Absolute Honor

Chapter 692: Big explosion

It was quiet in the house, and no one responded.

The leader of the militia turned and asked the bunch of his men next to him: "Did you see Hamill and Agab going in?"

"Yes... they were responsible for the search of this house. We went to the next door." The militiamen hurriedly replied.

"Huh?" The boss looked at the door suspiciously.

The two doors were ajar, and the inside was dark like a morgue.


The leader suddenly raised his gun and shot it inward without warning, and his subordinates saw that his leader had fired, and they shot at the house like chicken blood.

Qin Fei hid behind the wall by the door. Although the bullet could not penetrate the wall, the bullet shot into the room could easily hit the wall and cause a ricochet.

With his tactical thinking, he could not understand these tribal militias in the Middle East anyway. This kind of meaningless spears can only be a waste of ammunition, and it has almost become a custom in this region. To give birth to a child, shoot to celebrate; for the funeral of a dead individual, you also have to give a sudden shot. Even at the wedding, shooting out of control to kill relatives and friends, the news of directly turning popular things into vain is not uncommon.

In fact, if I really don’t know what’s in the house, I’m still done with one grenade. When searching the room, there is nothing that can’t be done with one grenade.

"Stop!" The boss shot a bullet, and maybe Xiudou's brain suddenly became alive. He felt that it was silly, so he raised his hands and stopped his subordinates from continuing to shoot.

The hall was filled with the smell of dust from the bullet splashing, and there was a slight smell of gunpowder smoke.

Qin Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this group of neuroses were finally normal.

But soon after, Qin Fei regretted it.

It is better for this group of militiamen to be abnormal.

Because he looked out from the crack in the door and saw the boss whispering to his subordinates, then the next subordinate turned over in the tattered bag on his waist and handed over two grenades!

NS! That's right!

Qin Fei's scalp was numb, and through the night vision device, he clearly saw that they were two genuine grenades.

He quickly made a tactical sign language to the ghost on the opposite side, telling him that the other party was going to throw a grenade.

The two nodded, preparing to attack together, sweeping all the militiamen outside the door to death.

These guys are squeezed in a pile, and two automatic rifles can make them all lie down in a few seconds.

At the very moment, things took an unexpected turn again.


A huge explosion shocked everyone inside and outside the house!

Qin Fei saw the sky in the distance suddenly turned red, and then saw huge fireballs and black smoke flying up into the sky. In the night vision goggles, the color of the flames turned white and looked very strange.

The militiamen outside the door were all squatting on the ground in fright, looking around in panic, and then scattered around, all hiding behind the pillars of the building.

The walkie-talkie in the hands of the leading militia leader rustled twice, and Suleiman's voice soon came.

Qin Fei couldn't understand what these guys were saying, but there was one thing that made him very excited-Thor Eric got it!

No one is more adept at doing this kind of silent and breathless sneak attack than a top assassin like Thor Eric.


Before the militiamen could come back to their senses, another violent explosion skyrocketed.

The militiamen outside the door were no longer calm, squatting on the ground and pointing in the direction of the explosion, wowed in horror and didn't know what they were talking about.

The leader waved his hand for the last time, said a bird's word, everyone turned and ran in the opposite direction, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Boss, we got it done here. They are now a mess of ants." Eric's not unsatisfied voice came from the headset. "He held a bomb in their big mullah's yard. , Blasted all his sheepfolds, and now they will definitely return to defense."

The status of the big mullah is respected. In the place where Yemen envelops a certain religion, he is equivalent to the status of the patriarch. Since the sects here are divided into many branches, each branch has its own patriarch, similar to a spiritual leader. The same exists.

Now that the sheep pen in Mullah’s house has been bombed, no one knows if there will be other explosives affecting his personal safety, so the militiamen will definitely return to defense to protect their weapons arsenal and Mullah’s house.

Eric is very knowledgeable and knows the importance of it.

Of course he didn't dare to blow up the big mullah, otherwise the militia of the city would chase Qin Fei and himself like crazy, a living big mullah would be much more useful.

"Have any of you been injured?" Qin Fei is most concerned about this issue.

Eric said, "It's okay! There are a few guards there. I overheard them. The militiamen in the city are now hunting you. I learned from them that a white mercenary team has entered the city. , You guys be careful, I guess it is the mercenary unit of the dark sun."

"Understood, we are now retreating to the outside of the city to the north, and you should also withdraw as soon as possible. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

"Received, understand!"

The two disconnected, and Qin Fei summoned everyone.

"Go, hurry up! The militiamen are back on defense, we leave this ghost place while they are in chaos!"

"Okay!" Liu Hai thought for a while and said: "We don't have a car now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's better to find a car, otherwise I'm afraid it's easy to be besieged again by relying on two legs."

"How long will Team Lei have to arrive? Where are they currently?" Qin Fei asked.

Liu Hai said: "I have contacted them just now, and I should be able to arrive in 25 minutes."

"That's good, we won't wait, now everyone is heading north." Qin Fei took the PAD in Liu Hai's hand and pointed to the map above, "Eric and they are now going north from the center of the city. We should be able to exist……"

With his finger slid on the screen, Qin Fei pointed to an intersection in the north of the city.

"If there are no accidents, we will meet them here and get in their car." Qin Fei turned and took Lao Yu's M249 machine gun, and carried the last Gustav M4 with cannonballs on his back. On his body, he finally handed his HK416 to Ge Qiming.

Now Lao Yu can't see anything for the time being, Qin Fei decided to use M249 to open the way, at least better than HK416 in firepower: "Lao Ge, you are responsible for taking care of Lao Yu, please take care of him."

Ge Qiming nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I must take the veteran into the car."

"Donghai, you and Leng Xuan silently." After that, his eyes turned to the ghost: "Ghost, you are more familiar with the terrain here, will you open the way with me?"

"No problem." The ghost agreed without even thinking about it.

After leaning against the window to observe the outside for a while, Qin Fei was sure that it was temporarily safe to connect, and with a wave of his hand, the two ghosts and the ghost took the lead out of the gate.

The crowd followed behind and began to retreat towards the north of the city following the cover of the building.

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