh? The 15th Army?" The old fish knew the special forces very well.

Qin Fei nodded: "That's right."

After speaking, he suddenly said anxiously: "Damn, why haven't you shown up yet?"

On the dirt road in the distance, the evening sun produced a gust of heat on the ground, which looked like a transparent steam.

Everything was quiet, without seeing the convoy.

Qin Fei couldn't help becoming nervous.

After all, the loophole of the so-called delay of real-time images of spy satellites has only been learned in theory. As for the actual situation, I don't know at all.

If the speed of the opponent's team suddenly drops, the entire plan will be aborted.

On the military electronic watch, the time camp jumped to three minutes and fifty seconds, and there was more than one minute. The image of parking and getting out of the car in ambush just now would be transmitted to the opponent's PAD.

In terms of military strength and firepower, one's own side is at a disadvantage. Once the blockade plan is exposed, the other side will take measures to counteract it, which will make the entire team completely passive.

What's more, the Ural truck was still leaking oil, and there was no delay for a minute, which was not a good thing for the entire decoy squad.

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