Absolute Honor

Chapter 674: Run out of fuel

"To be precise, the signal's transit source comes from Diego Garcia, the largest island in the British Chagos Islands." Yuri said: "This island covers an area of ​​about 60 square kilometers. In 1967, the sun never sets the Empire and the Eagle Sauce Country. A treaty was signed allowing the US Army to build an air force and naval base on Diego Garcia Island, where nearly two thousand US Army soldiers are now stationed there, as well as a large military airport and command center. It is an important aircraft carrier for the US Army’s Fifth Fleet. One of the bases."

"You mean, there is intelligence support from the Mi Army behind the Black Sun mercenaries?" Although Qin Fei had already prepared, he still felt tremendous pressure after the news was confirmed.

The Mi Army is the most powerful and technologically advanced army on this blue star. Once Hei Sun gains their support, it is obviously not a good thing for the X mercenary group and the Jiaolong squad.

In the next few hours, I am afraid that a fierce battle will be inevitable.

"Now there is no way to know who is supporting Black Sun. I snooped on some news on the dark web. There are not only people from the Fifth Fleet on Diego Garcia Island, but also a branch of the CIA, and even mi6 is there. There is an operations office on the island. It is one of the important control centers in the Indian Ocean. Many operations in the Middle East can send personnel and establish temporary command centers there."

Yuri said: "If you are chasing you from the Mi Army, they don’t need to use mercenaries from organizations like Hei Sun, and they can send d-boys or seals to participate in secret operations. In this case, I’m afraid it’s only Can confirm a conjecture."

Qin Fei felt that Yuri's analysis also made sense.

"What guess?"

"Black Sun does have a certain connection with the Mi Army or cia, but this connection belongs to the agreement under the table, just like the relationship between the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross and intelligence agencies such as mi6, or the relationship between the gravedigger and kgb. The same, they belong to a peripheral organization."

"Well, no matter what organization he is, since we are chasing us, we can't just wait and die." Qin Fei said, "Can you hack their satellite surveillance system now? We are bitten to death and have a headache."

"It will take some time." Yuri said, "At present, I have entered their entire military command system through the back door inside the American dod, and I am looking for a way to invade the transit system of the Fifth Fleet on Diego Garcia Island, and wait for me to enter. After that, I can forcibly cut off their network connection, but it can only last for about 20 minutes, because they find that their network is cut off and will re-use the backup channel. The entire process is estimated to take less than 20 minutes. If they find it early, it will probably be done in ten minutes."

"Well, you can break through their firewall as soon as possible. We can't afford to delay any time now. If we can get rid of them, maybe we can avoid a head-on fight with them."

Qin Fei said: "I don't want to fight a life-threatening street fight with dozens of retired special forces."

"Ok, don't worry, boss, leave it to me, and I will notify you in five minutes." Yuri is confident: "After five minutes, it is estimated that their system firewall can be leveled."

"Captain!" In the cab, Ge Ming of Jiaolong Team sat in the driver's seat and shouted, "We are almost out of fuel."

Jin Donghai ran to the front of the carriage and asked Ge Ming through the window: "How long can it last?"

"I guess it's less than 30 kilometers." Ge Ming held the steering wheel and turned on the lights to illuminate the road ahead.

Jin Donghai returned to Liu Hai and asked loudly: "Counselor Liu, how far are we from Bagiler?"

Staring at the pad in his hand, Liu Hai raised three fingers: "Thirty-two kilometers."

"If it doesn't work, we will abandon the car!" Qin Fei said: "Later, the technicians of our mercenary group will invade the firewall of their command center and can forcibly cut off the satellite communications of the Black Sun squad. It should be possible to win at least ten. Minutes to see if you can use this time to get rid of them."


Diego Garcia Island, Naval Intelligence Analysis Command Center.

Sergeant Diamond was holding a can of Coca-Cola in his hand, with a bipod on the table, one hand stretched out leisurely, and he picked up a potato chip on the table and put it in his mouth.

A coke, a potato chip.

During this seemingly pleasant time, Diamond still complained. He has been here for three full months.

According to the original plan, navy members deployed overseas can get a vacation in three months. Diamond originally wanted to fly to Ramstein Air Base in Hans with his comrades, and then go to the beaches of Greece to enjoy the sunshine. .

However, starting from yesterday, he temporarily received an order from his superiors that he had to be responsible for an urgent task. The entire task should be completed within 48 hours at the earliest, and it will take a few days if it is slow.

Diamond is a technical sergeant. His task is to obtain the satellite communication channel authorization from the dod system, and then use the signal to obtain the signal from the military spy satellite deployed on the surface of the earth more than 300 kilometers, and transmit the signal Go to the designated terminal device.

This is not the first time Diamond has performed this kind of operation. Recently, he has been busier than others, because in the Middle East, American soldiers are deployed everywhere, and various special forces have penetrated into various theaters. They all need spy satellites to provide them with the latest updates. Ground data.

At this moment, he connected a spy satellite code-named usa-233, which is slowly sliding over the Indian Ocean and the Middle East in an air orbit.

The several monitors in front of them are all real-time monitoring pictures, and various values ​​are beating.

The satellite connection mission is really a boring and boring thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Diamond has been here for nearly 12 hours. After 40 minutes, he will be able to return to his dormitory and get a good night’s sleep. .

Lying on the chair, Diamond stretched out tiredly, looked up at the ceiling, his girlfriend's appearance drifted through his mind.

This is the girlfriend he made in Germany. It has been three months since he has seen him. Recently, many comrades in arms have received break-up letters from their girlfriends. For soldiers deployed overseas, this is really a frustrating thing.

Diamond couldn't help worrying about himself. You know, three months is not long or short. Loneliness is a very lethal weapon. For young and beautiful chicks, few can resist being without a boyfriend. loneliness.

Definitely staring at the ceiling for a while, Diamond felt that after completing the mission this time, he asked the lieutenant to tell him that he must be given a vacation, otherwise he has the right to protest.

Okay, just do it!

Diamond rubbed his eyes, sat up straight again, his gaze fell on the monitor screen in front of him again.

The screen that was normal just now, but now it was a piece of snow.


The abnormal situation caused Diamond to pull back from his girlfriend. In reality, the satellite image was disconnected.

Grabbing the keyboard, Diamond entered several lines of control commands in succession, but the snowflakes did not disappear, as they were.

After confirming the fault, Diamond grabbed the phone on duty next to him and called his boss.

"Captain, you have to come to the control room, something has gone wrong here."

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