Absolute Honor

Chapter 686: Crow's mouth

Bagil, next to the old school.

The streets leading to the small building were full of dead bodies.

Behind the one-meter-high brick fence on the roof of the three-story building, Qin Fei lay on the ground and carefully looked out with a monocular observation mirror through a small hole in the wall.

The ghost sat beside Qin Fei and looked at his watch.

Time points to 10 o'clock.

The third squad led by Lei Ming is already on the road and can be reached in an hour.

One hour, one hour seems short but long.

The ghost is a person who has seen life and death, and it has been countless times. He has experienced all the dangerous battle scenes. In the secret infiltration operation, he tried the worst time. 8 people went out and only three were left alive and came back. The rest All sounded the glorious bullets and died with the enemy.

However, in the face of such a large number of militias with superior firepower, the ghost himself also knew very well that he and the group of young special forces around him were fighting against a city.

The militia of a city.

This difficulty is not much better than that of the Rangers and Delta troops trapped in Somalia.

At least the U.S. soldiers back then had air support, but they had seven people on their own, and they had to rely on themselves.

In just the past twenty minutes, the militia has charged three times.

Fortunately, these militias seem to be poorly organized, and their military literacy is very problematic.

Disorganized formations, almost chaotic charges, no cooperation, no fire cover, fighting on their own.

Armed pickup trucks could only shoot at the building from the corner of the street more than 100 meters away due to the large number of buildings around, because they could not even see the building because they were far away.

The point of street fighting is here. Even if you are a tank, it is difficult to give full play to your absolute advantage in this kind of cement forest.

The militia seems to have overlooked a fatal factor, that is, all the opponents they face have undergone rigorous shooting training, not to mention that the XY-7 sniper rifle in the hands of the sniper Leng Xuanmo can hit humanoids within a range of 1,000 meters. The goal, even the HK416 in the hands of people like Qin Fei can easily knock down enemies with their heads emerging from behind the building within 300-400 meters.

Soon, the Deschka machine gun controllers on the pickup became the ghosts of the gun. At first, one fell down, and another person went up to take over. Later, it was found that as long as they climbed onto the pickup and grabbed the handle of the Deschka machine gun, there would be one immediately. A bullet whizzed in, tearing the body open a big mouth.

After several people died, no one wanted to control the machine guns on those pickups anymore.

The infantry who launched the charge died bleakly.

After deciding to stand by for assistance, Qin Fei and others returned to the crash site, dismantled the two Deschkas and ammunition on the pickup, carried them to the small building, and deployed them to the north where the shock pressure was the greatest.

To the north is an alley with many buildings next to it. There are many hidden objects that can be used. This is very beneficial to the infantry. They can slowly approach the yard against the street, and then rush up to exchange fire.

At the suggestion of Lao Yu, the two machine guns were all deployed on the first floor, and they were deployed toward the back.

When the militiamen thought they could use the pillars under the building and all kinds of rotten waste furniture and other debris as a cover to approach the small courtyard, the Deschka machine gun roared to tell these people what is called a 12.7mm caliber bullet. Penetration.

This kind of bullet can easily penetrate a single centimeter of steel plate within 400 meters, even a Humvee without a double-layer bulletproof baffle is as vulnerable as a matchbox in front of it.

The roaring intensive bullets instantly pierced the wooden furniture and the pillars without reinforced concrete, only bricks and red mud, and tore the militiamen hiding behind to shreds.

Three times assault, the entire line was defeated, and no advantage was taken.

"I'm thinking……"

Qin Fei retracted his monocular, tilted his head and said to the ghost: "If this group of militiamen have the same military quality as pigs, I'm afraid we can keep it for an hour."

"Why do you say that." While there was nothing wrong with the ghost, he unloaded the empty magazine of the lighted bullets, took out a handful of loose bullets from the magazine behind the belt and pressed them into the magazine.

"They didn't have any cooperation at all. I just feel strange that these people are like headless flies and no one is commanding them at all." Qin Fei said.

The ghost gave a chuckle and asked, "If you were their commander, how would you attack?"

"Me?" Qin Fei smiled: "It's the easiest to deal with this kind of small building. This is pure offensive battle, not to rescue the hostages. There is no scruples at all. Human lives are the most precious. They have so many heavy weapons, just casually. Just blow us up and clean up the battlefield. I just can’t figure out why they don’t use mortars to bomb us. We can deal with them with direct-fire weapons, but the use of curved-fire weapons in this kind of urban warfare is nothing. Not small."

"Maybe they don't have mortars," said the ghost.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "Impossible. When I entered the city, Aziz took us to the base camp. We passed by their arsenal and other places. Among them, there were more than 30 pickup trucks parked there. Among them are several pickup trucks with 100 mortars mounted on them. That thing is not a joke. The explosive power of the ammunition is probably comparable to the power of the 105 howitzer."

The ghost said: "You have only been a soldier for three years? Where do you learn military command?"

"When I was in the army, I went to the military coaching squad to participate in the pre-preparation squad leader training. I still know some common tactical commands. Besides, my dad has liked to play sandbox games with me when he was at home since he was young. He has played a lot of actual combat. People. Later I was admitted to university, and my hobbies and interests were studying special operations and military command in my spare time. Until I went to Unit 203, and then to Africa, I slowly gained a lot of experience in actual combat."

Speaking of his father Qin Anguo, Qin Fei's face showed admiration.

Suddenly, the ghost didn't say a word, and it took a long time to say: "Your father will definitely be proud of you."

"Do you know my father?" Qin Fei asked suddenly.

The ghost said nothing, lowered his head and continued to press the bullet.

Qin Fei thought for a while, drew out the kettle behind him, and handed it to the ghost: "Drink some water, you can see that your voice is a little hoarse, haven't you brought water?"

The ghost shook his head: "The kettle was pierced by a stray bullet."

After speaking, after taking Qin Fei's kettle and unscrewing the lid, it can be seen that he is really thirsty.

Qin Fei actually gave the kettle ghost not only because the other party was thirsty, but there was another cautious thought in his heart. Since the ghost is wearing a mask~www.wuxiaspot.com~, of course you have to take off the mask to drink water...

Unexpectedly, the ghost directly put the mouth of the kettle on the mask, and started drinking.

Qin Fei was stunned, and took a closer look. The skull pattern of the original mask had an opening at the position of the mouth, which was not completely sealed.

He laughed blankly. Since the ghost is determined to keep his identity secret, how can he fail to consider such details?

After drinking the water, the ghost handed the kettle back to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei took a sip and asked, "I thought you were talking to yourself before. Who are you talking to?"

"Well, this time I came to Yemen, there are seven people under me, but we are scattered in different places. At that time, it was not certain that you would go to that city, so we dispersed. I think you should come in the direction of Bajil. So I chose to come to Bagil, but I didn't expect to have a relationship with you, but I was actually in Bagil."

"Are you alone?" Qin Fei was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the ghost is more than one person.

"So..." He just wanted to ask what organization the ghost belongs to, but the ghost suddenly raised his index finger and put it on the mask, making a silent gesture.


"What's wrong?"


Qin Fei listened, and there seemed to be a slight breaking sound in the silent sky.


Qin Fei's scalp exploded immediately.

That is the sound of the tail wing rubbing in the air when it rotates!

"Cannon attack!"

Ghost and Qin Fei yelled almost at the same time, and the two of them quickly fell to the ground and crawled towards the entrance to the downstairs.

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