Absolute Honor

Chapter 680: who are you?

At the end of the street on Qin Fei's right, the two armed pickup trucks that were originally in the middle of the road had turned upside down to the ground, and a raging fire started.

Due to the great power of the explosion, the tribal militiamen hiding around the car were also affected. Many poor insects who were blown off their hands and feet and could not die for a while lay on the ground and wailed heartbreakingly.

The fire shining on the nearby buildings, blood, shadows, and people's screams and screams mixed together, like purgatory.

All the things-

The low sound of the Deschka machine gun sounded, and Qin Fei squatted on the ground.

After being hit by a 12.7mm caliber bullet, even if he was dragged to the morgue for plastic surgery, he would not be able to return to his original appearance.

However, Qin Fei did not hear the bullet roaring over his head, nor did he see the stone chips splashing on the surrounding walls. The surroundings remained quiet, only the other side of the street on his left screamed.

Getting up from the ground, Qin Fei cautiously stood by the corner of the wall and looked towards the street on the left.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

A tribal militiaman controlled a Deshka machine gun and fired desperately at his comrades.

The bullet rained through every hapless person standing in front of him.

The location of this pickup truck is behind the other pickup trucks, and also on the outermost spot of the entire enclosure.

Therefore, shooting his accomplice is as easy as stabbing a knife in the back.

All the tribal militiamen did not understand what happened. Their attention was originally focused on the two pickup trucks that suddenly exploded on the opposite side. Unexpectedly, behind him, the **** of death had already opened the huge black robe and turned them away. Tucked into the sleeve mercilessly.

Shooting at unsuspecting people with a large-caliber machine gun like Deshka is simply a classic of killing. Some tribal militiamen were even intercepted and cut off. Even if they hit their arms and legs, the huge impact and cavity effect can directly kill them. The limbs are interrupted, and the taste can only be described as super sour.

The tribal militiamen who were beaten up didn't even know how to fight back, they just flee desperately, and even forgot that they had an AK47 in their hands.

Death is caught off guard, and it is difficult for people without special training to maintain normal composure.

Just like a group of mice seeing a cat, they will never forget that they are actually more numerous than cats. Together, they may even kill the cat.

Their hearts were suddenly under tremendous pressure, as if the cat would only aim at themselves and pounce on themselves.

No one wants to die, so everyone will choose to escape subconsciously.

On the contrary, the militiamen on the other two armed pickups once wanted to turn their guns to counterattack, but the "traitor" militiamen who committed the killing would never give them any chance.

Before they had time to turn their guns, they were blown out by bullets, and fell directly to the ground without a trace of breath.


The Deschka machine gun shot up a whole ammunition box.

The "traitor" militia did not choose to be bombed, but directly picked up the AK-47 hung in front of the chest, kneeled in the carriage and fired.

The classic short-point shots have almost no bullets. Every time a shot is fired, there is always a fish that slips through the net to see God.

Qin Fei was surprised that this man's military literacy was so strong. He could almost conclude that this man was definitely not a tribal militia. If the tribal militia of a country like Yemen had this level of combat literacy, then it could easily dominate the whole The Middle East will not fall to where it is today.

After finishing two boxes of ammunition, the "traitor" militia jumped out of the car while changing the ammunition, picking up ammunition from the corpse.

Then raised his head and beckoned to Qin Fei.

"Why are you staying there? Bring your comrades-in-arms over and withdraw!"


It turned out to be Chinese!

Qin Fei's chin almost fell to the ground in shock.

Especially this is a dream!

He couldn't help but pinched his thigh, it still hurts, not a dream.

"What are you doing in a daze? Waiting for others to come and surround you?! A rookie!" The "traitor" militia actually called out Qin Fei's nickname when he was in Unit 203.

Qin Fei's head was banged like a hammer.

who is he! ?

Who is he! ?

"Qin Fei!?" The old fish appeared next to Qin Fei and shook his shoulders hard: "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

"Fuck--" Qin Fei came to his senses, "Look at here..."

He pointed to both ends of the street.

There were corpses everywhere, dozens of people, burning pickups and wailing wounded soldiers.

"Come here, get in the car, we're going to run! Aziz is out of the city, it's too late to run or not."

The "traitor" militia waved to Qin Fei again, walking towards him, shooting all the way, and killing all the militias that were still moving around. It looked like a Yan Wangye passing by here without a blade of grass.

"Huh? This person..." Lao Yu squinted at the person and glanced at him.

"Qin Fei, who is this person?"

Seeing the situation here, Liu Hai knew that the militia was helping him without asking, he was definitely on his side.

However, his professional habit made him very vigilant, and he had to ask exactly what happened.

After all, the situation turns around too fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can’t turn my head.

In fact, what shocked Qin Fei was not only that this militia slaughtered dozens of tribal militias by one person, but the voice of this person...

Yes, he had heard it before.

With his mind moving fast, Qin Fei tried to find out where he heard this person's voice.


The mysterious call last time warned me of the call that asked me to be more careful!

it's him!

"Qin Fei, who is he!?" Liu Hai continued to ask.

"Friend!" Qin Fei chose an answer that didn't need to be explained. Now there is no time to explain so much. "He is here to help us, no problem."

The man walked in front of everyone, and everyone could see his face clearly.

To be precise, this man didn't show his appearance at all. The headscarf wrapped his hair tightly, and he was wearing a camouflage tactical scarf around his neck. He was wearing an Arab robe, no different from other militiamen.

The most impressive thing is that he wears a tactical mask on his mouth with a skull pattern clearly printed on it. In the light of the fire, it looks so chilling, like a ghost coming out of hell.

This is not the time to ask for identity. Everyone clearly understands this. After the militiaman got into the car, Ge Qiming, who sat down in the driver's seat, asked, "Where to drive!?"

"Turn left, enter the cross lane, then drive straight for 300 meters, then turn right and drive straight, and you can leave the city by driving along that road. The car is full of gas, so don't worry!"

The "traitor" militia pointed out the whole route very neatly and seemed to know everything here.

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