Absolute Honor

Chapter 687: Shelling

Staying on the top of the building is equivalent to looking for death at this moment!

In Qin Fei's mind, tens of thousands of horses and mud horses ran wildly, leaving only one piece of muddy ground.

Crow's mouth!

I am really a crow's mouth!

How come those militiamen are suddenly smart! ?

Just now I ridiculed them for not knowing how to make full use of the equipment in their hands. It's all right now, and the mortar immediately greeted me.

The 100MM mortar shells kept falling from the sky and exploded around the small buildings and small buildings, but the ones that hit the buildings were very handy. Most of them fell about 20 meters away from the buildings where Qin Fei and others were hiding. place.

The very few shells that hit the building collapsed a corner of the house, and Qin Fei could feel the violent vibration when he crawled on the ground.

Fortunately, no shells directly hit the top of the building. Otherwise, the damage range of 100 mortar shells could reach 50 meters. Even if you get down to get some safe corners, the shock waves from the explosion are enough for Qin Fei to drink. Pot of.

The sniper Leng Xuanmo was also on the other side of the roof at this time, and when he heard Qin Fei's warning, he also lay on the ground.

Qin Fei and Ghost shouted at him as they crawled: "Go into the building! Go into the building!"

Leng Xuanmo croaked and wanted to get close to Qin Fei quickly. A cannonball fell on the place where he had been hiding, and directly exploded the brick fence that was more than one meter high on the roof to dross.

The thick smoke and dust that set off instantly covered Leng Xuan silently, and the person disappeared in the black smoke instantly.

"Little cold!"

Qin Fei turned his head, risking his death and crawling towards Leng Xuan silently.

Broken bricks and stones almost buried Leng Xuanmo's whole body, Qin Fei grabbed his tactical vest shoulder strap and pulled him out of the messy ruins.

However, Qin Fei quickly noticed that Leng Xuanmo's face was covered in blood.

"Hey! What's wrong with you!?"

Qin Fei also didn't care about checking Leng Xuanmo's injuries in such a place.

Leng Xuanmo, who was alive or dead, returned to the corridor. Qin Fei turned him over and held up Leng Xuanmo's mud and blood face with his hands.

"He's okay." The ghost squatted aside and glanced at Leng Xuan silently: "There is still breathing, the blood is only scratched by the shrapnel to the flesh on the upper right cheek. Just go back and sew a few stitches. The man is a little scarred. handsome."

Qin Fei asked: "How do you know that he is not dead?"

Now that the black light is blind, Qin Fei can only see Leng Xuanmo's face from the night vision goggles. Before he can check it, the ghost can confirm the result with just a glance.

"Experience, if you often encounter this situation, you don't need to check, just listen to know that he is not dead, and the breathing is sound and even." Ghost said.

Qin Fei touched Leng Xuanmo’s pulse and probed his breath again. As expected, it was exactly the same as the ghost said. He was worried, and checked his body again. No new wound was found, except for the bruise on his face. , Everything is fine,


An artillery shell landed on the roof again, and the explosion directly blasted a hole half a meter square on the roof.

"The third floor is not safe!" Qin Fei reached out and patted Leng Xuanmo's face: "Wake up! We are leaving here!"

After being slapped by Qin Fei a few times, Leng Xuan suddenly sat up from his arms, looking at the surrounding with a nervous look.

"There are cannonballs..."

"I know, it exploded, it didn't blow you up!" Qin Fei gave him a push, "You're all right!"

Leng Xuanmo suddenly exclaimed, "My eyes! My eyes... can't see!"

"Don't mess around!" Qin Fei grabbed Leng Xuanmo, drew out the water bottle and poured some water in his palm, then pushed Leng Xuanmo's night vision goggles back to the dried cuttlefish rails, and washed them around his eyes and wounds. one time.

"You're not blind! Don't worry, it's just that your eyes are smeared with blood!"

Hearing Qin Fei's words, Leng Xuanmo finally felt relieved.

"It's the first time you participated in actual combat?" Qin Fei asked.

Leng Xuanmo was a little frightened, nodded, shook his head, and suddenly looked up at Qin Fei: "Is it considered actual combat to **** at sea, intercept pirates, and rescue hostages?"

Qin Fei laughed blankly.

This can indeed be said to be final, and it cannot be said in a strict sense.

Actual combat is always the only criterion for testing the true strength of a soldier. If a special force is a good piece of steel, then actual combat is a process of repeated forging until it becomes a sharp knife.

Leng Xuanmo has not experienced high-intensity actual combat, especially this kind of infantry swarm attack style in the true sense. When a shell falls on your side, you will wake up after being blown out to faint. Anyone will There was such a slight panic.

"Boy, in the future, there will be more chances for your army chief to send you to the actual combat, which is good for you." The ghost said, "It's okay. It's over."

The ghost is a veteran who has participated in countless high-intensity actual combat and even positional battles. In front of him, Leng Xuanmo's reaction was too normal.

The three people walked up the stairs to the second floor. Wang Dongcheng and the medical soldier Ge Qiming were lying on the back of the wall and cursing their mother.

"Fuck, why didn't you think the mortar was so fierce before? Old Ge, do you think this thing is made in the Soviet Union or the United States?"

"Damn, the power is so powerful, I am the Soviet system. The diameter of the Soviet system is more than 100mm. The general standard is 120 caliber. I think the explosive power just now is 120."

"I feel like the American-made 107 caliber..."

"What the **** caliber, anyway, it didn't explode to me, it was a good caliber, and it exploded to me is a bad caliber..."

"What are you two doing?" The ghost squatted on the ground, looking at the two dragon players.

Wang Dongcheng pointed to the window. It turned out that a big hole had been blasted there, and the entire window had become a "doorway" through which a car could be driven into.

"We almost killed both of us just now."

While talking, Wang Dongcheng patted his helmet, and a pile of sand fell on it.

"When you are forced to be bombarded by artillery, it is best to stand next to the structural beam~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such as corners and so on. Don't hide directly behind the wall, or you will be buried if it collapses."

While talking, the ghost lay on the ground, climbed to the entrance of the cave, took out the monocular observer and looked out.

"Trouble, they have already begun to attack while shelling."

"Old fish!" The ghost shouted downstairs: "Someone is approaching. Keep the machine gun."

As soon as the voice fell, the Deschka heavy machine gun in charge of the old fish downstairs began to scream happily.

"No, we have to leave here. This building will be hit by shells and it will collapse." The ghost said: "We have to move, or we will die."

"Follow me!" After the ghost said, he turned around and ran to the first floor.

Everyone followed.

On the first floor, Jin Donghai and Lao Yu were guarding their machine gun positions, constantly rushing towards the militiamen approaching here.

"We are leaving here!" the ghost said loudly.

"I agree!" With rich experience in the battlefield, Lao Yu turned his head and said to Jin Donghai: "After sweeping this batch, I will leave immediately after suppressing their offensive!"

"They can't get through, we have heavy machine guns." Jin Donghai's eyes were a little red.

"It's useless! In front of curved artillery fire, the machine gun is just a fart!" Lao Yu said: "Before they adjust the shooting parameters, they must go! Otherwise, we will be shot if we are too late!"

Before the words fell, a shelling shell landed outside the corner where the old fish was hiding.

The air wave caused by the explosion rushed in all the dust and debris outside the house, and the old fish was pushed a full three meters away and hit the wall.

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