Absolute Honor

Chapter 758: Powerful Scout Platoon debut

The situation was once again beyond Qin Fei's expectation.

The sound of helicopter propellers soon came from overhead.

Then, Qin Fei heard the "swish" launch, and then an explosion sounded from the highway.

The rebels who had already approached seemed a little panicked. Someone rushed towards Qin Fei and was brought down by both Zhao Xin and Qin Fei.

"Qin Fei, mark your position!" The old fish's voice came from the earphones, "We have arrived."

"I'm in the woods." Qin Fei exclaimed: "We want to string grasshoppers!"

"No problem, you need to calibrate the position first. Let's come over. The helicopter sent on Monday is attacking their convoy on the highway." The old fish replied loudly.

The string grasshopper is a common name for a helicopter evacuation method in special forces.

Its official name is suspension evacuation. It is an emergency evacuation method commonly used by European and American special forces. This method does not require a helicopter to land or a large landing site. The sling is directly suspended from the helicopter hovering at low altitude, and then hooks are used. Constructing the waist buckle of special forces soldiers, and hoisting them off the ground quickly through a helicopter winch, you can quickly take your own soldiers out of the combat area.

Qin Fei opened the laser sight on the gun, pointed the muzzle in the air, and kept making circles.

On the UH-1 helicopter, Lao Yu was sitting next to the hatch, wearing a night vision device and constantly searching the woods under the belly of the plane.

On Monday, he was found to be very busy. The UH-1 helicopter he was in was continuously hovering in the air, flying around the highway at low altitude. Like a hunter sitting in a helicopter hunting animals, he kept firing at opposition armed pickups on the ground.

Under the attack of high-speed helicopters and 35mm grenade launchers with a precise range of 800 meters, the pickup truck fleet suffered a devastating blow.

The road was messed up into a pot of porridge.

Armed pickup trucks were constantly being hit and turned into fireballs. All the soldiers had been frightened and began to jump into the nearby jungle, some of them slipped directly from the hillside to their buttocks to escape.

The wheeled armored vehicle also cannot escape bad luck.

The GLB0635mm grenade launcher can not only effectively destroy infantry and bunkers, but also has a very good strike effect on lightly armored targets.

Helicopters attack the ground in the air, and armored vehicles include tanks, and the top armor is often the most vulnerable part.

The heavy platoon soldiers sent out on Monday is the first time to participate in the mission of the X mercenary group. These black guys have long been unable to hold back and want to show off their skills in front of Qin Fei. Who hits more vehicles.

Among them, who can destroy the armored car first, who is the big winner tonight, can go to the Johnny Bar and ask everyone to drink him until he is drunk.

As a result, the wheeled armored vehicle on the ground was considered blood mold, and was hit by several armor-piercing bullets in an instant, and the soldiers jumped off and fled for their lives.

Finally, a Somali soldier named Hani blasted off the top turret of the wheeled armored vehicle. That was where the mortars were placed. This run not only shattered the already riddled turret, but also detonated the inside. Mortar shells.

With a loud noise, the entire wheeled armored vehicle exploded in a big orange fireball, and in a blink of an eye it became a pile of scrap iron.

Lao Yu is a little bit upset tonight.

Because he was on a mission with one eye, and the other eye had not healed completely, according to Liang Shaoqin, he had to change the medicine twice, and it would take at least a few days to return to normal.

So the old fish is now a one-eyed fish with a monocular night vision goggles on his head, and his vision is much weaker than the other team members.

After searching for a long time, Kunchai, who was still squatting on the side, found the laser beam that was shot out of the woods, intermittently.

"There!" Kun Guai jumped with excitement: "Have you seen it!?"

"Where?" The old fish twisted his head, looked at it for a long time with one eye but didn't see it.

The reason is simple. Although Qin Fei turned on the laser sight on the wall, the invisible laser can be seen from the night vision equipment. However, due to the shelter of the leaves on the trees and the dense smoke, the laser A certain amount of interference is not very obvious.

The old fish is no different from being blind with one eye now, and his sight is blocked, so he didn't find it as quickly as Kun Guai.

Seeing that Lao Yu couldn't figure out the situation for a long time, Kun guessed anxiously.

"Old fish, my boss is at your eight o'clock position! Did you see it!? Fuck! You blind man!"

Kunchai's unintentional ridicule made the old fish Qiqiao smoke. He couldn't help turning his head and flipping the night vision goggles, staring at Kunchai and cursing: "Damn! Where am I blind!? Did your eye see me blind? You Kunchai , Screaming, screaming, believe it or not, I kick you off?!"

Kun guessed and stuck out his tongue. Although he was full of irritation, he never dared to speak again.

The old fish lowered the monocular again and looked towards eight o'clock.

Sure enough, he saw the flashing laser.

"At eight o'clock, six hundred meters away!" Lao Yu shouted back to the pilot, "Go down! Go down!"

The chief machinist came over and prepared the winch and noose.

"Is it clear?" The old fish pointed to the dense forest area where Qin Fei was.

The helicopter pilot nodded and made an OK gesture.

In the woods, Qin Fei and Zhao Xin squatted behind the tree and watched different places.

But they found that it was unnecessary to do so, because the opposition soldiers seemed to have disappeared in this wood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had long been gone.

The tree canopy overhead was suddenly tossed by the strong wind, and the noise of the helicopter's propeller cutting through the air penetrated into the ears.

Qin Fei looked up and saw a flying light above his head.

"Old fish, your position is right, put down the rope!"

"OK!" The old fish finished, pointing to the jungle under his feet, and making an OK gesture to the chief pilot.

The chief engineer slowly lowered the long rope in his hand toward the ground so as not to catch trees or the like.

This is a technical job. The chief mechanic specially tied a heavy object to the end of the rope to stabilize the rope.

Qin Fei saw the rope hanging down from the tree canopy and beckoned to Zhao Xin: "Go and go! Leave!"

The two rushed over, unfastened a barbell tied to the end of the rope, put the tack on the safety rope on their upper body, and then hooked the buckle on the belt.

After doing all this, he looked back at Zhao Xin.

"Is it done!?"


The two moved closer to each other, and Qin Fei called Lao Yu in the headset: "Ready, you can evacuate!"

UH-1 slowly raised its height. Qin Fei and Zhao Xin looked like two grasshoppers tied together. They quickly left the ground and were pulled to an altitude of several tens of meters.

Looking at the fires on the road on the ground, Zhao Xin breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly opened his arms, and screamed like crazy in the gale: "Tonight is so cool!"

On the plane, Lao Yu heard Zhao Xin's ghost cry and glanced down.

Then rolled his eyes, sighed, and shook his head: "Recruit egg, everything looks fresh..."

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