Absolute Honor

Chapter 696: Shoulder to shoulder

It is no wonder that Qin Fei was furious. With two M2HB machine guns blocking the road, relying on light weapons to rush back forcibly was to find death.

What's more, the situation is very bad now. In the extremely crowded and complicated city environment of Bagil, it is almost impossible for two snipers to carry out sniping here.

If you stay in place to establish a defense line, under the bombardment of the militia’s RPG and the powerful M4 recoilless artillery in the hands of the Black Sun mercenaries, the casualties are incalculable.

Only leaving people to stop the enemy and then retreating the wounded is the correct way.

And Qin Fei knew very well that the thunder team and the helicopter could arrive in about ten minutes. Liu Hai and the others retreated outside the city to help the helicopter find the target. It is estimated that the thunder team will be able to pick up the old man before leaving the city. Fish them.

Otherwise, staying near this intersection with complex terrain and numerous buildings and many enemies will easily be besieged, and with the help of night vision goggles, it will be difficult for helicopter pilots to distinguish between enemy and friend, which may cause accidental injury.

As a special forces officer, Jin Donghai certainly understands the stakes.

Now he must make a decision, and that is to let himself take the risk.

"Wang Dongcheng, I now order you to act as my commander and retreat with the members of the X mercenary group to the outside of the city. This is an order!"

"Captain, but..." Wang Dongcheng hesitated slightly.

"Excuting an order!"


"Boss, what do you do?" Eric was obviously unwilling to leave Qin Fei and Jin Donghai just like that.

"Don't be too long-winded! The two of us are not dead, we will take care of ourselves. The helicopter will arrive in ten minutes, and they can come to help us when they arrive. Before that, we should be able to withstand it in ten minutes!" Qin Feiji "Hurry up and withdraw to me, otherwise you will be surrounded and everyone will die together!"


After cutting off the call, Qin Fei patted Jin Donghai, "We went to the top of the building to block their attack."

Jin Donghai understood Qin Fei's intentions.

If you shoot at the Hummer downstairs, you are looking for death.

But it's different upstairs.

The armored ring of the Hummer can only block the surroundings of the machine gunner, but it can't prevent the head. As long as the machine gunner is killed, it can stop them from chasing Liu Hai and others.

The two hurried upstairs along the stairs and quickly turned to the top of the building.

This building is empty and there is no one. It seems that the people fleeing due to the war is nothing new. Maybe they were also told to leave the fighting area by the militia, so they played all night and saw very few things. local people.

"Look, two Hummers!"

Jin Donghai squatted behind the low wall on the top of the third floor, looked down with his probe, and couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

Qin Fei looked around and made sure that there were no snipers staring at him on the roof of the surrounding buildings.

No, there are no enemies on the surrounding roofs.

Qin Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe Eric blew up the opponent’s arsenal and the big Mullah’s sheepfold, which really made the militias in the city very nervous and dispersed their forces. Otherwise, hundreds of people besieged him and surrounded him. The roof of the building is full of people because of trouble.

It now appears that the people of Hei Sun are underground.

Qin Fei saw two Hummers slowly driving towards the street where Liu Hai and the others retreated, and hurriedly said to Jin Donghai: "One person, one vehicle, I left you right, and shot at the same time. Whoever grabs the remaining one first Whose!"


"one two Three!"



The gunshots of the two men sounded at the same time, and then they turned to the third Hummer at the same time.

After a rush of gunshots, the machine gunners on the three Hummers were blown off their heads and instantly turned into corpses, all slid into the car.

The Hummer stopped immediately, and the people in the car didn't know where the bullet came from, and quickly began to reverse.

Liu Hai's team escaped the danger of being chased by two Hummers at the same time. Qin Fei and Jin Donghai bought time for them.

The squad began to cross another street, disappeared from sight, and withdrew to the outside of the city.

"Okay, they left, now we are left." Qin Fei said as he pulled off a grenade and asked Jin Donghai: "How is your target performance?"

"Cut!" Jin Donghai snorted: "Do you think you can be much better than me in the military? My target performance has never been lower than excellent. It can be said to be a hundred shots and a hundred hits."

The so-called ground target training is actually a kind of grenade training. Army infantry will carry out this kind of training. Throwing a terrain target and a window target of 50cm in length and width from 20 meters away, three grenade must be thrown in two. Achieved a pass.

In special forces, this training requirement is increased.

The distance has been increased to 30 meters, and the length and width of the ground target and the window target have been reduced to 35CMX35CM.

This is a training that allows soldiers to accurately throw hand grenades into enemy bunkers or rooms when they are engaged in urban combat or attacking enemy defenses.

The two pulled off the safety ring, leaned out, and threw the grenades out.



The two Hummers suddenly became big light bulbs, and there was a fire in the car, and then they lay down on the spot like a dead tortoise and stopped moving.


Before Qin Fei had time to be proud, a fire suddenly exploded near a dark corner on the ground.


Jin Donghai and Qin Feigang turned around and wanted to lie down. A Gustav M4 recoilless gun hit the edge of the roof directly, and a corner of the house was directly destroyed.

The huge impact drove Qin Fei and Jin Donghai back several meters, wanting to be flew out like waste paper in the wind.

Fortunately, the shells did not directly hit the thin brick wall of the fence, but hit the wall of the house under the fence, otherwise the two of them would be absolutely fatal.

"Donghai, what's going on!?"

Qin Fei saw Jin Donghai lying down two meters away from him. He tried to move his hands and feet. There was a tingling pain on his forearm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he lifted up, there was a shockingly long opening in his forearm. , Bleeding mimily.

Jin Donghai hummed on the ground and did not answer Qin Fei.

Qin Fei was taken aback, and quickly crawled over with reluctance.

Turning Jin Donghai over, Qin Fei checked it and was shocked.

A piece of shrapnel penetrated through the upper edge of his thigh. Looking through the wound, he actually saw Sensen's bones!

Blood water dyed the desert camouflage pants red, and it rushed down like a waterfall.

"How do you feel!?" Qin Fei didn't expect Jin Donghai to be hurt so badly, he quickly took out the tourniquet from the medical kit, put on Jin Donghai's thigh, and tightened it.

Then take out a triangular first aid kit, bite it open, take out the hemostatic agent and pour all over the wound, then press the disinfectant veil on the wound, and bandage the wound.

When Qin Fei was doing all this, Jin Donghai was awakened by the pain. The pain was really unbearable for him, but in front of Qin Fei, he was always reluctant to show a trace of cowardice, even a trace of it, no way!

He hit the ground hard with his helmet to relieve the bone pain in his thigh!

"Hold it up!" The corner of Qin Fei's eyes became hot. He knew it would be very painful. The shrapnel might still be inside, but he couldn't help him pull it out now because it might cause heavy bleeding.

However, the wound must be tightly bandaged, otherwise the blood vessels will not be compressed, but as soon as you apply force, the shrapnel in the meat is equivalent to a knife gouging the muscles and bones. Qin Fei can feel the terrible squeaking sound when it rubs on the bones. .

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