Absolute Honor

Chapter 946: back yard

Seeing Mister who hurriedly left his line of sight, Qin Fei couldn't help tensing his nerves again.

When Misite disappeared in the corner of the garden, Qin Fei couldn't sit still, got up and quietly followed Misite, staring at a distance.

Although it seems a bit despicable to do so, as the saying goes, "no doubt about employing people, no doubt about it", for a former member of the Delta Force and a Mistor who has an unknown identity behind him, Qin Fei had to guard against it.

Even if the villain does a little bit, it is better than losing his life.

Mister left the hotel garden, walked through the porch by the pool, and then walked to an open-air bar by the pool.

The open-air bar uses wood as the building material, the roof is made of palm leaves, and the bar is made of sunken wood. The bartender wears colorful beach suits and makes cocktails for the guests behind the bar. The hip flasks are dazzling.

Everything seemed to make people feel like falling in a dream, and it was completely out of the same plane as the starvation and hunger seen after coming out of the airport outside.

The high wall of the five-star hotel divides the world into two. The people inside are well-dressed, singing and dancing, and the people outside are so hungry that they can only "eat the soil."

The most eye-catching thing is not these, but the beauties sitting under the beach chairs and umbrellas by the bar and around.

These girls are tall and slender, responsible for black and white, none of them are wearing three-point styles, at most wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat, or wrapped in a brightly colored hazy and semi-transparent veil, and they are ready to come out as full as harvested wheat ears. Just like children, men can't help but see the surge of male hormones.

Mister walked to the bar and sat down, ordered a cup of gin and tonic, and then looked around while drinking.

Soon, a black girl with the legendary buttocks that can put a glass of cocktail on his hips walked towards him with three twists and turns, and sat down beside Mistre, staring fiercely at Mis with electric power in her eyes. special.

"Sir, don't mind, can you order me a glass of wine?"

Mister took off his sunglasses and rubbed his right hand on his lips, like a hungry man who saw the Christmas dinner in front of him, and his eyes were fascinated and swept over the girl, as if love in the Amazon forest. Qin Fei didn't doubt that the male grouse would stand up if he had hair on his neck now.

"Aitress!" He raised his hand and snapped his fingers in the air.

The bartender wittily came to Mister immediately.

"Excuse me, what service do you need?" he asked.

Mister pointed to the black girl next to her: "Give this lady a glass of wine."

The bartender asked the black girl in a bowler hat, "What does this lady need to order?"

"A cup of argarita." The black girl said, her eyes stuck to Mister and never came.

From behind the corner, Qin Fei watched the two people quickly resemble a loving couple. He whispered, loudly and quietly, very intimate.


He finally understood what Mistor was doing.

This guy is looking for Aventure, of course, this is the paid kind.

In Qin Fei's subconscious mind, he thought that a member of the special forces would be calm and unwilling. At least he received this kind of training in p1a.

In the tradition of the people of Z, at least the two sexes are a very sensitive topic.

What's more, a soldier?

Although Mister was not the first foreign military special soldier he knew, in the X mercenary group, Shasa the polar bear was also a member of the Russian GRU special forces, but Shasa had no interest in female **** except for good wine. .

Although the front sight is promiscuous and has girlfriends all over the world, he will not mess around when he is out of the mission.

Mister simply broke through Qin Fei's inherent concept. This guy and himself are here on a mission, so they are actually looking for pleasure?

It's really the first stallion!

Soon, in Qin Fei's eyes, Mister and the girl left the bar like a couple and disappeared into the main building of the hotel.

You don't need to ask, just think about it with your toes and you will know what the two of them are doing.

Qin Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least Mister just went for a pleasure hunt, and didn't make any moves.

Bored, Qin Fei could only find a beach chair to sit down, took out his satellite phone and dialed Lao Yu.

"Where is it?"

"I have arrived in Monterrey."

There was a harsh horn from the microphone, and it was obvious that Lao Yu and the others were on the street.

"We just got off the plane and are rushing to the hotel, what's the situation on your side?"

"Already stayed in the hotel." Qin Fei said.

"Well, that's good, I advise you to stare at the guy Misted, I can't believe him." Old fish said: "This guy is mysterious, I always think he is hiding something from us."

Qin Fei immediately thought of the matter of stalking Mister just now, and couldn't help but blush.

"I know, I will be careful."

"Don't let him leave your sight." Lao Yu warned Qin Fei again: "Watch tight."

Qin Fei thought to himself, is this guy going to stare at him when he buys spring? Move a chair and sit on the side to watch?

It feels funny just thinking about it.

"I see."

After finishing the conversation with Lao Yu, Qin Fei was about to go back to his room. Suddenly, a fragrant wind penetrated into his nostrils, and a thin purple and yellow silk scarf brushed his eyes.

A girl with sunglasses, wheat skin and a slender figure is under the table across from her table~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This gentleman, alone? "

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, then looked around.

He suddenly realized that it was a mistake to sit here. This is the place for those hunters to fish. He is a bachelor. Sitting here will inevitably be misunderstood.

"Can you give me a drink?" The girl took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of blue eyes.

This surprised Qin Fei.

Judging from the temperament and complexion of this young girl, she has a somewhat Asian taste, her head is jet-black and her ears are short, but her eyes are blue!

Qin Fei can almost conclude that this is a mixed race, and it should be a bit of a yellow race.

Judging from her blue pupils, she should have been mixed with white people again.

This is extremely rare. Generally speaking, black eyes are a dominant gene, and blue eyes are a recessive gene, so even if the yellow and white are mixed, the possibility of the next generation of blue eyeballs is extremely small.

I have to say that this girl is full of wildness all over her body, and she looks like a combination of Chinese and Western. The advantages of the East and the West are melted in her body, and it is magnified to the extreme!

This is a perfect joint venture product!

Qin Fei didn't have much interest in these at first, but depending on the other party's ancestry of yellow race, he couldn't help but be a little more cordial. Besides, it was a foreign country. The girl in front of him aroused enough curiosity.

"I'm not that kind of person, but I can order you a glass of wine." Qin Fei said, "but don't get me wrong."

The girl was startled for a moment, and then suddenly leaned forward, a bewitching face almost leaned under Qin Fei's eyelids, and the inexplicable fragrance was even more refreshing.

"What do you mean--what do you mean?"

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