Absolute Honor

Chapter 683: Fallen helicopter

"Come with me, I know where there is an open space, where you can board the plane." After the ghost said, ran to lead the way, everyone followed him, and ran towards the landing field.

Qin Fei is almost on the ground now, this person just got out of thin air, just like his nickname.

The most important thing is that this person must have received the reconnaissance training of special forces. The terrain and street distribution of Bagil city are definitely not what he can do with an ordinary map or a GPS handheld terminal.

After all, blueprints are still blueprints. To truly enter this kind of chaotic urban area to be clear, you must have conducted careful pre-war reconnaissance.

"Ghost, how many days have you been here?"

Qin Fei always had a question in his heart.

That is, who is this man for?

If you really came here for yourself, you just arrived here last night, that is to say, the ghost came here only from last night to now.

If it was for the Jiaolong squad, it would only be one day better than himself.

In one day, you can hide into this urban area controlled by the local tribal armed forces and pretend to be one of the members.

This difficulty is simply harder than reaching the sky.

Because language, skin color, habits, etc. will make you show your feet, a special soldier who can disguise himself so vividly and deceive so many people is probably beyond the scope of ordinary special forces.

"It's only a few hours earlier than you. The ghost said vaguely."

"A few hours!?" Qin Fei couldn't believe his ears. Is this an international joke?

"What? Surprised? Didn't Unit 203 teach you how to disguise? Didn't you teach you how to detect the terrain of the battlefield as soon as possible?" The ghost said as he ran.

He actually knew Unit 203?

"Why are you..." Qin Fei's eyes rounded.

"Shh" the ghost sat down with a silent gesture towards Qin Fei, and looked back at the bangs a few meters behind him: "Don't make a fuss, and don't tell anyone about my conversation with you. Just remember that we will meet again in the future. And I won’t harm you, that’s it, don’t ask anything else, you will understand everything when the time comes in the future."

Qin Fei's heart trembled, and it seemed that the origin of this ghost was not simple at all.

"It's here, just ahead!" The ghost stopped behind the corner building and pointed to a nearby building. "This was originally a school, but it was abandoned after the war. So one side is open, so we just Build a line of defense here, who will guide the helicopter?"

"I'll go!" Jin Donghai volunteered. He bent down and ran behind a bush next to the clearing, squatting there to take out two burning rods, pulling away the pilot light, and throwing it into the center of the clearing.

Then, Jin Donghai took out the laser pointer from the tactical bag and trot back.

"Okay, I'm going upstairs to guide them now, and the defense below is left to you."

Having said that, she turned her head and waved silently to Leng Xuan: "Xiao Leng, come with me, you are responsible for control and vigilance."

Leng Xuanmo is a sniper, occupying the commanding heights and establishing sniper positions is what he must do. At the same time, as a temporary structure of defense, there must also be a commanding height as a guard post.

The remaining people were all scattered around the building, relying on the building itself and the house as a cover to control every possible attack direction towards the landing field.

"Ge Ming, what happened to your hand?" Qin Fei moved to Ge Ming's side and asked with some worry.

Now Ge Ming can only hold a gun in one hand, so he simply drew out the pistol and used it as a weapon.

However, the role of the pistol in such a place is very limited, and it can only be used as a self-defense weapon.

"Qin Fei, can you help me?" Ge Ming licked the sweat beside his lips. "Help me find a few wooden sticks. Wooden boards are fine. I'll make a splint."

Qin Fei immediately understood.

Using splints to fix the bones can at least relieve a lot of pain.

He quickly drew out the Mad Dog Tactical Knife, found a dried tree trunk near the corner of the building, cut him into three sections, cut off the extra branches, and then made it into a stick of about 35cm.

"Do you think this is appropriate?" Qin Fei handed the stick to Ge Ming.

Ge Ming said with a smile: "As an amateur, it's okay, just make do with it."

"I have also learned how good the battlefield ambulance is." Qin Fei saw Ge Ming bite the army disinfection pack with his mouth, so he snatched it over and said: "Okay, I'll help you, send the Buddha to the west, good people will do it to the end. "

After finishing speaking, Qin Fei tore open the first aid kit, pulled out the sterile gauze inside, and then took out the adhesive tape from the medical kit, first carefully wrapped Ge Ming's injured forearm a few times, and then put the stick on top of it, and the arm Parallel, then wrap the gauze, tie it and fasten it.

In order to ensure that the gauze would not fall off, Qin Fei wrapped the sticky tape a few times on it, and finally hung a downhill belt directly on Ge Ming's neck, hanging the injured forearm.

"Get it done!" Qin Fei smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Ge Ming looked at the bandaging technique and smiled: "As an amateur..."

Halfway through the conversation, Jin Donghai's cry from the wine glass headset was interrupted.

"The helicopter has received the signal, they responded, and they are flying here."

Everyone grew their necks expectantly and looked into the sky.

The small lights of the helicopter were getting bigger and bigger, and the distance was getting closer and closer. After an estimate, Qin Fei felt that the distance to the landing site was only four kilometers, and it was estimated to be there in a while.

In the blazing city, a ball of fire appeared on the top of a building.

Then, a missile with its tail of fire plunged straight into the sky.

"Air defense missile!" Ge Ming couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

The two helicopters in the sky were obviously frightened, and immediately made an evasive maneuver. The two planes diverged in a "eight" shape in different directions.

The missile trailed the tail of the fire and was as agile as a dragon in the air. It turned a corner and bit one of the helicopters.

The helicopters provided by the Yemen government forces are only old-fashioned Su-style Mi-8s, and the most advanced are only Mi-24s. These models have been confirmed as early as the Afghan war in the late 1970s before the anti-aircraft missiles. A plate of appetizers.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the missile to finally catch up with one of the helicopters, and the proximity fuze detonated the projectile.

The helicopter turned into a ball of fire in the air, wobbled and struggled twice, and crashed into the city.

The other helicopter was like a hurried deserter, already running away without a trace.

Everyone was stunned when watching this scene.

"It's over..."

After a long time, Lao Yu shook his head dejectedly: "Our air support is gone..." rw more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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