Absolute Honor

Chapter 743: live

Qin Fei encountered the most bizarre sniper mission in his combat career.

When he and Zhao Xin were lying on the crumbling wooden house with big eyes and small eyes, the small room under the belly was already beautiful and passionate.

Although Qin Fei didn’t understand why the pair of African wild ducks chose to go to the dilapidated wooden house a few hundred meters away from the hospital at night for a “field battle”, sweating like rain in a crowded space full of corruption to see you. I turned my head against the phoenix with a real sword and a gun. Seeing the mosquitoes that were as dense as bombers and buzzing like nothing, I was still in high spirits.

They may not choose here for ten thousand reasons, but there are also ten thousand reasons for choosing here.

The sensual hormones filled the air, letting Qin Fei know what it means to be desperate and what it means to turn the river into the sea.

But these are not what Qin Fei is currently worrying about. What he needs to worry about is another thing-this **** wooden house is about to collapse under the crazy impact of two wild mandarin ducks.

Although I can't see what's going on in the house, under the accompaniment of the woman's groaning that seems to be dying and the man's gasp like a bull after running for ten kilometers, the wooden house was hit violently one after another. I don't know what they did. Posture, I don't know if they are too brave today, every time they hit it, they seem to use the energy of feeding.

The decaying cabin was also moaning, making worrying babbles, as if to warn the couple of dogs-so you are enough! I'm going to fall apart!

This is really embarrassing and very annoying.

Once the wooden house collapses, Qin Fei and Zhao Xin's whereabouts are in danger of being exposed.

Qin Fei made a gesture to Zhao Xin, motioning to leave the roof and hide first, and wait until the couple of dogs and men are done.

Qin Fei leaned against the roof like a gecko and slowly slid backwards

Zhao Xin did the same, trying to leave this awkward place as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through the climb, an accident suddenly appeared.

There was a soft "click" under Zhao Xin's belly.

It was the sound of wood breaking.

Qin Fei was taken aback, and in a cold sweat, he turned his head to look at Zhao Xin abruptly.

Almost at the same time, the pair of dog men and women in the room hit the wall of the cabin again.


In Qin Fei's startled gaze, the roof next to it was finally overwhelmed and collapsed into a big hole. Zhao Xin disappeared into realization instantly with his eyes full of innocence.


Qin Fei couldn't help screaming loudly.

The chaos in the small wooden house below him, the sound of collapsing wood, and the sound of dogs and men screaming, sounded so clear in the dark that it made people tremble.

Qin Feizai didn't care so much anymore, he pulled out Glock 17 suddenly, jumped off the roof, slammed open the door and rushed inside.

The house was dusty, filled with a strong pungent smell of soil and rotten smell.

There are pieces of wood that have been thrown out in a mess, very messy.

"Zhao Xin!"

Qin Fei gave a low voice.

"Brother Qin..."

From the corner, Zhao Xin's voice full of horror came.

Qin Fei raised his pistol carefully around the piles of dirt and wood, Zhao Xin finally appeared in his sight.

He squatted on the ground with a tactical knife in his hand and looked up at himself. In the field of night vision, Zhao Xin's eyes were shining like wolves.

"Are you okay?" Qin Fei is most worried about whether Zhao Xin is injured.

"I'm fine..." After Zhao Xin finished speaking, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly put down the knife, and then removed the tourniquet from the left shoulder strap of the tactical vest, his movements seemed a little frantic.

Qin Fei glanced at the side, and the male rebel soldier was lying on the ground naked/naked, with a "horn" growing on his back.

It is not a horn, but a piece of wood.

It is estimated that after Zhao Xin fell and the roof broke, a sharp piece of wood directly pierced the hapless man's back, perhaps penetrating an important organ, causing his life.

Seeing this guy's bare **** egg, Qin Fei popped an old saying in his mind—Ning to be a ghost under the flower.

"Brother Qin..."

Qin Fei turned his head and saw Zhao Xin looking at himself with a slight panic.

Glancing next to him, the female nurse opened a wide opening in her neck, spraying blood out like a baby's mouth.

She was struggling to cover her wound with her hand, pulling Zhao Xin tightly with one hand, as if she wanted to ask for something.

However, in this situation, she couldn't say anything, and could only make a strange cooing sound in her throat.

The blood flowed out of her fingers unchecked, and gathered in the small lake under the trousers.

This woman is constantly twisting and struggling, like a tuna being dragged onto the deck of a fishing boat. She seems to want to get rid of the big hand of death. As a medical staff, she is very aware of her situation. With the rapid loss of blood, her life is coming from her body. Slipped away.

"How can I help her?" There was a slight choking in Zhao Xin's voice.

Yes, as a newcomer on the battlefield, killing a young and powerful enemy may not feel much guilt, but killing a woman will face the pressure of collapse.

"If you really want to help her, give her a shot." Qin Fei was unwilling to deceive Zhao Xin in good faith.

This kind of deception doesn't make any sense. Feng Shui guys can deceive people for ten or eight years, but this woman can't last for five minutes.

This is the cruel battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe Zhao Xin didn't want to kill her, but in the dark, the idea of ​​survival makes people choose to take action without hesitation. Maybe Zhao Xin immediately drew out a tactical knife after falling. , And just fell by the woman's side.

This is a contradictory choice, indeed a last resort.

On the life and death battlefield, there are not too many choices for any special soldier.

Either you die or he perishes.

The reality is so cruel.

It is always difficult to appear when we can hold hands at the end of the fight, and we are friends.

That's just a fairy tale inside.

"I just..." Zhao Xin licked his dry lips, but couldn't speak.

Qin Fei nodded, pulled him up from the ground, and told him: "It's not your fault, and you can't help her. Remember, on the battlefield, any teammate who is not yours may be an enemy. If If you didn’t kill her just now, she might grab a shot and kill you."

Qin Fei pointed out that the AK47 that fell to the side was the weapon of the rebel soldier.

"Zhao Xin, remember, if you want to be a mercenary in Africa and finally come back alive to see He Xiaoyan, you must put away your overflowing sympathy, otherwise you should leave the offer early and go back to China. I don’t want to see it. You die here."

Pulling Zhao Xin out of the collapsed wooden house, voices came from a distance.

Obviously, the sound just now has alarmed the rebel soldiers around the Shanxia Hospital. Although there was no gunshot, they still sent someone over to see what happened.

The situation seems to be increasingly detrimental to the entire operation.

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