Absolute Honor

Chapter 954: Action code "Starlight"

It was so restless to lie down until the evening. In the evening, everyone ate something and started to prepare. &1t;/

A c-13o Hercules transport plane was parked on the tarmac at some point. &1t;/

Senior Sergeant Major Sith and the leader Noland have already formulated a tactical plan, and they explained it in detail to Qin Fei and others during the meal. &1t;/

The code name for this action is Starlight. &1t;/

In general, the SEAL team members still hope that they will play the leading role in the rescue operation. Dea’s three-person team is only responsible for following Group A into the manor building, finding Dan and evacuating. &1t;/

After eating, everyone began to enter a state of combat readiness. In the long-term training and actual combat, such a scene is actually familiar to everyone. &1t;/

Qin Fei, Mister, and Maggie were all newcomers of the Boy Scout level in the eyes of the SEAL team members, and they became the focus of attention. After dinner, everyone gathered together again, analyzed and discussed the battle plan, until in the end everyone thought it was perfect. &1t;/

At 7:30, everyone began to carry their equipment and rushed to the mc-13oh transport plane on the apron. &1t;/

On the turf of the tarmac, Sith began to check the equipment and guns and ammunition of each participating member of the operation to ensure that everyone's guns were in the best condition and were trouble-free. Grenades and other special weapons and equipment could also be carried. complete. &1t;/

It was the first time that Qin Fei and the SEAL team performed a mission. Before, the fox team was in a hostile state, which was completely different from today's situation. &1t;/

He has to say that the years and months of war have indeed provided the veterans of the US special forces with a wealth of experience, and their processes are almost as rigorous as dripping water. &1t;/

In view of the fact that the operation is a rescue operation that quickly enters and evacuates, everyone is required to pack lightly and not carry too many weapons and equipment. &1t;/

This kind of advantage is extremely mobile. The disadvantage is that everything must be carried out around the word "quick", and there must be no omissions in the combat plan, otherwise, once encircled, someone will be killed. &1t;/

After all, the Mexican criminal group is not an ordinary organization. The weapons and equipment of these people are not inferior to the regular 6th Army. They even have their own modified armored vehicles and heavy machine guns, snipers, and Soviet-made anti-tank weapons. All the special police officers dare to block the way, and they are by no means general. &1t;/

After checking the equipment, Wick, the parachute expert in the team, also carefully checked everyone's umbrella bags. The navy SEAL team member Wick did these things meticulously, just like a careful old mother is about to be the first for herself. The son of the second spring outing checks whether all necessary items are placed in his schoolbag. &1t;/

Qin Fei found that while they were checking the equipment, no one else was idle. &1t;/

The configuration of the SEAL squad was basically the same as Qin Fei's previous staffing in the 2o3 unit. Everyone has their own expertise, which is almost the standard practice of every special force. &1t;/

Communication expert and drone operator Max is debugging his communication equipment, testing both the main contact channel and the backup channel several times and including them in the scope of monitoring. &1t;/

The correspondents will always follow Captain Noland when fighting, because as the soul of the entire team, Noland cannot charge to the front line. A has 4 players plus a three-person team of dea, a total of 7 people, and group b has 4 SEALs assault. The team members and a sniper using mk12. The two offensive teams are commanded by the senior sergeant and deputy captain Sith. Lieutenant Noland will stay with the correspondent Max and the sniper Badis. &1t;/

Max will continue to keep in touch with the senior sergeant chief Sith in front of him, report the real-time situation of the first-line battle to the top commander, Lieutenant Noland, and then efficiently upload and release it with the base center here in Port-au-Prince. &1t;/

When inspecting Dao Qin Fei’s equipment, Sergeant Gao Sith seemed to be very worried about Qin Fei’s overly young "rookie". After seeing Qin Fei strapped to the injured GPS device, he asked him if he had any other positioning. equipment. &1t;/

Qin Fei knew what this veteran was referring to. &1t;/

Every trained special forces member knows one thing-electronic equipment will never be the most reliable, so you should never rely too much on the so-called high-tech electronic equipment on your body. &1t;/

Qin Fei took out the small map and compass to show Sith, the latter smiled behind his big beard, obviously satisfied with Qin Fei's approach. &1t;/

In case the GPS fails in the jungle, at least the most primitive guidance equipment is available. &1t;/

Once everything is done, time has reached the starting point forty-five minutes. &1t;/

It's time to board the plane. &1t;/

Lieutenant Colonel Wharton, who was in charge of welcoming Qin Fei and others, came to see him off. He walked over and shook hands with the players involved in the operation, and then said loudly to them: "Everyone, I will be here waiting for you to come back. I hope you Have a good trip and come back safely!"&1t;/

Lieutenant Noland led the team, everyone circled to the **** of the mc-13oh large transport plane, and walked along the lowered springboard to the inside of the plane. &1t;/

I have to say that the mc-13oh is indeed a large transport aircraft. It is a special operations aircraft modified from the c-13o. It is mainly used for secret invasion and projection and evacuation of personnel. Its landing and landing adaptability is stronger. , Stealth performance is better, it is equipped with advanced gadgets such as accurate ground radar, navigation system and electronic jamming device, and more importantly, it is not much different from ordinary c-13o in appearance. , But its cost is three times that of c-13o! &1t;/

The Il 76 that Qin Fei had sat on before could not be compared with it at all. This thing is a classic model. &1t;/

There was no one else in the plane, so it looked very empty. &1t;/

There was still more than an hour to fly from here to Mexico, and the poster team members regained their stalemate again, stumbling around in the cabin, and some even lay on the fiber net used to fix the equipment, just like lying on a hammock in their backyard. &1t;/

Ten minutes later, everyone felt that the pressure on the eardrums began to increase sharply, and accompanied by some discomfort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei knew that this was the mc-13oh that had flown high above the sky, and now I am afraid that it is at least Ten thousand meters high in the sky. &1t;/

Because it was a secret invasion, the lights were not turned on in the aircraft, and everyone did not turn on the battery switch on the four-eye night vision device to save the battery. Everyone was smeared with black combat paint on their faces, even the beautiful horses. Miss Ji was no exception. Sitting in the dark cabin, only the faint instrument and the signal light on the cabin communication phone glowed a little bit, and there was almost no people in sight. &1t;/

"Rookie!" &1t;/

The Senior Sergeant Major Sith, who was sitting next to Qin Fei, put his mouth on Qin Fei's ear and asked loudly, "You skipped the umbrella all the time?!"&1t;/

Being called a rookie again, Qin Fei was in a daze for a while, as if he had returned to the night of the 2o3 troop, Lei Ming and Teacher Chen Kefan also called himself this way. &1t;/

But I didn't skip the umbrella once, so I was really a rookie. &1t;/

now what? &1t;/

Of course not now. Although Qin Fei is very young, he is actually a veteran, and already a well-known figure in the mercenary circle. &1t;/

The "rookie" nowadays is already a beast that pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. &1t;/

"It's okay. I skipped it a few times. I learned it when I didn't join the army before." Qin Fei could only fool Sith. &1t;/

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