Absolute Honor

Chapter 953: Conceited

"We took a c-13o transport plane to parachute into the vicinity of Cavalon Town. After all, the transport plane is high enough and the ground is not easy to detect. Then we calculated the time and took off the ruh-6o stealth Black Hawk helicopter from the Port-au-Prince base before we moved. Two roads, two groups a/b attacked the manor from the east and west, making them feel uncomfortable. Among them, group a was responsible for breaking into the manor to find Dan and then taking it out. The entire operation was limited to 30 minutes. If it was unsuccessful, it had to withdraw, and then went to the town. At the evacuation point five kilometers away, take the Black Hawk to leave there."&1t;/

"I have a suggestion." Maggie interrupted suddenly. &1t;/

"Lady first, you say." Sergeant Sith said. &1t;/

Maggie said: "Our dea people follow Group A. I have dealt with Dan, and we also have our own undercover in the manor. We know where Dan is. This action is too rushed, and you don’t have time for simulated field training. , I suggest that we still lead the team to save time."&1t;/

Field simulation is a rehearsal mode often used by special forces before performing tasks. In the operation of killing Ben. **, SEAL Team VI built a courtyard in a certain base that was exactly the same as the field, and completely reproduced the building. Inside the structure, the SEAL members who participated in the action conducted n simulated attacks inside, and finally implemented the action. &1t;/

This kind of training helps to reduce the chance of making mistakes during the mission, but even so, there was an accident in the hunting mission. A ruh-6o helicopter crashed on the scene due to engine failure, but fortunately no casualties were caused. . &1t;/

Noland looked at Sith, and the two exchanged glances. &1t;/

Obviously, Maggie was right. &1t;/

The lack of on-site simulation training is very fatal to the team performing the task. It is of course a good thing to have someone familiar with the internal situation of the building guide. &1t;/

"Well, just do what you said." Senior Sergeant Major Sith said: "But you are only responsible for following us. It is best not to intervene in our battles. After finding Dan, you will evacuate the manor quickly and we will be responsible for the queen."&1t ;/

There are many meanings in his words. The biggest meaning is actually to look down on DEa's field staff. The SEALs are the elite special forces of the military. DEA is only the anti-drug department. In the eyes of these unruly SEAL members, these few DEA The agents do not need to take care of them by themselves. If it weren't for their help to get into the manor faster and more accurately, Sith would not accept Maggie's plan. &1t;/

Neither Qin Fei nor Misite refuted Sith. &1t;/

In fact, when it comes to tactical level, the Sith doesn't know that the two evil stars in front of them are members of the top special forces. They are not inferior to any SEALs in the hangar, but can only be stronger. &1t;/

"In this case, let's wait for you to lay out your own tactics, and I will no longer intervene in the layout of your SEAL troops." Maggie also seemed very humble. Now that he got what he wanted, Noland and West Si agreed to the three of them to enter, and took Dan away, the goal has been achieved. &1t;/

"Hughes!" &1t;/

The Sith waved to a player who was playing baseball, who dropped the ball cover and ran over. &1t;/

"Go, take these dea agents to get some equipment they need."&1t;/

"Okay, Sergeant Major!" Hughes glanced at Qin Fei and the others, then shook his head: "Come with me."&1t;/

Under the leadership of Hughes, the three left the table tennis table and followed Hughes all the way to the other end of the hangar, where there were piles of green boxes. &1t;/

"Here are some equipment, there are markings on the box, you can see what suits you, choose some." Hughes said. &1t;/

Maggie gave this guy a sweet smile. &1t;/

"Thank you, handsome guy, let's do it ourselves, go and do your job!"&1t;/

Hughes was tickled by Maggie’s smile, thinking that his teammates are still waiting for him to play, and the people of DEA are not idiots. Although they are not as good as the SEAL members, they choose their equipment. Still understand. &1t;/

"OK, I won't be with you anymore, choose your own choice, you can take a break when you're done, and we will be out at night."&1t;/

When Hughes walked away, Mister whispered: "These guys, it seems they are treating us as boy scouts."&1t;/

"When you become a boy scout, you can be a boy scout." Qin Fei said indifferently: "then they are even more defenseless."&1t;/

"You two will listen to me at that time. Once Dan gets it, we will withdraw, and then once we get out of the manor, we will leave the a/b team." Maggie said. &1t;/

"The question is, where do we leave?" Qin Fei asked. &1t;/

"I have my own arrangements." Maggie said: "I have a small team in the jungle now, only ten kilometers away from the manor and less than a river. We just need to get a car in the manor and take Dan there. You can go down the river and you can abandon the ship after leaving Seta’s sphere of influence. There are helicopters waiting for us to leave and take us to a safe point."&1t;/

"Sounds good." Qin Fei nodded. &1t;/

While talking, Mister and Qin Fei opened boxes one by one. &1t;/

It can be said that the funding of the SEAL troops is absolutely sufficient, so their equipment is also top-notch. &1t;/

Scar assault rifle, Sigsauer p226 pistol, and all kinds of explosives and so on. &1t;/

Maggie is a woman after all, so she did not choose a relatively heavier scar assault rifle, but chose a mp7a2. Since most of the time is fighting in a small town manor, the effective range of the mp7a2 submachine gun at a distance of 2oo meters and it The specially made 4.6x3omm ​​pointed bullet has a very impressive penetrating power. &1t;/

After putting on the equipment, Qin Fei and the other three returned to the plane, moved a few empty equipment boxes and stacked them together, and then leaned on it, closed their eyes and rested. &1t;/

It feels very strange at this time. &1t;/

Qin Feiming knew that once the action tonight went smoothly, Dan would betray the soldiers of the SEALs in front of him when he got his hands, but now he was sitting in a hangar with them, talking and laughing, talking and talking. &1t;/

The strangest thing is that Maggie, as a real dea member, may not know that she and Mister are actually in another group. &1t;/

Maggie's idea is to get 24 hours from Dan to figure out the specific flow of drugs and key channels in Central and South America, etc., to provide intelligence to the Drug Enforcement Agency to combat drug trafficking. &1t;/

But Qin Fei and Misite had other thoughts. &1t;/

Mister wants to find out who is operating this huge drug network inside the military and inside the cia through Dan’s mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although I know it is the Flying Eagle Project organization, the specific people in this organization are who? Which senior official is, these are all Mister wants to know, in his opinion, someone must be responsible for the things that framed him in the first place. &1t;/

What about yourself? &1t;/

Qin Fei has another thought. &1t;/

Whether it is Mister or Maggie, they are also serious Americans anyway, but Qin Fei is not, Qin Fei is an out-and-out mercenary status. &1t;/

He was not so polite to Dan. The information he wanted from Dan's mouth was about the bank through which the Black Sun organization and cia would transfer funds to terrorist organizations that endanger national security. &1t;/

He had to figure out the bank account number, the number, the operator, and who was responsible for it, and if Dan was not honest, Qin Fei would not be as polite as Maggie and Mister. &1t;/

Even when needed, Qin Fei could get rid of Dan without hesitation. &1t;/

This is tantamount to a warning to the Flying Eagle Project or the Black Sun Organization, reminding them that the fire has burned under their city walls. &1t;/

There are several mindsets in an action team. &1t;/

But now it is under one roof. &1t;/

Qin Fei suddenly felt that it was very appropriate to use an idiom to describe it-each had a ghost. &1t;/

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