Absolute Honor

Chapter 673: Behind the fog

Qin Fei's aiming red dot had already trapped the opponent, and did not heed the old fish's warning and chose to hide.


In a short shot, two bullets came out of the box.

The machine gunner on the Hummer slammed a **** arrow around his neck. The man slid to the side, disappeared behind the armored baffle, and slid into the car.

Doing nothing and endlessly, Qin Fei will not give the opponent a chance to breathe, and directly pushes a grenade into the grenade launcher, hoisting a shot towards the position of the Hummer.

Although the grenade is not a big threat to a lightly armored Hummer, an explosion can make the opponent temporarily intimidated, and it takes only a few seconds to be correct.

At the moment of the moment, a few seconds can be alive, and can also determine life and death.

Of the four people in the two teams, only Qin Fei and Jin Donghai were armed with automatic rifles. Jin Donghai and Qin Fei adopted the same strategy and fired a grenade at the place where the two Hummers were located.

The grenade hit the window of the Hummer, leaving black marks in the explosion, and exploding the glass into cobweb-like cracks.

"Walk around!"

Qin Fei got up and made a tactical sign in the direction of Jin Donghai: "Alternate cover!"

The two teams fired alternately to suppress the position of the machine gun on the Humvee. Now, including Liu Hai, they all aimed at the position of the machine gun on the roof of the car.

A black sun mercenary dared not stick out, but reached out from the car, grabbed the grip of the M3HB heavy machine gun and swept it wildly.

Obviously this kind of shooting is of little use, and the bullet is not very accurate at all.

The two blocking teams quickly returned to the Ural truck behind the corner of Tupo. After jumping into the car, they heard Leng Xuan silently shouting after the break: "They are catching up."

Qin Fei's heart suddenly suspended.

Now that the Ural truck is in a state of oil leakage, the speed will certainly not be too fast, and it must not be able to run on the dirt road with a Hummer specially used for military purposes.

"Regardless of them, go!" Liu Hai jumped into the car last, and the car slammed forward amidst the roar of the truck and the dust.

Crouching behind the tailgate of the car, Liu Hai pulled something from under his robe and stared at the corner.

When the front of the first Hummer appeared in sight, Liu Hai pressed the switch on the remote control.


The C4, which was set in the middle of the road, stirred up a fire, blasting the Hummer to the front of the car and hitting the mountain next to it.

"Good job!" Lao Yu couldn't help but praised.

From this point of view, Liu Hai must be a man who has experienced many battles. He has already considered the worst possible situation and used the time of Qin Fei and others to set up explosives on the road.

"This will keep them busy for a while." Liu Hai smiled and returned to the carriage, sat on the ground, wiped a sweat, "Today is really exciting."

"I'm afraid it will be more exciting next." Jin Donghai said: "The explosion just now can only delay them temporarily. When they find that there are no other explosives, they will still pursue them frantically."

He pointed to the sky, "These guys are still staring at us."

Hearing Jin Donghai mentioning satellites, Qin Fei quickly connected to the contact channel of the X mercenary group.

"Thor, what's the situation on your side?" What he is most worried about now is Eric and the others, who acted as bait with himself and the Flood Dragon team in order to get them out of trouble.

If Eric and others get into trouble, everything is sacrificed in vain.

"Boss, we are fine, now we have taken another road and left Lavra Town, just heading towards the seaside of Hodeidah."

Eric's reply caused Qin Fei's hanging heart to finally fall to the ground.

"How is the wounded?"

"The situation is not good, and there is a lot of blood loss."

"Can you get to the beach?"

"I don't know, boss, I'm just a killer, not a doctor. I can kill people, but I can't save people. Now we can only do our best, and everything depends on their own will."

Qin Fei's heart sank a little bit. As a former member, he didn't want to see any casualties among the members of the Jiaolong Detachment.

So he asked, "How much time do you need to reach the Hodeidah Beach?"

"According to the current situation and our coordinates, it is estimated that it will take two hours to reach the designated place." Eric said: "Boss, what's the situation on your side?"

"It's still being chased by a dog!" Qin Fei said unlucky: "However, I just found a chance to kill a few dogs. The situation is still optimistic for the time being. However, it is estimated that our truck will not drive far, and the oil in the oil pipe is still leaking. If there is no accident, we should park near Bagil and enter the city. If we can find a new car, we will rush to the vicinity of Hodeida. If not, we will choose street fighting and persist until the rescue team comes."

"Boss, don't worry, after we send the people to the designated location, we will follow the rescue team to find you, stick to it, and be sure to return to the appointment alive!" Eric loudly cheered Qin Fei.

"Well, we don't need to worry about you here. You follow the coordinates given by Liu Hai to the beach, and we will notify the corresponding team to find you." After Qin Fei finished speaking, he turned his head and gave Liu Hai a thumbs up: "Everything went well, you can notify. The responders will arrive at the designated location in about two hours. You ask the responding team to bring medical staff. The injuries of the two injured players are not optimistic."

"Okay!" Liu Hai nodded, walked into the car to find the contact radio station, and started contacting the people on the submarine.

Qin Fei sat next to the tailgate of the car, taking a long breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sky was gradually darkening, and it was six o'clock in the afternoon, and the twilight gradually enveloped the surroundings, and the surrounding scenery became gray. .

"Boss! Did you hear my call? I'm Yuri!"

Yuri's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"I heard it, let's talk about it."

"The data I sent back through the crosshairs tracked their command system based on their signals." Yuri said, "You may not think of where their signal transfer center is!"

"Where?" Qin Fei suddenly became interested. You must know that by finding the source of the signal, you can find the person hiding behind the Black Sun mercenaries who provide logistical intelligence support.

In fact, Qin Fei could guess a general idea with his toes.

Because it is probably not a person who can mobilize military spy satellites to provide real-time information, but an organization, perhaps an intelligence organization, or a certain military.

The countries in the world that have the ability to control spy satellites can actually be counted by a single slap.

How can Qin Fei not guess who the Black Sun organization has the strongest connection with?

"Their satellite signal was first launched into the Chagos Islands base, and then transferred here, that is to say, the people behind them are on the Chagos Islands." Yuri said, "I checked the islands. Origin, do you know what I found?"

Chagos Islands?

Qin Fei had never heard of this place name, it seemed to be an unpopular place.

So he moved his hips, sat up straight, and now that the answer was finally about to be revealed, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Where is that place?"

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