Absolute Honor

Chapter 675: Bagil City

3 kilometers southeast of Bagil city.

The Ural truck finally stopped weakly in a flurry of setbacks, the engine seemed to be a dying old man, and finally took a last breath.

"Get off! No gas!" Ge Ming pushed open the door of the cab, jumped out of the car, first observed the surrounding circle with his gun, and then smashed the car with his hand.

Qin Fei and others jumped out of the carriage.

"Call the boss." Yuri's voice came from the headset: "You have to act fast. The other party is recovering the backup system and will get the satellite image again soon."

"That's it!" Lao Yu walked to Qin Fei's face, his face was a little bad, "Our car should be hidden."

Qin Fei realized that everyone had made a mistake inadvertently. Before the car ran out of gas, the car should be driven into a concealed place to hide, otherwise the other party's satellite might scan the area after it resumes communication. Found the trail of this Ural truck.

One hundred secrets!

In fact, Qin Fei soon discovered that his worries were unnecessary. The western part of Yemen is a high-altitude area, which is almost similar to the western side of country Z. Most of the places are bare and there are only a few soil slopes and rock piles. This area was almost flat at first glance, and there was no forest that could be hidden at all.

Even if you want to hide, I'm afraid you can't do it.

"Retreat. The most important thing for us now is to enter Bagil and hide, and then wait for the Lei team to come over."

Qin Fei looked at the injured watch. The time had come to 6:40 in the evening, and there were still two hours and twenty minutes before the agreed time. As long as it passed, it would be fine.

Turning around and asking Liu Hai: "How far is it from Bagil?"

Liu Hai said: "It's a little more than three kilometers."

"It's not too late. Their satellite will recover soon. It is estimated that there will be some time before they find us. Let's go to Bagil."

Jin Donghai said: "There is a risk in entering the city. Now that this country is full of local forces, will we have trouble entering the city?"

"We have no choice." Liu Hai said: "If you stay in the wilderness outside the city, they are all Hummers and heavy firepower. Once we find us, we have almost no chance of winning. If we enter the city, we can fight with them. Humvees, mortars and the like are difficult to exert their power in street fighting. This is our only chance."

Liu Hai’s decision cannot be overturned by Jin Donghai. There really are not many advantages to stay in the wilderness, and he can only try his luck in the city.

However, chances are at least better than no hope.

Qin Fei suddenly remembered, isn't Ibrahim being very open in this area? Maybe you will find something to ask about this land master.

So he connected the channel and started calling Ibrahim.

Ibrahim responded quickly.

They were about to reach the beach and went to the beach address Liu Hai gave them.

Qin Fei was relieved and asked him again, what's the situation in Bagil city now.

"Oh, the city of Bajil is the sphere of influence of the Segir tribe." Ibrahim said: "This tribe is a two-headed snake. Basically there is no fixed position. In previous civil wars, they looked at the direction of the wind and they all fell. Which way."

"No position?" Qin Fei felt that this was also good. If there is a position, then it is neutral. If you are neutral, you should be less threatening to people like yourself.

"If we go into the city to hide now, will it cause their tribal militia to encircle and suppress it?" Qin Fei asked.

Ibrahim said: "The leader of their tribe in Bajil is called Aziz. I have dealt with him. There should be no problem. If you are in trouble, you can let me talk to him, your satellite phone. Are you still there?"

"Still." Qin Fei touched the tactical packet on the right side of the tactical vest, and the satellite phone had been lying in it.

"But you should be careful and try not to be discovered by them." Ibrahim said: "Aziz has a very complicated background, and he belongs to an extremist organization, and he is not very gregarious with the youth army, so it is strange. people."


After interrupting the call with Ibrahim, Qin Fei turned his head and said to Liu Hai: "It seems that there is still hope to enter the city. Ibrahim said that the city belongs to the sphere of influence of the Segir tribe. This is a local tribe with vacillating positions. There is no team for the time being. He has had several dealings with the established leader Aziz. If we run into trouble, we can ask him for help."

"Well, in this case, we quietly enter the city." Liu Hai said.

The group made up their minds and began to rush towards Bagil City on foot.

The distance of three kilometers is not far, and it is just a piece of cake for the energetic Qin Fei, Jin Donghai and others, and they can easily run down with a cigarette in their mouths.

But for the middle-aged uncle like Lao Yu, it is not very easy. After running more than one kilometer, the difference in physical fitness between the two sides will appear.

Everyone now carries dozens of kilograms of equipment. In addition to assault rifles, there are ammunition, water, and food. Qin Fei also carries a Gustav m4, which is the last shell left.

The road at night is not easy to run. There are stones everywhere. The terrain will go uphill and downhill for a while. If you are not careful, you can easily trip and fall. Everyone must work hard.

Looking at the panting old fish beside him, Qin Fei reached out to take his m249 machine gun and share some weight for him.

"You still have injuries on your own body... what are you doing!" Unexpectedly, Lao Yu pushed Qin Fei's hand away out of breath, and said with an unhappy expression: Your son...looks down on me? "

"No, you are an old comrade, I am a recruit, shouldn't it be right to care for the old comrade?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Bah...Don't talk to me..." Lao Yu took a bite and said, "Waiting for you to reach middle age...I see if you will laugh so hard~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm old... …old……"

The city of Bagil has no walls, and there are only roads that extend in all directions.

Since the civil war did not affect this place for the time being, Bagil is still intact for the time being, and there is no scene like the ruins and broken walls in the city of Vaasa before.

From a small road on the right side of the city, Lao Yu took the m249 machine gun and started the battle. Qin Fei and Liu Hai followed closely. The four members of the Jiaolong team followed behind. Jin Donghai and Wang Dongcheng were responsible for monitoring the building on the left. Ge Ming and the sniper Leng Xuanmo were in charge of the movement in the hall. They were separated by three meters and moved slowly on the right side of the street.

This is a typical squad urban combat search formation. The reason why the machine guns are at the forefront is to prevent the enemy from being able to suppress the opponent with the most powerful firepower for the first time, so as to gain reaction time for those behind them.


After walking some distance, Lao Yu suddenly made a gesture to stop.

Everyone squatted down.

The old fish whispered: "Something's wrong, why is it quiet everywhere?"

"Did they all fled because of the war?" Jin Donghai was the first to respond.

Qin Fei pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Impossible, Ibrahim said, this place has not been involved in the war for the time being, it is still safe for the time being, it is impossible for such a big city to have no one."

"Something's not good..." Old Yu murmured. He just wanted to turn around and ask Qin Fei if he could find a building to hide on the spot.

Suddenly, the voice of Leng Xuan, who was in charge of the queen, came from the headset.

"Captain, someone!"

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