Absolute Honor

: I want to talk to my readers

First of all, let me say something very serious: recommended in the past two days, please subscribe, please subscribe! Please subscribe!

Say important things three times, well, let's start Barabara!

I rarely issue single chapters because I don’t know if book friends like to watch free single chapters. This seems to have become a commonly-known convention at the starting point or on any novel website, just like you have to say a few words about Barabara when you are on stage to receive an award.

Of course, many of the words of Bara receiving the award are procedural, but I am not sending the chapter this time. I seriously ask you to look at my sincere eyes and trust my sincerity. (Blooper……)

"Absolute Honor" has been released for more than two hundred days, and I haven't updated it in more than two hundred days. Of course, this is the only ethics the author is proud of. As for the results, subscriptions, it’s not like me. Things worth considering for street writers.

First of all, the author is a man.

Why emphasize that the author is a man?

Because there is an old saying that is also the most reasonable saying-a man will never forget the person who helped him when he was at his lowest, because that was his worst time; a woman will never forget the first man because of her It was the best time in her life.

Therefore, the author has not forgotten the courage and hope to write down with your sincere book friends in the years when he was on the street.

Here, the clichés should also list the names of those book friends: for example, the beautiful but sturdy VIP group manager Comet Xiaomeng, who likes to exercise iron, and the leader Lan Fatzi who was bullied by his N-year-old sister all day long. (Broken Halberd 12138), the super handsome but drunk leader Xuanyuan Blade, and the young and old man who is serious but still a little green, the eternal love of the administrator.

Of course, there are also those who are on the list or those who are on the list:

For example, the bold, low-key and very low-key leader Super De Ant and Aurora (saying that you have not shown up for a long time, and you have time to chat in the group. I doubt whether you rewarded the leader because of friendship. This makes me feel very Excuse me);

Once worked as a special force soldier in a certain unit, the leader who likes to tease Comet sister in the group every day, and who painted extremely brilliantly with meticulous brushwork, was once called a soldier;

In the group, I have been gentle and demure, but I can see the feminine temperament and love to drink. After drinking, I like to take the mobile phone to wash under the tap (I don’t know if it’s the younger sister or the elder sister. It’s a bad hat for a woman to ask her age. , So don’t ask, call my sister better?);

Two bookmates, Tian Animation Dance and Xiao Ben, who give a reward if they don’t agree with each other, have a lot of rewards recently. I, Alexander, is like an old Lai who is in debt. I don’t dare to bubble anymore. ...

My TW compatriot, who met me, talked about wine, and was my imaginary enemy army, loves the sorghum wine you sent. Next time we have a chance, we will drink it again.

Leng Xuanmo, who is gentle and shy, young and tender enough to squeeze out water, makes me envy and hate;

Military super enthusiasts posted on Monday that they are deeply obsessed with military equipment, especially tactics such as high-power artillery. No one talks to him, he can talk to himself and discuss military theory and equipment parameters with himself for a long time... (The author is sometimes very Crash...)

There is also Jin Diao 0824, a book friend abroad, who envy you that you can play with real guys anytime and anywhere. It is very interesting to discuss foreign equipment with you. I also wish you success in your studies and achieve your dreams as soon as possible.

Always voted silently, with a quiet and happy personality at the starting point, saying that you have been out of the group for a long time, saying that you want to be quiet, have been quietly with you for so long, it is time to come back, everyone misses you;

and also

The veteran kitchen knife, who has experience in the military like me, is also a knife. You have silently supported it from the beginning. You have comments at the end of most chapters. When I have mistakes and omissions, remind me that the author likes this kind of readers. ,

Of course, in addition to these, there are book buddies like 120923103233153 that I can’t even see their names. These are people who really love books. Maybe I didn’t consider others when registering. I just wanted to find books. , Thank you for walking along the way.

