Absolute Honor

Chapter 691: Silent assassination

"I don't think they knew we were here." Qin Fei whispered to the bangs next to him. "Don't rush to shoot. Wait until they come to see the situation clearly."

Time is of utmost importance to the entire team trapped here.

If you delay for one more minute, Thor's team will have another minute to deploy; if you delay for one more minute, the closer the thundering team will arrive by one minute.

Soon, those sneaky figures on the corner gradually moved closer.

Everyone found a good place indoors, hiding in every dark corner, Ge Qiming carried the old fish back into the room.


The militiamen slowly approached the collapsed building against the wall. They didn't know that there were a few special soldiers they wanted to kill hiding behind the wall beside them.

Before long, the dilapidated house where Qin Fei and the others stayed was surrounded by twenty or thirty militiamen.

Across the wall, Qin Fei could even hear the noise of their walking on the gravel and bricks, as well as the local bird language that he did not understand.

Since they did not find themselves, no one wants to go out and kill these militiamen. After all, killing is not the purpose, the purpose is to escape here safely.

Qin Fei couldn't help but looked at his watch again, he didn't know how Eric was going.

Every second is so difficult, maybe after an explosion on the base camp, the militiamen will return to their important war preparation warehouse and give up attacking their own small team.

For the leader of the militia organization, killing these people may be rewarded, but the loss will be even greater.

It's just that things will never go as smoothly as imagined.

Qin Fei quickly discovered that the militiamen had started using walkie-talkies to communicate with their superiors. Although they didn't understand what they were talking about, they were obviously reporting the situation here.

After a conversation, the militiamen suddenly dispersed and searched all the houses around the destroyed house.

After all, fierce battles are still inevitable.

The ghost made a tactical gesture to Qin Fei in the dark, and Qin Fei saw it. It was the ghost who told himself that the other party had found that there was no person they were looking for in the collapsed house, and now he is ready to start the search, so that Qin Fei is ready to start. fighting.

Two militiamen walked towards the house where Qin Fei was located, and when they reached the door, they kicked the door open.

Qin Fei gently pulled out the Mad Dog Advanced Tactical Knife and placed it on his thigh.

In fact, Qin Fei’s holster still has a Glock 17 installed with a silencer. It would be easier to deal with two militiamen with a pistol. They enter the door and shoot them in the head when they are caught off guard. With the help of great tactical literacy and night vision equipment, the opponent has no ability to resist.

But the current situation is different. The muffler can only be said to cut off most of the shooting sound, but no matter how good the muffler is, it will still make a certain noise, especially when you are going to kill the opponent in one shot. The best shooting position is the head, because as long as the brainstem is penetrated, basically the entire body of the enemy will cut off the connection with the brain in an instant, and there is no doubt that it will die.

The biggest drawback of using a gun with a silencer at this time is that not only does the gun produce a certain degree of noise when shooting, but also when the bullet hits a hard skull, it will make a crisp sound, just like breaking a coconut. Same.

There are militias all around now, and there is no other noise as a cover. It is not a sensible thing to shoot others' heads at close range.

So Qin Fei chose a tactical knife, and killing the opponent with a knife would be even more silent.

Every special soldier is a master of swordsmanship. Before entering the special forces, he must receive at least one year of combat training. This includes sword fighting and assassination training, and he will frequently practice and fight repeatedly during his service. Constantly improve his sword skills, and strive to kill the opponent in the shortest time.

The ghost standing opposite Qin Fei also drew out a fighting knife. The dark blade seemed to have been treated with a matte finish, so there would be no reflections at night.

The two waited at the door, one on the left and the other on the right.

The two militiamen didn’t seem to realize that they had gone to death step by step. They kicked open the door and looked into the room with their guns. They made sure that there was no one in the front line of sight. Direction search.

But they made a fatal mistake.

Since they had an AK47 automatic rifle in their hands, when they turned to search, the barrel was too long. Instead, Qin Fei and Ghost hid just over ten centimeters behind the door.

In this way, even in an emergency, they couldn't aim the gun at Qin Fei or the ghost even if they wanted to shoot.

The two suddenly felt that the AK47 in their hands was being hit by one hand, and the other party did not choose to grab their barrels, but directly grabbed the position of the receiver cover.

The militiamen subconsciously pulled the trigger, only to find that the trigger was stuck!

The huge gun safety of AK47 has been pushed to the top. The safety paddle of this gun is very long and is divided into three gears, which are closed, single shot, and continuous shot. The top of the paddle is the closed position.

Almost at the same time, a fighting knife penetrated his chin and throat, directly pierced his tongue and then passed through the pons in the back of his head.

That is the hub linking the central nervous system and the brain. What's more, the tongue is pierced, and the upper and lower jaws are like beef skewers pierced together. It is impossible to open your mouth to call.

Qin Fei twisted the handle of the knife hard, and the blade that had penetrated the pons instantly shattered the brain tissue inside.

At the same time, Qin Fei grabbed his gun and slowly controlled the body of the hapless militiaman with his knife, and slowly laid it down on the ground.

In this way, the gun did not fall, the person did not fall, and there was no sound.

A perfect assassination.

Dragging the corpse to the corner and putting it away, Qin Fei made an OK gesture to the ghost on the opposite side, and the two of them continued to stick to the doorway ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now all they can do is wait.

Waiting for Eric's actions, it was just that the entire Bagel city suddenly fell silent, completely different from the previous situation where it was inextricably fought, as if the entire city had fallen asleep.

Terribly quiet.

Qin Fei would rather be a little bit quiet now, at least it would be good for covering up the whereabouts of his pedestrian.

Soon, he heard the whispers of the militiamen not far away from the door.

The ghost began to gesture at him again.

He told Qin Fei that the other party found that there were fewer people and planned to find someone.

Damn, it's troublesome to find the door again!

Qin Fei has had enough of this cat-and-mouse game tonight. If he has enough heavy weapons on hand, he must go out and kill him without leaving a piece of armor.

But now is definitely not the time to be arrogant. After a whole night of fierce fighting, the militia repelled several charges. Everyone had very little ammunition left, and they would soon be supported by the AK47 they picked up.

Once this AK47 without night vision scope is used, the combat effectiveness of the entire team will be greatly reduced, and it will be even more difficult to escape from Bagil.

The sound of footsteps again approached the house where Qin Fei and others were located.

After inquiring, the militia leader in charge of the search determined that his subordinates disappeared without a trace after entering the house.

"¥#%@%%@#%……@#%@" The boss stood two or three meters outside the door, shouting loudly at the room, as if looking for his subordinates.


He didn't even plan to come in!

Qin Fei feels something is not good!

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