Absolute Honor

Chapter 697: Desperate fight

There was a slight sound of footsteps downstairs, and Qin Fei realized that someone was coming up.

Now that they find themselves here, whether they are militiamen or mercenaries, they will try to enter this frozen house and get rid of themselves and Jin Donghai.

"You hold back!" Qin Fei put the SCAR automatic rifle on Jin Donghai's feet, squatted up the M249 machine gun and walked to the stairs, squatting aside and waiting.

Dang Lang Lang-

A grenade suddenly rolled in from the entrance and landed at Qin Fei's feet.


Without even thinking about it, Qin Fei grabbed it and threw it back.


A huge smoke and dust erupted from the entrance of the corridor, and there was a scream.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the corridor, Qin Fei directed his anger on the enemy downstairs, holding up the M249 machine gun and continuously shooting down the stairs, and the seven or eight militiamen crowded in the corridor suddenly became a hornet's nest.

Soon, the magazine of the M249 machine gun was empty, and Qin Fei could only return to the original position to replace the magazine.

As soon as the fire stopped, countless grenades were thrown up obliquely from below. Because the tragic situation of the militiamen who entered the stairs to the top of the building had scared the people behind, no one dared to rush up the stairs again, so they could not move them. The grenades were thrown on the roof, and they all landed on the stairs near the exit of the roof.

However, the huge sound and shock waves of the explosion rushed up the floor from the front and below, and exploded, covering Qin Fei's mouth full of mud and sand.

Throwing out the mud in his mouth, Qin Fei had replaced the new ammunition box, reloaded the ammunition, and then turned to look at Jin Donghai. He stopped rolling and moaning anymore, and curled up quietly in the corner of the wall. Without moving, the dust from the explosion covered him with a thick layer.

"East China Sea! East China Sea!"

His appearance frightened Qin Fei, hugged his body and desperately dragged him to a safer corner.

"I was thinking..." Jin Donghai's lips were covered with dust, and his speech became a little vague. "This kid Qin Fei must be so happy to see me like this..."

"Shut up your **** X!" Qin Fei carefully wiped off the dirt near his wound, cursing: "No one wants you to die!"

"You don't want me to die?" A surprised look flashed in Jin Donghai's eyes, and he suddenly smiled: "I lied to you in Jebuti and made you almost unable to return to the team. Don't you hate me? Now your memory is restored, I don't want to Tell me? Humph..."

Having said this, he suddenly coughed violently.

Then he said: "One more thing, Qin Fei, I'm so bad that every time I meet you, it's nothing good. Do you know why I was kicked out of Troop 203? Because I instructed the people in the headquarters to write to you and inform you. , Said that your father has historical problems and you should not be allowed to enter a special unit like 203. However, I did not expect that you will have an accident during the mission... , He kicked me out of Unit 203..."

Qin Fei was taken aback.

He didn't expect so many things to happen behind him. He thought that Jin Donghai might be eliminated, but he didn't expect to be driven away by Lei Gong...

"I never thought about accusing you. If I want to accuse you, I have reported this matter long ago after meeting Lei. I never told them that I met you in Jebuty. I just want to go back to be Ask the matter face-to-face. Jin Donghai, you are good at everything in your life. You are very careful. You have seen me not pleasing to your eyes since junior high school. I want to know why you hate me so much? Why do you hate me so much? The family's ancestor is grave!?"

"Have you really...never thought of accusing me?" Jin Donghai was obviously very surprised. He thought that Qin Fei would be proud, but he thought that Qin Fei would seize his handle and put himself under control, and let out a sigh of foulness.

He even expected to see Qin Fei lose control of his anger, then put his gun against his head, calling himself a bastard, even...

Even more, he expected Qin Fei to pull the trigger, at least not to suffer humiliation when he went back.

However, Qin Fei's answer gave him a feeling of suffocating his strength and punching the soft cotton.

"I just want to find you after I go back, and then I will ask you, I can't do it anymore, I will press you and beat you up again! It's like in junior high school!" Qin Fei spat on the ground, "Tell you? That's not it. My Qin Fei's style of doing things!"

Jin Donghai was stunned again. Before he came back to his senses, suddenly, several rockets shot up from below.

After the sharp whistling sound passed, the rocket hit the wall on the roof, and dust filled all sides.

Qin Fei leaned forward quickly and blocked Jin Donghai's injured thigh. He was worried that the wound would be injured again, which would make the situation worse.

Jin Donghai looked at Qin Fei in disbelief. He saw two pieces of shrapnel embedded in Qin Fei's arm, but the latter did not hum.

A huge sense of frustration surged unstoppable in Jin Donghai's heart, and in front of Qin Fei, he was just an out-and-out villain!

All the so-called hatred is just a kind of negative energy created by himself. In fact, Qin Fei never thought about what to do with him, but he couldn't live with him.


On the floor of the rooftop, fireworks over three meters high suddenly burst like a volcanic eruption!

The entire rooftop is shaking! Then Qin Fei felt that the floor under his feet was tilting! Whole floor

The building is going to collapse!

There is only one entrance on the rooftop. Qin Fei's M249 machine gun can almost be said to be a man who can do nothing. These **** did not dare to come up, but they carried the Gustav M4 to the third floor and directly bombarded them!

These guys are really crazy!

"The building is going to collapse!" Qin Fei knew very well that if he and Jin Donghai fell directly into the third floor from the floor, then the muzzles of countless black holes must be waiting there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two of them were almost instantaneous. Will sweep the city sieve.

Rather than just sit and wait, let's give it a go!

To deal with a madman, then you must first become a madman!

"Donghai! I'm going to do my best!" Qin Fei tore off the two grenades in front of Jin Donghai's chest, bit off the tab, and said back to him: "You stay here, take care of yourself, and crawl to the side if it collapses. Hide! I'm going to let them know what a soldier of Unit 203 is!"

After all, Qin Fei rushed to the entrance of the rooftop like a mad tiger, and threw a grenade into it at a distance of two meters.

Two grenades fell directly into the third floor and rolled to different places.

Then, Qin Fei heard the sound of messy footsteps, and obviously everyone downstairs was hiding, looking for cover.



Immediately after the explosion, Qin Fei did not wait for the smoke to dissipate, and immediately rushed into the corridor with the M249 machine gun, jumped directly off the stairs, and landed on the stairs on the second floor.

Standing on the corner of the stairs from the second floor to the third floor was a black sun mercenary. He did not expect that Qin Fei would directly attack at this time and jump in front of him in such an unbelievable way!

There are only two opponents, and there are several militiamen and several mercenaries here. Those who dare to take the initiative to launch an offensive at this time are definitely not normal people.

In the night vision goggles, he saw Qin Fei's head with a helmet and night vision goggles, and approached him like a devil...

In panic, he thought of holding up the M4A1 automatic rifle in his hand and facing Qin Fei with the muzzle.

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