Absolute Honor

Chapter 688: X mercenary group returning

The old fish was injured, and Qin Fei jumped in shock, and rushed to help the old fish.

"Hmm!" Lao Yu let out a muffled snort, and grabbed a few hands in front of him.

"Old Yu, you can't be okay!" Qin Fei's heart hung suddenly, and he checked it quickly, and found that Lao Yu's entire face was dark, blood was hanging in many places, and the night vision goggles in front of his eyes had burst. Shrapnel is inserted on it.

This is the first time this veteran has been so seriously injured since Qin Fei got to know the old fish.

Lao Yu's battlefield experience is the strongest of the X mercenary group, so when he usually goes out on mission, Lao Yu can almost turn a good fortune, and at most suffer a little skin trauma.

Only this time, the situation looks a bit bad.

"Which hurts?"

"Eyes, and neck..."

Qin Fei lowered his head and saw that there was a wound on Lao Yu's neck, blood pouring out.

There is the place where the artery is located. Once it is punctured by shrapnel, there is almost no suspense about death.

"His neck is okay." The ghost said as he stretched out his palm and shook it in front of the old fish.

Seeing that Lao Yu didn't react, he reached out and opened Lao Yu's eyelids.

"Hiss——" The old fish gasped.

"His eye was injured. There was a small shrapnel stuck in it. I don't know if it hurts the eyeball." The ghost said: "First help the old fish bandage, and then leave here. The wound will be treated in a safe place."

"Damn." The old fish couldn't help cursing: "I won't be blind, am I?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you won't be blind!" Qin Fei beckoned to Ge Qiming: "Help the old fish clean the wound and bandage it temporarily, then you will be responsible for watching the old fish. We will cover you and everyone will leave here."


Another shell hit directly on the outer wall of the building.

The house shook a few times overwhelmedly, the bricks and gravel chuckled down, and a big hole was blown in one of the walls of the house.

"You can't go out directly from the door. They know that we are here. I'm afraid there will be a lot of machine guns and sniper rifles aiming at the street outside the door." After the ghost said, he took out two smoke bombs from his pockets, opened them and threw them from the window. Get out.

The smoke bomb fell on the street outside the door, and suddenly thick smoke billowed.

Suddenly, gunshots broke out, and bullets like raindrops came from different angles, all hitting the smoke-covered street, and the warhead shot into the ground, splashing dust, and puffing.

"See, they are all staring here."

"Then where do we go?" Jin Donghai asked.

The ghost pointed to a wall in the room, "Blast this place, we enter other houses from here."

The houses in Bagil are very dense, except for the front yard, there are houses on the left and right sides. You are next to me, I built it next to you, so many different houses are separated by a narrow alley less than half a meter wide, and some are even glued together. Just blast a wall and enter There are no major problems with the houses on the left and right.

"Dongcheng, blow it up!"

Jin Donghai gave orders to the deputy captain Wang Dongcheng. Wang Dongcheng quickly took out the C4, calculated the explosion point, inserted the detonator, and stuck the explosive on the wall.

"Prepare to detonate, find cover!"

In the sound of Wang Dongcheng's warning, everyone hurriedly left the explosion area in front of C4, walked to Wang Dongcheng and squatted down.


With an explosion of the wall, a brick collapsed, revealing a large hole.

"Go and go!" Qin Fei finished speaking, taking the lead and walking out of the hole with the gun in his hand.

Outside the cave is indeed an alley, only less than one meter wide, and it seems that you can go around the house next door from the east.

"You guys wait here, I'll take a look at the alley and wait for my instructions."

Qin Fei quickly walked towards the alley with HK416, and the exit from the alley on the east was in the direction of the back door of the house where he had just hidden.

When he reached the entrance of the alley, Qin Fei threw a smoke bomb.

After waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened.

Qin Fei rushed out of the alley, walked around the door of a nearby house from the left, and pushed with his hand.

The door suddenly opened and was unlocked.

However, in the field of night vision, Qin Fei saw a person picking up an AK47 towards him!


Qin Fei was startled. He kept holding the gun with the muzzle facing forward, but the opponent obviously had the muzzle facing down before and didn't lift it up.

This saved Qin Fei's life.


Qin Fei's gun spurted out the tongue of fire first, and the opponent fell on his back. The trigger of the AK47 was pulled down, and all the bullets hit the ceiling, dropping a lot of dust.

At almost the same time, gunshots sounded in several corners of the room.

The militia inside seemed to be a little hastily. If they could calm down, wait for Qin Fei to enter the house before firing, it would be difficult for Qin Fei to resist even with three heads and six arms from different angles.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Fei to rush into a strange house whose safety is not certain.

The bullet hit the door, Qin Fei had already retreated outside, a bullet grazed his arm, tore the camouflage uniform, leaving a wound.

Regardless of the pain, Qin Fei calmly drew out two grenades, bit the tabs and threw them into different directions of the house.

With two explosions, the house became quiet.

Qin Fei rushed in with a gun, and saw the corpses of several militiamen lying on the floor on the left and right sides. He did not stay on the first floor, but went straight up the stairs with the gun to the second floor.

Walking on the stairs, Qin Fei pressed the headset.

"Jin Donghai, you come out of the cave and walk in the direction that I am going. I have cleared the first floor of the house on the left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come here quickly, and we will find another way to leave."

"Accepted." Jin Donghai responded quickly.

Fortunately, there was no one on the second floor.

Obviously these militiamen just took advantage of the opportunity of mortars to blast Qin Fei's house here, because this was the back door, they wanted to gather some people before attacking the house.

Unexpectedly, a few people had not waited for their accomplices, but they met Qin Fei who came to explore the way.

Although the house was safe, Qin Fei felt a headache.

The militias even infiltrated their own house. I am afraid that the surrounding area is not very safe. If you want to leave here, you can only continue to clear the house one by one. Although it is dangerous, at least it can be stranded with the enemy and will not be mortared. fry.

Suddenly, Qin Fei lowered his head and saw that the receiving terminal of his other headset was flashing a green indicator light.

This means there is a signal coming in.

That was the channel of the X mercenary group, and Qin Fei quickly switched over.

"Boss! We arrived outside the city of Bagel, what's your situation?" Eric's voice came from the earphones, sounding like a sound of heaven.

"Why are you back!?" Qin Fei almost lost his eyes.

"Do you think we will leave you and the old fish behind and just wait for you at Hudeida like this stupid?" Eric teased, "Don't look at us white people as ruthless and unrighteous, okay?"

Qin Fei said, "Do you know where we are?"

"Yuri has located the location based on your signal." Eric said, "We have brought weapons and vehicles. Now we will go to find you and rescue you!"

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