Absolute Honor

Chapter 676: Trapped

"Enter the house!"

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he got up and slammed into the door next to him, and the thin wooden door opened.

Everyone began to gather the team, all entered the two-story house, and then began to search the house.




The house is not big, each floor is only more than sixty square meters.

Everyone immediately entered into a fighting state automatically, occupying favorable terrain such as windows and doorways, and preparing to start defensive operations.

"Qin Fei, there are also people in the alley behind the house!" The old fish who was in charge of exploring the road behind the house quickly returned the news.

"There are also upstairs on the opposite side!"

Qin Fei looked at both ends of the alley outside the door, and found that there were many figures everywhere, and that his team had fallen into a siege.

"It seems that they set up a suit on purpose and waited for us to come in." Jin Donghai couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "These grandchildren, I guess they all put up their pockets on the way to the city, just waiting for us to snag the net. ."

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "No, they didn't deliberately target us, they are targeting all strangers who enter this city."

In fact, Qin Fei could almost conclude that the tribal militiamen outside the door didn't even know who his squad was.

They just know that this country is starting to war again. After all, this country is not the first time that the war has been torn apart. Almost every tribe has built its own armed forces to fight for their own right to speak and be able to keep it in the war. Own one-acre three-part site.

The alley outside suddenly became bright, and everyone heard the sound of the car's engine.

Those lights are obviously car lights.

Qin Fei leaned against the wall from the side of the door, looking in the direction from the car lights.

A man wearing an Arab robe, turban and holding an ak-74u short-barreled submachine gun jumped out of the car, and the dense black shadows separated automatically, letting him walk in the middle.

Obviously, this is their head.

"Fuck me!" Jin Donghai also noticed the narrow road outside at both ends, almost crowded with black people, like a pile of fish caught in a net.

"They say they are hundreds of people."

Hundreds of people fight in such a narrow street, and there is almost no chance of winning.

As soon as he left the wolf den and entered the tiger's mouth, everyone's heart sank.

"It seems that we are going to die here today." Wang Dongcheng smiled bitterly and said: "But this mission is really exciting. As a soldier, there is nothing regrettable about being able to die on the battlefield."

"Don't be discouraged, everyone!" Jin Donghai cheered up his team members: "It's a quarter past seven, and there's more than an hour before our people will arrive."

Lao Yu couldn't help but interjected near the back door: "Boy, look at the people here. I don't know how many people are at your front door. The road to my back door is crowded. I guess there are no two hundred or one hundred. "

"Don't act rashly. These people are just local tribal militiamen. It's best not to conflict with them." Liu Hai said.

Ge Ming said: "Counsel Liu, don't we fight back if they fired at us?"

"They really shoot at you, and you will fight back again, but we can't take the initiative to shoot and kill people, otherwise things will become a big deal. These people are neutral tribes and may not have much malice against us." Liu Hai immediately emphasized discipline. , His position in these people is the highest, and he is also the leader of this mission, with 100% command.

Someone outside the door yelled a word in Arabic.

Liu Hai froze for a moment, and immediately responded in Arabic.

Among all the people here, only Liu Hai can understand and speak in Arabic.

Qin Fei asked: "What are they talking about?"

"They asked who we were." Liu Hai said.

"Wait, I think I can try to go out and talk to them." Qin Fei remembered that Ibrahim had confessed to himself before that if he was in trouble, he could control the leader of the city, the man named Aziz.

"Ibrahim mentioned to me just now that this area is the sphere of influence of the Segir tribe. The leader of the militia who controls this city is called Aziz. Ibrahim has dealt with him several times."

"Are you sure Ibrahim can convince the other party?" Liu Hai is full of doubts. After all, his work requires caution. He is not 100% sure. He will not take risks easily unless he has to.

Qin Fei shook his head: "I don't know, I just know that we will not be able to get out of this city if we fight with them. It may be an opportunity to go out and try."

After pondering for a moment, Liu Hai solemnly said: "I will go out with you."

"No, in case things go wrong, you and I can only be funerals together, and it won't do any good." Qin Fei said, "If something happens to me, leave me alone. You can't control me at that time, you can only say good wishes. Good luck, it’s good to be able to break through, if you fail..."

Having said that, both of them realized something, and there was a trace of tragic and solemn eyes in their eyes.

This is the profession of a soldier, especially members of special forces who perform missions outside all the year round, even those mercenaries. You never know if you are lucky today and will be knocked down by a bullet tomorrow, and you don’t know how to rise early. The sun is at night, you can still watch it set from the west.

"I must go. Without me, who will be your interpreter?" Liu Hai patted Qin Fei on the shoulder, "That's the decision kid, don't fight."

After thinking about it again and again, Qin Fei could only nod his head. After all, I don't understand the bird language here. If no one translates any subtle errors or omissions, the situation will collapse.

"Okay, but you are behind me. If the momentum is wrong, withdraw. It is better to die one than to die."

"Be careful." As soon as Liu Hai's voice fell, an impatient shout came from outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei took out the satellite phone, dialed Ibrahim's number, and there was a beep over there. Two beeps, through.

From the beginning of this mission, I was bombarded by f-15c on the dock. When I arrived at Minahai, I encountered government forces just in time to counterattack, and then I encountered Jin Donghai who was ambushed and was not involved in this time and the Hei Sun mercenaries. In battle.

Qin Fei felt that he was simply a troublesome physique, and the smooth connection of the call was the smoothest thing he had encountered tonight.

"Ibrahim, we have entered Bagil now, but we have been besieged by the militia." Qin Fei said, "In order to avoid bloodshed, I hope you didn't just brag casually. I hope you really know Aqi. Here."

"Yes, of course I do!" Ibrahim slapped his chest, and even Qin Fei on this end could hear him, "If you don't believe me, let him listen to the phone! He knew it was me when he heard it."

"Tell the people outside that I'm looking for Aziz, the leader here. There is a person named Zaid Ibrahim Ahmed who wants to talk to him. We are friends of Ibrahim." Qin Fei turned his head and said to Liu Hai.

Liu Hai once again loudly translated Qin Fei's message in Arabic from outside the window.

The opposite seemed to become quiet.

In the house, Qin Fei slowly oozes sweat from the palm of his hand holding the satellite phone.

In case Ibrahim really brags...

Was it a bit reckless and too risky to bet all the chips on a Middle Eastern broker introduced by Victor?

Qin Fei's heart was up and down, and he was uneasy.

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