Absolute Honor

Chapter 917: All members are dispatched (thanks to the local tyrant Zhuang Buping for becoming the

The sight was lying on the driver's floor of a huge gantry crane near Pier 2.

He is wearing a black diving suit, which is really uncomfortable in hot weather, but for the next thing, he must wear it.

The gantry crane is more than 20 meters high from the ground. Looking at the direction of Pier 2 from the top of the driving building, you can have a panoramic view of all the scenery.

In front of the front sight, an M40A3 sniper rifle equipped with a silencer has been set up.

This rifle is a single-shot bolt-action type with excellent accuracy. After being successfully developed in the 1990s, it has been distributed to various front-line units of the US military. It has excellent performance on the battlefields of the Middle East and Afghanistan. The 7.62X53MM medium-caliber sniper projectile has an effective range of 900 meters.

On the iron frame behind the front sight, a high-strength zipline was used, one of which was hanging down to the sea below the pier.

This is an old pier, that is, the original Pier 1. The facilities are relatively old, and it belongs to the same port area as Pier 2.

When Pier 2 was built, Pier 1 was almost abandoned. Now there are no ships docking here. Most of them went to Pier 2 with more advanced facilities, more berths, and deeper.

The sight licked his lips and looked at his watch. It was half past one.

It is now 1.58. According to the scheduled time, the goal he is waiting for should appear soon.

Pick up the observation mirror next to it, put the sight in front of your eyes, and look towards Pier 2.

A red-and-black freighter is quietly parked on the berth, and the ship’s back is painted with the name of the ship—the triangle star.

As it was just after noon, the sun was scorching this huge steel monster. The iron plate was hot enough to fry eggs, and almost no crew appeared outside.

"Boss, it's almost two o'clock, we haven't seen Qinglong's person yet."

"Be patient, they will definitely be there." Qin Fei's voice came from the headset.

"They won't come again, I'll be dried fish." The sight wiped his eyes, and sweat dripped down the eyelashes into the eyeballs, astringent and spicy.

"It's better than you making salted fish." Qin Fei said, "Or, you have withdrawn now. Let's find a way to escape back to Africa, so that you will always be an international wanted criminal?"

"I don't want it!" The sight said hurriedly: "I will go to Costa Rica to see the girls who can put a cocktail on their hips in the sun on the beach in Greece in the future. I am a wanted criminal. It's not convenient anywhere."

"Then wait for me." Qin Fei finished speaking without talking.

The front sight is boring. It's really hot here. Fortunately, a part of the steel frame above your head blocks the sun. It is a shaded place at any rate, but for an hour or two, you will definitely be an adult.

Suddenly, two black vans appeared at the gate of Pier 2 in the distance.

The sight of the front sight suddenly began to beat faster!

It's really coming! ?

Is the boss really right! ?

He hurriedly picked up the observation mirror and looked towards the big iron gate of Pier 2.

The Volkswagen van stopped by the iron gate was parked next to the guard booth. A uniformed port security guard went over with a registration book and a pen, intending to register the license plate number, and inquired about the reason for entry and exit, and checked the relevant documents along the way.

When he walked to the driver's position of the first Volkswagen van, the window was rolled down, and a driver with a cap, sunglasses and mask appeared in the doorman's sight.

He stopped, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

In this kind of weather, it seems strange that someone wraps himself up so tightly.

Moreover, the driver's mask is very special, with a strange pattern on it, like a dragon.

Before the driver could continue to take the next step, the driver suddenly raised his hand, and a huge silencer was placed on the black hole of a pistol and aimed at the guard.


The bullet pierced the doorman's forehead, his hat was lifted off, and his entire fat body fell heavily to the ground like a pack of cement.

From the co-pilot, the black sun blue dragon team members in the same attire were very calm and swiftly walked into the guard room. After a while, the electric iron door slowly retreated to both sides.

The team member returned to the corpse, dragged the poor guard to the duty room, and let him to the ground.

Three Volkswagen vans began to slowly drive in.

"Boss! I saw the people of the Qinglong group! They are all here, three vans! I fuck, I guess there are more than 30 people!" The sight is so excited, more than 30 people, it seems that the Qinglong group is really real. The best is out!

"I see." Qin Fei said, "If you continue to stare, I will let people close the net immediately."

Qin Fei ended the conversation with the sight and immediately sent a message on his laptop to He Weiming and Yuli who were far away in Comoro via the Internet: The fish has bitten the hook, and the net is closed.

Comoro, the Royal Palace.

He Weiming smiled knowingly at the line of information that popped up on the screen.

He opened the Rio police system network that he had invaded, and then used the highest authority to send an emergency message: According to a reliable line report, the suspects in the killing of police at Pier 2 were all illegal foreign mercenaries and they carried heavy weapons. All patrol units and BOPE SWAT troops immediately went to Pier 2 for support.

At the same time He Weiming hit the confirmation button, all police patrol cars in the streets of Rio and the police station's duty system jumped out of this line of information.

The advantage of the entire police system is that it can share information and data in a timely manner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ timely provide the location of the crime and the number of people who need reinforcements, etc. This message was sent with the highest authority, and it seems a little bit dull. But it was enough to attract the attention of any policeman.

After more than a day of fermentation, the police killing case has already become headlines in Rio. What's more, today a suspect in BOPE who was transporting the case was attacked on the way to the independent prosecutor’s office. More than a dozen people were killed. The foreign mercenaries did it.

All the police are highly nervous, and everyone believes that this is not a story, because the gang boss who can kill so many BOPE special polices is definitely not the gang boss, only militarized organizations can do it.

The police in Rio City have long been on the verge of an enemy. The whole city is like a gunpowder keg full of explosives. This message is like a match, thrown into it, instantly igniting the whole city.

All the police cars immediately turned on the police lights, and all the police officers put on board the body armor that they could wear, and took out the guns that they thought were the most powerful.

Of course, the BOPE headquarters, as the protagonist, was not idle either. The building rang the alarm, and the team members with the best equipment shuttled through the corridor, and everyone looked so serious.

Ten members of BOPE were killed this morning, and all the members were already angry at this time. They are elite troops in the police, how can they endure this humiliation! ?

Armored vehicles began to drive out from the underground garage, and the forces of the entire two BOPE companies were deployed. It is almost difficult to see this situation in the past, unless it is a large-scale clearance operation of the slums.

In the end, even three tracked armored vehicles were dispatched.

Police forces in the entire city are encircling the pier 2 towards the past.

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