Absolute Honor

Chapter 681: Break through

Chapter 681

Turning to the left into the alley, the pickup began to increase its horsepower and began to gallop.

People kept rushing out of the nearby buildings, and they were kept falling down by Qin Fei and others in the car.

This is a desperate pursuit.

Qin Fei knelt behind the baffle and kept firing at everything that he saw that moved, shooting them at them.

Due to the crossfire formed by automatic rifles and Deshka heavy machine guns on the pickup, the tribal militiamen who were unprepared were caught off guard. The car abducted two streets and still encountered no organized and decent resistance. .

"Have we met somewhere!?" The old fish suddenly raised his head, twisted back and asked the "traitor" militia standing behind him, "How do I think you are familiar?"

"When you see the same kind of yellow skin and dark eyes in foreign countries, you will feel familiar." The militiaman wearing a skull mask said: "Just like foreigners, we think Easterners look the same."

The old fish frowned. He felt that he really knew this skull mask.

It’s just that if someone saves oneself with a kindness, they can’t help but politely go up and open their mask. If someone’s face is disfigured or something, it is equivalent to violating other people’s taboos.

"You don't have a name, so how can I thank you? How do I call you?" Lao Yu reluctantly changed his way to snooping.

"You can call me a ghost." The militiaman wearing a skull mask pointed to the pattern on his mask, "I am a person who came back from hell."

The old fish suddenly became speechless.

"Qin Fei, is he your friend?"

There was nothing to dig in the mouth of the man with the mask, so Lao Yu turned to Qin Fei.

Because Qin Fei said before that this is his "friend".

"When he was in Europe before, he warned me on the phone that I was going to see my mother, and someone in the dark was following me." Qin Fei said.

"You don't know who he is?" The old fish became more and more curious.

Qin Fei shook his head. He really didn't know who the masked man was, but one thing was certain. He felt kind to him and felt that he would definitely not harm him.

Just as the old fish was constantly worrying about figuring out the identity of the ghost, the bangs here were also sweating profusely.

He raised his wrist to look at his watch, and the time jumped to 20:50.

There were only ten minutes left until the agreed time for the reinforcements to arrive, but there was no news on the radio.

Ordinarily, if the Thunder's reinforcement team set off from a ship in the nearby waters on the Zhi-9D, at least it will contact itself on the road to confirm the coordinates of the specific evacuation point.

However, Liu Hai did not obtain any information, which was what worries him the most.

The situation here is obviously out of control. Since Black Sun can offer a reward, he must have reached the vicinity of Bagil and has even begun to enter the city.

Dealing with experienced former special forces members is not as easy as dealing with tribal militias.

"" Dongyao (01), Dongyao (01), Dongliang (02) call! "Liu Hai sat in the back row of the pickup truck, constantly using the radio to call the command center on nearby ships on the sea.

"Dongyao received, please talk about the two holes." The command center quickly responded.

"Dongyao, I want to know when the reinforcement team will arrive near Bagil City, it's over."

"Dong Liang, the reinforcement squad has already been in place on the ship, but it has encountered some troubles in the procedure. It takes time. Please be patient."

patience! ?

call out--


A bullet hit the rear frame of the pickup truck, splashing a spark, and then bounced off, the bullet grazed Liu Hai's ear, he could almost feel the heat, and his skin was a little stinging.

"Dongyao Dongyao, what is the program problem!?"

"Dongliang, we are liaising with the Yemen government and asking them to approve our sending people to pick you up, but they did not agree. Now they insist on using their special forces and helicopters to pick you up."

"What? Their own troops!?" Liu Hai was a little dumbfounded. "Where do they start from, and how long can they get there."

"Dong Liang, I will monitor your current coordinates at any time. Their military and our center will always keep in touch and will find you based on the GPS signals on your body. You must be patient and we must respect the wishes of the country where you are located."

"Dongyao, Dongyao, our situation is very bad, and there is no time to be patient. If the reinforcement team fails to reach Bagil within half an hour, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to persist."

"Don't worry, the special forces of the Yemen military have already set off. According to the current progress, they will soon arrive at Bagel where you are." The command center appeased Liu Haidao.

After hanging up the thread, Liu Hai couldn't let go of thinking about it, and felt that his eyebrows kept jumping again.

"Qin Fei!?" He asked Qin Fei on the channel, "How far can we get out of the city? If we go out of the city, my opinion is to drive all the way towards the coastline of Hodeida, and I will locate the coordinates and get to the beach. , There are our small transport boats in the nearby sea that can be picked up."

"How far is it!?" Qin Fei didn't know how many roads he had to turn to get out.

From the GPS map, it seems not far from the city, only a few kilometers.

But only the ghost himself knows which road is the safest, so choose to avoid some tightly blocked roads. The distance you walk and the distance displayed on the GPS are two different things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is much farther than it actually is.

"Quickly, don't worry!" The ghost squeezed the trigger of the Deschka heavy machine gun and knocked over another pickup of the militia organization that was chasing behind.

"Go from here, 400 meters, then turn right, and keep walking..."


The voice hadn't landed yet, and a pickup truck of the militia suddenly rushed out of the alley next to it.

They were also one of the enemies that participated in the pursuit. Maybe they wanted to take a shortcut to intercept Qin Fei and others.

It's just that the speed of the pickup truck driven by Jiaolong member Ge Qiming is too fast. When the two sides are turning, no one can see anyone. They suddenly appeared in each other's line of sight, and it was too late to brake.

Qin Fei sat down on the ground, and was thrown onto the railing at the end of the pickup truck. The huge impact made Qin Fei's eyes black and almost lost his breath.

"Old fish..."

After a few seconds, Qin Fei finally recovered a little sober.

There was light in his vision, and when he opened his eyes, the ghost fell on the fence like himself and sat beside him.

"Kill him!"

The ghost struggled to get up from the floor of the carriage, grabbed the handle of the Deschka machine gun, and fired it all.

The car lights in the distance were suddenly extinguished, and the lights were completely shattered.

Qin Fei saw in the night vision goggles that several militiamen jumped out from behind the carriage in a panic, wanting to run into the nearby building.


Kneeling on the floor, Qin Fei fired several short bursts in succession, and several militiamen in the darkness on the opposite side fell to the ground.

"What's going on with the other people!?" The ghost shouted: "I am here! I will cover you, hurry up and see if anyone is injured, Qin Fei, go and see how the car is going, can you still move?" 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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