Absolute Honor

Chapter 677: The armed leader chewing on the grass (thanks to Xiaomeng Comet...

(猫扑 Chinese) "Okay, the person holding the AK74U is Aziz. He agreed to let us go out and talk to him, and also agreed to answer Ibrahim's call."

After talking with Aziz, Liu Hai nodded towards Qin Fei and signaled: "Now you can go out."

Lao Yu moved to the door and said to the two of them: "Be careful!"

"Don't worry." Qin Fei took the satellite phone in his hand and walked out the door first, raising his hands to indicate that he was not malicious.

Liu Hai slowly followed behind him, shouting to the other leader in Arabic: "We are out."

Lao Yu said silently to Leng Xuan: "Staring at the machine gunner on the pickup, if there is any accident, kill him first."

All their guns were aimed at the door, and there was a distance of more than 30 meters from the door to Aziz’s armed militia.

In fact, at this distance, even if there is an accident, even if the Laoyu and Jiaolong squad members in the house are fully suppressing firepower, it will not help. It is a fantasy to escape under the guns of one or two hundred militiamen.

"We are friends of Ibrahim!" Liu Hai shouted and pointed to the satellite phone in Qin Fei's hand: "He is on the phone now. If possible, I would like to ask your leader, Mr. Aziz, to listen to the call. ."


Facing the car's lights, the man with an AK-74U and unclear face pointed at Qin Fei.

"come over."

Qin Fei walked towards him slowly, and every step felt like stepping on the cracks in the minefield by chance.

The closer he got to those people, he could even ask about the body odor mixed with goat's milk that emanated from these people.

"Phone." Qin Fei finally arrived in front of Aziz, stretched out his hand, and passed the phone.

At this time he saw Aziz clearly. He was a man in his forties. Like all the locals, his head was wrapped in a special headscarf. The difference was that this guy did not wear a long gown. Instead, she wore a short coat, her chest was wide open to reveal hairy body hair, there seemed to be some mole-like dark spots on the skin on both sides of the face, and her mouth was constantly moving, as if she was chewing something.

Aziz stared at Qin Fei and swept up and down once with extremely unfriendly eyes, but still took the satellite phone from his hand.

Hearing Ibrahim's voice on the phone, Aziz's tense face finally relaxed, suddenly showing a mouthful of yellow and slightly blue teeth.

"Ah! My old friend Ibrahim!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked to the side, seeming to be having **** with Ibrahim.

Qin Fei didn't understand what this guy was talking to Ibrahim, but from the expression, Aziz seemed to have some friendship with Ibrahim.

This caused Qin Fei's heart to squeeze back into his chest, and things were moving in a good direction.

After talking for about three or four minutes, Aziz finally took the phone and turned back to his original position, standing opposite Qin Fei.

For three or four minutes, it was longer for Qin Fei than three or four years, and his back was already dripping with cold sweat.

No one can stay true to himself when hundreds of black holes are pointed at him, at least he can't do it when he has no chips at all.

Aziz vomited something on the ground, then looked at Qin Fei again, revealing an indescribable weird smile.

"It seems that you are really Ibrahim's friend."

Qin Fei didn't understand, Aziz continued to keep this strange smile, and handed the satellite phone back to Qin Fei, motioning him to listen to the call.

Qin Fei noticed that what Aziz in front of him spit on the ground was not gum, but a sticky-looking disgusting thing.

When Aziz spoke to himself, there was a slight green smell in his mouth.

Chatter grass!

This is the same as when I was fighting the rebels in Sierra Leone. Those rebel soldiers also liked to chew this stuff, and they didn't even make enough money to buy this drug.

After answering the phone, Ibrahim looked very proud on the other end of the phone: "Let’s say it, I am friends with him, and no one here does not know me Ibrahim."

"Come on, stop bragging, what should we do now? Can they temporarily take us in for more than an hour? It only takes more than an hour for our reinforcements to arrive." Qin Fei said.

Ibrahim patted his chest again and promised: "No problem! Don't worry, I told them that you will leave soon. Before that, you are their guest and you can stay in the establishment."

Qin Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

If you get the support and shelter of the militia of the Sergiir tribe, I am afraid that even those black sun mercenaries would not dare to invade here easily, right?

It's safe.

Qin Fei's heart finally fell to the ground.

Aziz waved to Qin Fei and said something in his mouth.

Liu Hai translated: "He invited us to visit his base camp until the person who contacted us came to pick him up."

"This is the best way." Qin Fei couldn't think of a better idea than this. It seemed that I would really get Ibrahim's reward when he went back. At least in this matter, he helped a lot.

Everyone boarded a Giselle-armed pickup truck, and the convoy drove toward the center of the city.

The base camp of the Gisele tribe's militia is in the center of the city. This is a square that once seemed to be a bazaar. Now it has been used, with armed pickup trucks parked on it.

Qin Fei did not see much firepower, except for the old-fashioned Deschka machine guns mounted on pickup trucks, the RPG-7 rocket launcher, which is the most meteor in the Middle East~www.wuxiaspot.com~, is old and cheap. The Soviet-style equipment can always shine in the barrenest and most chaotic land.

Aziz greeted everyone in a courtyard, walked through Yuan Yuan, and went up to a three-story earth building.

The buildings here are almost made of stone and mud bricks, and the color is the same as that of the sand and gravel on the Gobi outside the wilderness, so yellow and red.

"My friends, you can stay here at ease. I am old friends with Ibrahim. Since it's his business, then it's mine."

Since calling Ibrahim to confirm the identities of Qin Fei and others, Aziz’s face has always had that kind of uncomfortable smile, as if the muscles twitched and stiffened together, it looked like The smile was as stiff as a dummy in a wax museum.

"You are very safe here, rest assured, very safe..."

He raised his hands, stretched out two index fingers to click in the air in front of his chest, and made an emphasis.

A woman in her twenties brought a tray with Arabic sweet tea in it and placed it in front of everyone.

Then one of his men hurriedly walked in and stood by the door.

Aziz glanced at his hand, and the two did not talk.

"Please feel free to do it. I still have a lot of business to deal with. Now there are wars everywhere, and many cities are messed up. I have to set up my defense line."

After that, he nodded slightly, turned and left, and quickly disappeared outside the door.

猫扑 Chinese

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