Absolute Honor

Chapter 671: check

At dusk, the ground was exposed to the sun for a day, and the heat was evaporating.

Qin Fei seemed to be placed in an oven at this moment, and every second was a torture.


The old fish pointed to the distance and exclaimed happily.

At the corner of the distant hillside, a Hummer drove out quickly, rolling up yellow sand in the sky.

"Donghai! Get ready. I will fire at a distance of 300 meters. With the two guns, I will hit the first one, and you will hit the last one."

"Received!" Jin Donghai's response came from the headset.

Qin Fei inspected the Gustav M4 recoilless gun that had been loaded for the last time, and placed it gently on his hand. It was not too heavy, and the distance of 300 meters was within the best range.

It's hard to hit too far, and it's hard to get out if you hit too close.

300 meters, not far or near, just right.

What we have to do now is to wait for the convoy to enter the blocking range, and then blast off his leader.

Raising the binoculars, Qin Fei could even see the driver wearing a mud-yellow cap in the first car of the convoy in the distance.

"Get your energy up, the show is about to open." Qin Fei set the binoculars and carefully moved to the back of the Gustav M4 launcher.

Four hundred meters...

Three hundred and fifty meters...

The Hummer team suddenly stopped when it was about to enter the three hundred meters.

Then, the doors of several Hummers opened, and several black sun mercenaries jumped out of the car.

"They found us! Hurry up!"

After Qin Fei said, he picked up the Gustav M4 and stood up in a kneeling position from the ground.

The front sight in the sight quickly caught the first Hummer.


A cloud of white smoke exploded from the back of the horn pipe of the Gustav M4 recoilless gun, and a HEAT551 armor-piercing projectile emerged.

After more than a second, the first Hummer armored vehicle of the distant convoy turned into a ball of fire.

Several Black Sun mercenaries who had no time to escape were ignited by the flames and rolled to the side of the road screaming.

"Donghai, do it!"

With Qin Fei's burst of shout, a cloud of white smoke rose up on the opposite hillside.

The excellent low-flame design of the Gustav M4 recoilless gun makes it only produce a little white smoke instead of the huge tail flame similar to the RPG, which is easier to hide.

The last Hummer in the team quickly became a mass of scrap iron.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Black Sun mercenaries was really strong. Although they lost two cars and killed a few people, they did not panic at all.

The bullet quickly rained down towards Qin Fei.

"Leng Xuan silently, kill their commander."

Qin Fei lay on the ground and crawled to the side like a snake. He must rely on moving to change a safer position, otherwise he will only lose his life if he raises his head bravely.

A distance of 300 meters is not a distance that is too difficult to control in front of the opponent's advanced assault rifle.


On the opposite hillside, Leng Xuan, a sniper of the Dragon Squadron, fired his first shot silently.

A Black Sun mercenary squatting next to a Hummer tire fell to the ground, and a bullet directly penetrated his thigh, knocking him down on the front of the car like a broken sack.

Another mercenary got out of the car, grabbed the injured mercenary's tactical vest strap, and dragged the man back to a safe area for rescue.


The warhead of the XY-7 sniper rifle has almost no bullets within 800 meters, not to mention only 300 meters.

The black sun mercenary who saved the lives was shot in the abdominal cavity and screamed and lay beside his injured companion.

Qin Fei crawled behind a new pile of rocks and carefully extended the barrel of the gun.

At this moment, most of the black sun mercenaries on the convoy got out of the vehicle and got into the piles of rocks on both sides of the dirt road. After Qin Fei shot down one of the mercenaries, he found that the other side seemed to have very few troops on both sides of the road with the help of concealed objects. Fighting back, from the sound of gunshots, I didn't want a force of dozens of people at all.

At a distance of 300 meters, as long as the opponent does not die, and be careful to hide, it is basically difficult for both parties to do anything with each other.

"Old fish, something is wrong..."

As soon as Qin Fei's voice fell, he heard the sound of "chichichi--" in the air.

Of course, Qin Fei is not unfamiliar with this kind of voice.


Qin Fei shouted: "Find cover!"

After speaking, he immediately rolled over to a dirt ditch next to him.

As soon as he rolled in, he heard an explosion of "boom--", and then rubble and sand fell from the sky, crackling all on his helmet.

It can be heard from the explosion that the caliber of the mortar is not large, it should be a small caliber mortar, such as a mortar that can be operated by a single soldier such as a 60mm caliber mortar.

This is a good counterattack plan.

In terms of direct shooting distance, Qin Fei and others occupy high ground and are condescending, and there are already sniper control scenes like Leng Xuanmo, almost occupying the right time and place. Even if the black sun mercenaries are dominant in number, I am afraid that they would like to stand up and counterattack. not easy.

The mortar is the key to turning defeat into victory.

Hiding behind the pile of rocks, looking out with a periscope, coupled with satellite monitoring, they can easily discover the hiding place of Qin Fei and others.

The mortar is a curved artillery, which is the most suitable to deal with the enemy on the top of the mountain.




After the test firing, the mortar fired rapidly.

It seems that the experienced mercenaries of Hei Sun brought more than one mortar.

In a battle against these **** in the wilderness, Qin Fei knew that he would definitely not get any advantage.

"Let's withdraw! Don't pester them!"

"Qin Fei, some of them are starting to outflank us!" Lao Yu's M249 shot a long shot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly rolled back into the pit next to it.

The shell quickly landed where he was.

"These **** cannons are really accurate!" The old fish patted the dust off the helmet and cursed: "If you give me a mortar, I will let them know what mortar technology is!"

Qin Fei crawled out of the ditch, moved behind a new stone, and carefully observed it.

Sure enough, someone started to rush from the left and right sides, and the target was obviously the hillside where he and Jin Donghai's two teams were hiding.

On the dirt road, Qin Fei could no longer see the team.

Because someone threw a lot of smoke bombs, there was a lot of smoke billowing everywhere, you couldn't see the sights clearly, and you couldn't aim at all.

These are all the old foxes who have survived the battlefield. Now they are alert, and they may not be able to take advantage.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the smoke, followed by another loud noise.

Qin Fei faintly saw a ball of fire rolling to the side of the road, and then a Hummer roared out of the smoke area and galloped directly toward him.


Qin Fei carried Gustav M4 on his back and started running desperately down the hillside, "Old fish, go to the truck to meet, we are leaving, they are chasing us in a Hummer! Jin Donghai, run quickly! Don't fall in love! "

Both groups began to retreat, and no one dared to stay, even if one more second.

Now it is no longer possible to stop others. With mortars, Hummers and a group of experienced veterans, maybe the snipers of others are already in place. At this time, it is estimated that they will be blown up when they stretch their heads.

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