Absolute Honor

Chapter 744: Silent killing

The spare sniper point is gone.

Qin Fei remembered the words that Lei Ming often yelled at those students in the 203 training: "Never feel that it is troublesome to make a backup plan. When you are on the battlefield, one more backup plan is equal to one more chance of survival! "

Although it is just a simple employment task.

Of course Qin Fei has a backup plan.

At this time, he must start Plan B.

"These guys must be killed!" Qin Fei opened the insurance of the HK416A5 tactical assault rifle, and said to Zhao Xin, "Are you okay?"

Sitting under the tree, Zhao Xin's head was filled with the desperate and painful expressions of the woman just before her death.

It was the first time that he had come into contact with a person who was killed by himself so close, and looking at his "masterpiece", it made him feel an unprecedented coldness.

Killing is really not fun.

Killing, and never the excitement of watching a plasma movie.

With just a knife, a human life disappeared in an instant, it was so simple and so fragile.

That not only has the pleasure of being able to control the life and death of others, but also the guilt brought by human nature condemning the lock.

Seeing Zhao Xin's somewhat disheartened look, Qin Fei knew that this was a typical battlefield psychological reaction.

With Zhao Xin's mental state at this time, I am afraid that it is not suitable to continue fighting in a short time.

The reason why Qin Fei wanted to achieve this task was this kind of effect.

To be a top-notch mercenary, you must first learn to kill, and you must also endure the guilt and guilt that this process brings.

"You stay here, I'll settle them." Qin Fei threw the rucksack beside Zhao Xin, then unloaded the MK11MOD0 sniper rifle, took only the HK416A5, and disappeared in the dense forest.

Zhao Xin took a deep breath of fresh air, tried his best to stabilize his mind, and raised the hand holding the knife. He could clearly feel that his hand was shaking slightly.

Qin Fei returned to the vicinity of the broken wooden house and squatted down behind an uncle, quietly observing the movement in the direction of the wooden house.

Through the night vision goggles, Qin Fei saw the three rebel soldiers go up the mountain, seeing that they were walking towards the wooden house. Qin Fei moved slowly, avoiding their sight and ensuring that he was always there. Their corpse area.

Qin Fei moved slowly and gradually walked behind them.

Several rebels didn't know that they were being watched. When they arrived on the grass in front of the wooden house, a few people stood there and looked at the collapsed house in surprise, and made a point and talked about it.

Finally, one of the tall and thin guys walked towards the house first, while the other two dumbly stood by and watched.

"Oh! God!"

Shortly after the thin and tall one entered, he jumped out in a panic like a frightened rabbit, and shouted at his companion: "They are dead, dead!"

"What's dead!?" The two companions were still a little slow, looking at the tall and thin one inexplicably.

"Just dead! The blood is still hot! He's around!" The tall, thin man, holding the AK47, looked around in panic.

If you change to the past, the tall and thin man will already be cold by this time.

Because according to the usual practice, Qin Fei would lay booby mines under the corpse that was too late to be removed. Once someone moved the corpse, it would be blown to pieces.

But not now.

Qin Fei must kill three rebel soldiers silently!

The three of them were still standing on the grass in front of the collapsed wooden house. The tall and thin people looked stupid. Perhaps they were frightened. They couldn't explain the situation clearly for a long time.

Qin Fei picked up the HK416A5 tactical assault rifle equipped with a silencer, and first aimed at the tall man with a short shot, right in the chest!

The reason why he chose to be tall and thin is that this guy has the loudest voice, and secondly, he is facing the other two rebels, and it is easy to see Qin Fei emerging from behind them.

The bullet penetrated the chest, broke the ribs, and tore the heart.

The power of the 5.56×45mm NATO bomb is fully displayed at a distance of ten meters.

The blood splattered out, exposing the faces of the two rebels.

They hadn't figured out why their companion suddenly fell to the ground. Before they could react, Qin Fei shot the other two down with two shots.

After confirming the hit, Qin Fei quickly approached the three of them. Now he must confirm that the enemy has completely died, and there is no room for a trace of error.

Sure enough, two of the rebel soldiers were still alive. After seeing Qin Fei, one of them was struggling to grab the AK47 automatic rifle on the ground next to him.

Qin Fei had no choice but to fire a shot at his head, smashing his head, and this guy finally calmed down and turned into a dead fish.

To be on the safe side, Qin Fei immediately made up the guns at the other two to make sure that they completely stopped cooking.

Then kicked their guns aside, squatted down and searched the corpses one by one, removing all deadly threatening weapons from them.

On the battlefield, some unthinkable things often happen.

Some careless soldiers will think that the enemy is dead, but they don't know that someone is feigned death, and they don't pay attention to the explosives like grenades on their bodies.

People who are about to die often like to earn one by dragging one bottom.

After getting everything done, Qin Fei dragged several entities into the wooden house and threw them in the corner, then left the wooden house, returned to the hiding spot in the dense forest, and found Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin was still leaning against the tree, and his mood seemed to be better.

"How do you feel?" Qin Fei finished speaking, and noticed that there was a mess of filth on the bush leaves around Zhao Xin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed that the kid vomited for a while.

"When I killed someone for the first time, I also vomited. It's not a big deal." Qin Fei comforted him.

Zhao Xin was a little embarrassed and yelled: "When I was at home, I saw **** pictures on the Internet, even pictures of carrion bodies, I didn't vomit, I don't know what's wrong tonight, I saw that woman..."

Qin Fei said: "The reason is very simple, because those carrion corpses or the corpses in the **** photos have nothing to do with you. Just as you drive by a place and see a car accident and a dead person, you may see the corpse no matter how miserable it is. You can't vomit either, but that woman is different. She died in your hands and you are the one who ended her life. The reason for vomiting is not your physical endurance, but your psychological endurance."

After a pause, he said: "Some people can't pass this level and can't pick up a gun again in their lifetime. As for how you choose, it's your freedom. I arrange this task, just to give you a chance to test it."

Zhao Xin lowered his head and looked at the ground without answering.

"Now there is no time for us to grind." Qin Fei looked at his watch and said, "The situation is a bit out of control. We must find a way to complete the task and leave. It is now 11 o'clock in the evening and Martial is still in the hospital. I don’t think he will come out tonight, but now there are four rebels and a nurse dead. If we wait until dawn, they will find more people missing. It’s not that we have to avoid their search in broad daylight. Easy thing."

"I'm fine." Zhao Xin looked up at Qin Fei and asked, "What should I do now?"

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