Absolute Honor

Chapter 945: Port-au-Prince

Qin Fei and Misite used false identities this time, and their passports were also fake.

Mister has fled all the year round, and with the support of his own big boss in the DC area, he has at least two or three fake passports all the year round.

Not to mention Qin Fei, he has several identities, all for the convenience of doing things, so he randomly picked a passport of the British Empire.

The two arrived in Dubai by plane, and then transferred to Dominica. In Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, they took a small plane by the local airline Sunriseairays and went directly to Port-au-Prince.

Through the porthole of the small plane, you can see the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea and the many clouds floating in the low altitude.

Qin Fei turned his head, pushed Mister who was sitting next to him, and asked in a low voice: "Who is dea sent this time? It seems that you haven't heard of this person's information."

"I don't have information." Mister had covered his face with a cowboy hat woven with a certain straw, and closed his eyes to rest. He heard Qin Fei ask himself, took off the hat, and looked at Qin Fei squintly: "In order to ensure the identity of both parties. Confidentiality, so everything goes to Port-au-Prince, we will get the information at that time."

"It seems that you have a lot of trust in your superiors." Qin Fei said: "We have an old saying in the country, don't be sold and help count the money."

"You can rest assured of this." Mister said with disdain: "It is not only your country that has patriots, we also have them. In the eyes of us, people like Dan are traitors."

"If I remember correctly, Dan is cia's agent." Qin Fei couldn't help teasing Mister.

"Yes, but do you know how many intelligence agencies there are in the United States? There are only dozens of semi-public, publicly-named, and many undisclosed and secret. In your words, that's called a tree withered. It is inevitable that there will be some bad guys."

Mister said: "It seems that I have also heard that the boss of Hei Sun, Fan Tianlong, was once yours."

Qin Fei was taken aback, but he did not expect to be defeated by Mister.

The plane quickly landed at Alas Port-au-Prince Airport and stepped out of the gangway to the ground. Qin Fei's first feeling was heat.

It's really hot.

It is September and the temperature is the hottest. Qin Fei estimates that the surface temperature is above 5o degrees.

Walking out of the airport lobby, a group of black drivers with colorful modified taxis gathered around.

The main language used here is Austrian and French. However, the drivers need to learn a little English, and they can still speak clearly with ordinary conversations and gestures.

Mister asked one of the middle-aged black drivers, who seemed to be honest and honest, to bring paper and pen, and wrote the address and name of the hotel on it.

The driver looked at the address and immediately stared with big eyes, raised his thumb, said in half-baked English that he knew where he was, and while talking, he stretched out his hand to take Qin Fei and Miste’s luggage rucksack, and took them to him. Next to the car.

In the car, unknown music was playing in the stereo. The weather was hot. Various vehicles, ox carts, horse-drawn carts, rickshaws, and trucks were driving outside the window. The taxi was blocked on the road and could not move at all, so I left for a short time. The short one-kilometer road was jammed for nearly an hour and a half...

A group of skinny children with two rows of pipa bones on their chests seemed to see Qin Fei and Mist sitting in the car. They chased the car, around the car, and kept beating the glass windows, saying that they didn’t understand. Language.

The middle-aged driver rolled down the window in disgust and yelled at the children with a blush and thick neck.

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei asked.

The driver said in his native English: "Beggar! Beggar!"

Qin Fei remembered that he still had some dollar change in his pocket, so he wanted to take out these little beggars.

"No! no! no!" The driver saw Qin Fei's behavior and immediately shouted, "Don't give them the money! You will kill yourself!"

"Why!?" Qin Fei wondered.

"Once you give them the money, we will not be able to go to the hotel today, and beggars from this street will come and surround our car!" The driver stopped Qin Fei very nervously.

Qin Fei could only pull his hand out of his trouser pocket.

The driver stopped, pulled the handbrake, picked up a wooden stick from the side, and rushed out of the car and waved fiercely at the little beggars.

This action finally scared away the local beggars, and the car started moving again.

Qin Fei looked at the situation outside the window with deep emotion in his heart.

Haiti, this is a very unlucky country.

Because on the North American island of Haiti (), which is completely surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, there are frequent natural disasters and earthquakes, and because the infrastructure is very weak, the casualties are historical levels, and what really reminds people of this poor country is actually 12 Haiti earthquake...

At 16:53 on January 12, 2010 (5:53 on the 13th, Beijing time), a strong earthquake of magnitude 3 on the Richter scale occurred in Haiti. The epicenter was only 15 kilometers away from Port-au-Prince, causing the worst casualties in Haiti since 177o. As of January 26, the earthquake has caused 250,000 deaths and 60,000 injuries.

Among the victims were personnel from the United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti, including 8 peacekeepers from country Z.

The strong earthquake destroyed most of the buildings in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, including the Presidential Palace, the National Palace, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, etc. The earthquake left 30,000 people homeless and became refugees, hospitals and governments were paralyzed, and international assistance continued.

Recently, the media has come out. Many Haitians are so hungry that they can only cook meals with grains and soil. They are really so poor that they can only "eat the soil."

They dug up a local clay with a fine texture, mixed it with Shanghai salt, then dried it and roasted it, and it was eaten as food~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was incredible.

Of course, as a hapless country, these troubles are not over yet.

The earthquake is over, and there is another hurricane...

People have not fully recovered from the trauma of the earthquake. A hurricane of the century struck suddenly, crossing many island countries in the Caribbean Sea and hitting Haiti head-on!

Due to the raging hurricane mathe, 20,000 homes in Haiti were severely damaged. 80% of the crops in the hardest-hit area in the south were destroyed, 130,000 people were affected, and 877 people died.

This country has completely become the poorest country in the world.

After walking for more than three hours, I finally arrived at the booked Gloria Hotel at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, gave the car fare and tip, Qin Fei and Misite smoothly got the room card at the front desk.

Karibe Hotel is also regarded as a five-star hotel locally, because Qin Fei got off the car and the first thing I saw was the star sign of the hotel and the new tourist sign of Haiti. It was a shield-shaped sign with five flowers arranged on it. The red flowers, I asked the waiter at the front desk, only to know that it is a kind of flower called hibiscus, five flowers, indicating that this hotel is a five-star.

Put your luggage in the room. As you have to wait for dea's intelligence personnel, there is still about 24 hours of relaxation time.

The two went straight to the restaurant. The restaurant of Gloriab Hotel is next to the hotel’s garden, where all facilities such as fitness, spa, swimming pool, etc., are indeed worthy of a five-star level.

After the afternoon tea, the weather was so hot that Mistor suggested going to the swimming pool to cool off.

There is a bar next to the pool. Qin Fei ordered a large glass of beer and sat by the pool to drink. He planned to take a swim and cool off later.

Suddenly, Mister, who was sitting opposite, said to Qin Fei: "Wait here, I'll do something."

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