Finally, thank every reader who subscribed to the genuine version. Due to space limitations, I cannot count your names one by one, but I will open the subscription list every day, and then slowly look down the names one by one in a narrow or broad sense, respect Copyright, support for originality, closer to say this is personal cultivation, and further to say this is social responsibility, which is the cornerstone of the development and progress of human society and the source of civilization and progress, Barabala...

Well, after a lot of talk, in the end, we have to push the book regularly.

Push three books about engine oil:

1. "Return to My Rivers and Mountains in the Anti-Japanese War", the author is Han Tang Fengyue 1, a great **** who likes to fill other authors with chicken soup every day, a **** who waved out of the sky called a beast, and a big push into the boutique two days ago The high-quality badges are everywhere to show off the persecutory persecutors who attacked me as a street writer; the subject is the anti-Japanese farming literature. Now in this tense atmosphere, the military is everywhere red lines, and you can step on the lines to write good results. There are really not many anti-Japanese themes;

2. "Dark War", the author Ding Dingmao, Lao Mao is a taciturn author, in fact, just like in real life, such honest people often suffer from a truth, and the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. An author spends his time writing books all day. Very well written, steady style, absolute IQ online spy war type, but I don’t know if it’s luck or the old cat’s negligence in publicity, the results are always unsatisfactory, every book friend who likes the spy war theme is worth checking out, he If you want to calm down and read the book slowly, it will be very tasteful. If a hard-working military like me is a cup of high vodka with a burning throat, then his book is a cup of 30 years worth slowly. Boutique Moutai;

3. "The Blood of the Anti-Japanese War", the author White Island 1. Xiaobai is the kind of young and talented author with his own distinctive characteristics. His anti-Japanese novels are also of the online IQ type, and the choice is relatively rare Every author writes a book and publishes it on the Internet. It must have its own distinctive characteristics. Just as Sichuan restaurant is Sichuan restaurant, Cantonese restaurant is Cantonese restaurant, and Western food is Western restaurant. Of course, it describes our party. There is no lack of enthusiasm for works on the subject, but as the fruit party that was abandoned by the times, there must also be an objective historical account. Readers who like this subject can choose to check it out.

Let's push these books for the time being, the group has already turned upside down, and the seven officials have to go to the codeword update~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can only quickly close the pen.

Finally, thank the Hedong Lion in my house. Without you, staring at me every day, urging me to urge me not to update, not to feed me, and I can’t hold on to today...

Finally, remind those "readers" who spray this book so unreasonably, unreasonably, and so poisonously:

First, the novels are all eye-catching. Some people like carrots and others like vegetables. In fact, no one is holding a gun against your head to show you. If you don’t like it, you can just close the webpage directly. There is no need to leave, but also in the comment area. Disgusting people who leave shit, I will block my ID all the time;

Second, it’s okay to discuss the plot. I welcome rational discussions. Although the author spent several years in the amphibious combat unit, it was a matter of many years. Now, many places may especially involve foreign operations and all weapons and equipment. There may be errors or omissions in some of the above values. The author has always been cautious. Generally, such errors are rare. If you point out, I will correct them if they are wrong;

Third, I hope that the readers who come to the discussion forum to point Jiangshan must be at least a genuine reader, otherwise you are looking at piracy on one side, and you come to criticize on the other side, it is like your special mother who has a prostitute who does not give money and is even ugly. , Isn't it shameless to be a man and do things?

OK, Barabara said a lot. Finally, please join the book friend group when you have time. Group number: 195485375. After entering the Q group, the administrator can let the administrator pull you into the WeChat full subscription group. The full subscription group has a lot of benefits. The author bacteria There will be lucky draws to give back to book friends from time to time. I have done a few times before. The prizes are rich, including French wine designated by the Eschelles Palace, Russian imported chocolate, Clinique cosmetics, etc. I will organize another activity on May Labor Day. The prize is Russia. Please take part in the binoculars you brought back.

The author bacteria is waiting for you to come and molest in the book group!

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