Absolute Honor

Chapter 685: Greedy end

Outside the city of Bagil.

Seeing the sound of guns in the city, Aziz was obviously a little dazed.

"What's going on!?" He sternly asked the cronies around him.

The cronies quickly picked up the walkie-talkie, and Barabala yelled at the microphone.

Soon, the answer from the tribal militiamen came from the other end: "Those people ran away. There were ghosts in our team and killed many of us. Now we are searching for them in the city. Some people said they saw them in the old school. When they appear, we are organizing people to surround them!"

"Chief, our people have been attacked, and the people of country Z ran away." The cronies reported the sudden situation to Aziz.

He snatched the walkie-talkie from his cronies, and roared like a mad dog: "How about our loss!?"

"Five pickup trucks were blown up, and more than 70 people died..."

"What!?" Aziz's eyes were about to fall to the ground, "Are you pigs? Even pigs, it's not so fast to kill them one by one!"

"They have spies who have entered our team and attacked from behind us. We have no defense at all..."

"Damn! I said, don't alarm them! Don't fight them head-on! These people are not as easy to deal with as government troops!" Aziz furiously furious: "Don't do it now, surround yourself first, and wait for me to come back! "

After cutting off the call, Aziz turned to Korsayev and said, "The matter is beyond the scope of the previous agreement!"

He picked up the backpack on the ground and threw it at Korsayev's feet: "We have lost too many people, this is not enough money!"

Kosayev's face changed, and he reminded: "We had an agreement before. Except for the situation, it was your poor work."

"Slow talk nonsense with me! This is my site, what I say is what I say!" Aziz was in a very bad mood. You must know that at this time of war, weapons, equipment and combat personnel are the most precious treasures. Two million U.S. dollars seemed very generous before, but now that so many people and so many pickup trucks have been lost, this little money may not be very generous to make up for in the pocket.

"Aziz, what do you want?" Kosayev said: "If you add money, there will still be 500,000 US dollars in cash in my car.

"2.5 million? Are you sending beggars!?" Aziz disdainfully said: "My people were bombed out of five pickup trucks, and a stinger was fired just now, killing more than 70 people. These are all Money! Understand?! These are all money! Take your 2.5 million and get out of here! For this amount of money, I pay such a big price and offend my friends. I am not so stupid as Aziz."

"I think..." Korsayev shrugged and suddenly drew his pistol and fired two shots at Aziz.


No matter how Aziz expected Korsayev would suddenly shoot himself.

He didn't have time to hum, and fell straight down like a torn sack.

Almost at the same time that Korsayev fired, all the Black Sun mercenaries raised their guns instantly and fired at the tribal militia beside the two pickup trucks on the opposite side.

After a burst of bean-like gunfire, everything fell silent.

Next to the pickup are the corpses of militiamen. In front of these black mercenaries who have been trained in the battlefield and received regular special forces, the militiamen are obviously vulnerable.

In the end, there was one person who was still alive.

That's right, it was Aziz's capable man, the cronie who asked about the situation in his subordinate city just now.

Korsayev put the pistol back into the gun pouch, took out a PAD from the pocket of the tactical vest, took out the electronic pen and tapped it a few times.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Aziz's confidant who was shivering in front of him.

"Suleiman, your name is Suleiman?"

As he said, he walked up to Suleyman and patted the other person on the shoulder.

Sulaiman nodded hard, his gaze fell on the other party's PAD screen, and he seemed to see his own portrait.


Where are these sacred! Even his own information can be found.

"Are you the deputy leader of the Bajile City Militia?" Kosayev said flatly: "That is, the second in command? Except..."

He turned his head and pointed to Aziz's body, which had almost cooled down underground.

"Except for him, are you leading the organization?"

"You can...Speak so..." Sulaiman suddenly felt that the other party might not want to kill himself.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Korsayev asked.

"You guys..." He licked his lips, "If you need my help, I'm happy."

Kosayev nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you are a wise man who knows how to judge the situation, unlike your boss."

He turned around, cast a wink at his hand, and made a gesture.

A Black Sun mercenary returned to the car and took off another rucksack, then walked over and handed it to Korsayev.

Taking the rucksack, Korsayev threw it at Suleiman’s feet like a pile of rubbish: "I only have 2.5 million dollars here. If you are willing to help me, the money will belong to you. As for how you use it, I don’t Will intervene."

"Good... good..." Suleiman's eyes showed greed, maybe... this is really a good opportunity, after all, Aziz is on top of his head, and he will never be the boss, and this time maybe It's really an opportunity.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

"How do you go back and explain this to your men~www.wuxiaspot.com~How did Aziz die?" Korsayev asked.

Sulaiman didn't even think about it: "It was killed by the men who came to meet the mercenaries in the city."

"So, where did the person who killed your boss go?" Korsayev continued to ask.

Sulaiman did not hesitate to answer: "They were killed by you! We were attacked outside the city. You rescued me. I will tell my men that this is a fact. Tell them that the other party killed our leader. We Need revenge..."

"Enough is enough..." Korsayev was very satisfied with Suleiman's script, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Suleiman also stretched out his hand and shook Korsayev's hand, with a smile on his face, 2.5 million dollars, my God, with this money he can buy arms to expand his own. Team, and I can enjoy it myself.

People must be content. He reminded himself that he must not go against these people in front of him. Anyway, he organizes an offensive, and he doesn't have to go out himself. It's not himself that died.

who cares!

He picked up the two bags on the ground, threw them back into one of the pickups, and said to Korsayev: "You follow me, and I will take you to find those people from country Z. They are now at the back of the city and the old school is there. ."

Korsayev returned to his Hummer and sat down beside him and asked, "Boss, can this kid be relieved?"

"Look at him, if there is any change, you know how to do it, right?"

"OK, leave it to me." His men gave a grimace, kicked the accelerator, and the Hummer rushed out and followed the pickup truck.

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