Absolute Honor

Chapter 916: Meticulous counterattack plan

In the woods.

Eric drove a Volkswagen black van that Daniel had placed at the designated location and parked next to the Tiger armored car.

"Boss, got the car."

Qin Fei nodded: "Has Daniel released false information for us?"

"He said it has been released." Eric said.

Qin Fei took a military hand-held device. It was a satellite map. On the map, there was a red dot blinking near Pier 2.

"What are you looking at?" Old Yu asked.

Qin Fei said: "Wait for the fish to take the bait!"

"What do you mean?" The old fish was puzzled.

"Garcia's daughter, where do you think Qinglong will be placed?" Qin Fei asked, looking around the people on the left and right.

"Such an important person, of course, is the safest to be by your side." Old Yu said.

Qin Fei said, "Yes, I asked Yuri and Xiaolin to locate the Azure Dragon for me just now. He is here—"

With that, she stretched out her finger and tapped the red dot on the screen.

"Qinglong is now a little bit too proud. He feels that he has a chance to win. We have only one way to choose, which is to escape." Qin Fei said, "Because he will definitely send them to the intelligence network here to stare at every irregular departure from Rio. Information from the channel, I let Daniel deliberately show his feet, just to make Qinglong feel that we want to escape."

"Then you plan to bring him over and fight him decisively?" Zhao Xin couldn't help but interject.

Qin Fei turned to look at Zhao Xin and shook his head: "Zhao Xin, remember, always use the lowest violent method to solve problems. Hard touch is a last resort. We don’t need to face the Qinglong team here now. You know, they have already set up everything. They have an absolute advantage in terms of location and people. With these few people, head-on head-on will only lose a lot."

"What do you do then?" Lao Yu's eyes suddenly lit up: "You are planning to move away from the main force of the Qinglong group. Let's take the opportunity to go to his lair to save people?"

"You are half right." Qin Fei said, "Old fish, I not only want to rescue Garcia's daughter, but if we can't kill the Qinglong team, we will still be chased by them in the future. I'm tired of this team. Since Fan Tianlong killed Najia and Nikolay, then we can't just leave it alone, at least let one Qinglong group be buried with him!"

"Buried!?" Everyone gasped.

With the current situation, how to do it?

Qin Fei said: "Our biggest problem now is the limited number of manpower. This requires us to be one hundred."

He turned his head to look at Eric and Zhao Xin: "You two are in a group with the old fish. The three of you are responsible for saving Garcia's daughter. After you are rescued, you will directly call Mister and let the colonel listen to your daughter. Is it safe?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fei patted Garcia's shoulder, who was still tied to the ground: "I hope you fulfill your promise. You are a good policeman. This time it is just a last resort. I will give you a chance to stand up. If you don’t know it, it’s up to you."

"As long as I rescue my daughter, I will immediately mobilize BOPE to encircle and suppress them!" Garcia furiously said: "If it weren't for my daughter, I wouldn't be like this!"

Raleigh comforted from the side: "Old classmates, I also want to believe in you. You should believe in Qin and the others. I have seen their abilities."

"Mist." Qin Fei turned to the former Delta team member: "You are responsible for guarding everything here. Before you rescued Garcia's daughter, he was your prisoner. After rescued, he cooperated and became our friend. As for Della Si, you have to be optimistic, this guy is also an important person, don't let him die, this scene will lose a good role in the future."

"OK, leave it to me, it's too simple." Mister pressed his knuckles to crackle while looking at Garcia and said: "Colonel, if you don't fulfill your promise, I will kill you with one shot. I'm the one who hates wordlessness the most."

"Kun guess, you are with me." Qin Fei pointed to the richest living treasure in his team and said, "We two are responsible for doing a dangerous thing."

"Follow the boss, don't be afraid of danger!" Kunchai was eager to try.

Qin Fei smiled gratefully.

Kun Guai will always warm his heart, and he didn't save this guy in vain back then. Although he was hanging around all day, and sometimes even seemed a bit idiot, but when it comes to loyalty, Kun Guai will always rank first. He only recognizes Qin Fei. Right or wrong.

"We have to deal with a batch of junk BOPE players, that is, the black police in BOPE." Qin Fei asked Garcia: "How many lives are left in Duncan's team?"

"Ten." Garcia said: "I heard their report on the radio. A few of their people died, and there are still 10 alive."

"Okay, I'll help you kill people and kill your mouth." Qin Fei said: "Remember your words, when we have everything done, after your daughter is rescued, after all the black police against you have been killed, you must Do one thing well."

"You said, as long as this is the case, I can give you my life!" Garcia did not hesitate.

"Send a group of clean BOPE protective sights and Raleigh to the independent prosecutor's office to bring up the Delas case."

"Definitely! I'll send a company! The cleanest company! Send the best cars and people to help Raleigh!" Garcia didn't expect that he still had a chance to turn over. This was simply the last straw.

"Well, I promised you to do it, your daughter and wife, if you are afraid of revenge in the dark, I will arrange for them to go to Europe or go directly to Comoro to live after this incident. You choose a place yourself." Qin Fei road.

"Boss, what shall I do!? Just wait here!?" The sight was a little anxious, everyone had a task, but he didn't.

Today’s matter started all because of myself.

Now his boss is trying to save himself at all costs, even in such a predicament as he is now. The sight is grateful and naturally cannot be described in words.

Everyone is working hard for themselves, but as a client, I have nothing to do?

He couldn't feel sorry for anything.

"Of course not, you are such an excellent sniper, why would I waste a talent like you?" Qin Fei half teased: "I will let you do one thing, let you relax the pressure on your chest for more than a day How about relieving the sulking in the air?"

"Of course! Boss, tell me what I am going to do!?" The sight is already in a hurry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei said: "You are an important witness. I shouldn't have let you take risks, but This is not a risky thing, and it must be done. I don’t have anyone in my hands. If the polar bear is there, I won’t let you go. Your task is to go to Pier 2 and wait for the Blue Dragon team to arrive. , If I guessed correctly, the Azure Dragon group will be all the elites this time, they will definitely spend their money in order to kill me..."


Before Qin Fei finished speaking, the red dot on the laptop computer began to move, and the tracking software began to beep.

"I'm hooked." Qin Fei's hanging heart finally landed.

He stood up and waved his hand: "Leave Raleigh, Mister, Garcia, and Delas here to wait, Lao Yu, Eric, Crosshair, Zhao Xin, you get in a car, and Kun Guai gets in with me. Tiger armored vehicle."

Looking back at Garcia, Qin Fei said: "After Kunchai and I have left, you immediately send Duncan and the others a message saying that we are nearby and driving this Tiger armored vehicle on Highway 112."

The front sight ran over and asked, "Boss, you haven't told me what to do!"

Qin Fei snatched the head of the sight and whispered a few words in his ear.

The sight of the front sight gradually brightened, and finally couldn't help but chuckled, and said loudly: "Don't worry, boss, my front sight must take care of this."

Qin Fei also confessed: "When you are done, call Mistor immediately. If Garcia takes the BOPE company and sends Raleigh to the prosecutor's office, you will find a midway point to meet them."

"Understood!" The sight was standing at attention like a soldier, almost no salute.

The old fish looked at the front sight like a monster. The front sight was not too obedient to Qin Fei. This time, it seemed that he was convinced by Qin Fei.

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