Absolute Honor

Chapter 682: No way into the ground

Qin Fei was the first to ran to the front of the car, surprised by the situation in front of him.

"Qin Fei, save him first!" Jin Donghai sat in the co-pilot, looking at Qin Fei with an expression of pain, "Ge Ming is stuck! Leave me alone, I'm fine!"

At the moment of the crash, in order to protect Jin Donghai who was sitting in the co-pilot, Ge Ming slammed his direction, causing the whole person to be stuck between the steering wheel and the seat.

"Jin Donghai, are you really okay?" Qin Fei asked.

"If you say it's okay, it's okay! Why are you boring!" Jin Donghai shook his head: "Shao special nonsense! Save my person! Leave me alone!"

"Fuck! Do you think I am your soldier!?" Qin Fei returned to Jin Donghai while quickly checking Ge Ming's body.

"what do you think?"

Ge Ming is a medical soldier in the squad, that is to say, he himself should be more aware of the condition of his injury.

"It's okay in other places..." Ge Ming looked cold and sweaty, obviously because of the pain, "forearm, broken..."

Qin Fei noticed that Ge Ming's right hand was stuck between the steering wheel and the body armor. Judging from the curvature of the surface, it was indeed broken.


Qin Fei felt vaguely pained as he watched.

"Hold it for me, Ming!" He drew out the Mad Dog Tactical Knife and cut off the seat belt quickly, trying to take the person out of the cracks.

Tried it, no, the clip is too tight.

The gunfire around gradually became denser.

"Qin Fei! Hurry up! They are coming around!" The ghost held the handle of the Deschka machine gun. The barrel was already a little dark red due to continuous firing.

Lao Yu, Liu Hai, and sniper Leng Xuanmo had already occupied the surrounding favorable terrain, using buildings as concealed objects to control enemies in several directions.

Since the ghost is very familiar with the situation in the city, the road it leads is the weakest place of the militia defense and the number of people. For the time being, it can be considered as gaining some time. If the location of the crash is near the base camp or the key guarded place, I am afraid this No one has time here to rescue people in the car.

Qin Fei was so anxious that he didn't dare to use too much force for fear that Ge Ming's injury would worsen.

But if you don't drag people out, you can't just leave him to see him being killed here by the militia.

"Damn, it really can't work, you cut my hand..." Although Ge Ming was sweating from the pain, he gritted his teeth and started a joke with Qin Fei, "I said Qin Fei, you belong to Unit 203." People, can't even handle this little thing?"

"Fuck off! You might as well keep a little bit of strength and wait for your life." Qin Fei didn't smile at all, and was full of nervousness. "Just tell your kid so painful that I can still tell a joke, even if I, Qin Fei, gave up my life. , Keep your hand!"

He thought about it and turned to the back row of the pickup.

At this time, Jin Donghai had also got off the car and followed Qin Fei to the back row.

"What are you going to do?" Jin Donghai asked.

Qin Fei pointed to the seat in the driver's seat: "We are both stupid, I forgot just now, the seat can be put down!"

After speaking, Qin Fei bent down to look for the release of the seat, but after searching for it for a long time, he didn't find it!

Could it be that this small Japanese Toyota pickup model is too old and does not have this function?

It is almost impossible to think about it, even the products of the early 1980s have the function of adjusting the angle of the seat.

"What's wrong!?"

"The adjustment handle seems to be broken."

Jin Donghai leaned under the seat and turned on the tactical flashlight.

Under the bright light, the handle of the release was empty. He saw the half-broken and rusty release handle.

"Damn it!" Jin Donghai was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, sweating out anxiously: "This thing is bad."

Qin Fei grabbed the back of the seat with his hand, pulled it back with his hand, and found that it was a little loose again.

"Jin Donghai, don't scold your mother, come on, grab one side and the other side, we two can bend this seat for life!"

A word to wake up the dreamer, two special forces soldiers, how can they not get the seat?

"Ming, bear with me!" Jin Donghai said loudly, "It might hurt a bit!"

The two shouted "One Two Three" at the same time, and they slammed the seat backs toward the back.

Tugged hard two or three times, only to hear the crunch of metal from the joint!

The back of the seat is broken!

On the pickup truck, the Deschka heavy machine gun in the hands of the ghost also made a crackling sound at the same time.

The ghost stretched out his hand and wanted to pull the gun to eject the jammed waste bomb and reload it, but after pulling it twice, the bullet still didn't reload it.

He looked into the barrel of the gun, it was already dark red, and the bayonet at the rear of the barrel and the bullet loading position showed signs of deformation.

This old Deschka machine gun was originally second-hand, and it was not good to maintain it here, so now it is finally dead.

The ghost jumped out of the car holding the ak-47, and slowly retreated to Qin Fei and Jin Donghai using the carriage as a cover.

"Okay!? No time!"

Qin Fei cautiously hugged Ge Ming from the driver's seat~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ah, the moment he was hugged out, Ge Ming couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"I can walk by myself, don't hold me, let me go to the ground." He said loudly to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei noticed that he was not injured elsewhere, it was really just a broken forearm.

So, he slowly put Ge Ming's feet on the ground.

"Okay!" The ghost patted the car door, "We are now evacuating here. It's not safe here. It's very difficult to defend."

"Where to withdraw!?" Qin Fei asked.

The ghost looked around and pointed at 10 o'clock and said, "Run towards that side. There is a house over there that is easy to defend and hard to attack. It is made of stone. Let's go in there and hide and wait for rescue."

"Go and go! Evacuate here!" Qin Fei waved at the bangs squatting on the corner of the house on the right: "Follow us, Lao Yu, you and Leng Xuan will break silently!"

"Good!" Lao Yu held the m249 paratrooper light machine gun and slowly moved closer to the rear of the team. After the crowd assembled, they began to run towards the direction specified by the ghost against the side of the street.

"There are two holes and two holes. The two helicopters of the Yemen government army's special forces have reached the vicinity of Bagil. Please use the laser pointing device to mark the helicopter where you are, and they will pick you up and leave."

"Dongyao, Dongyao, Dongyao received it, we immediately looked for the landing place."

After disconnecting the call, Liu Hai was overjoyed and informed everyone: "The Helicopter of the Yemen government is here, we can leave!"

"Look! Over there!" Leng Xuan stood silently by the wall, pointing to the distant sky.

Sure enough, on a cloudless night, two helicopters were flying towards the city of Bagil with their small lights flashing.

"Finally it's time, I fuck!" The old fish couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. rw more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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