Absolute Honor

Chapter 958: conspiracy

"You want to bring the God of Wealth to Cavalon, not to explain to Veneto who owns the 3 billion dollars. Veneto knew about half a year ago that this money has been kept by Zhang Lan all the time. He is very Know this."

Seeing that Hughes didn’t speak, Fan Tianlong continued: “Recently, DEA discovered a new underground passage on the US-Mexico border. Veneto lost nearly twelve tons of K. He was very furious with you over this matter. It is believed that you did not provide enough protection and caused him to suffer a heavy loss. This time, Veneto trapped Dan in Cavalon in fact to make you compensate him for this loss, and you intend to bring the God of Wealth to Veneto. There, let my organization carry the burden for you, because you know very well that Hei Ri’s money is basically in the hands of the God of Wealth, and if you catch him, you don’t have to worry about not being able to squeeze money out of me. "

"Fan, are you not responsible for the whole thing to the point it is today!?"

Hughes finally spoke, "Don’t forget, who lost the 3 billion is from your hands, from the area you are responsible for. If you controlled Zhang Lan, this kind of bad thing would not happen. Let us wipe your ass. For your sake, we have lost a whole seal team! It took us a lot of effort to cover up the matter! Don’t you deserve to pay a price for it! ?!"

"The price!?" Fan Tianlong sneered: "Dear Mr. Hughes, I wonder if you are a little insane? After so many years, the price I have paid is not enough? How many people died in the Black Sun organization? We will do it for you How many secret operations have been carried out on a global scale? How many enemies you think are eliminated for your OPC?"

"And what about you? Yes, when I established the Black Sun Organization, you did provide help, but don’t forget, we all paid for it with human lives. How many times have I almost died in the hands of Unit 203 over the years? Do you think you are helping me? You are using me, don’t say you are like a savior, don’t think I don’t know who the big boss behind your OPC is, don’t think I’m so stupid that you are all over the world What kind of money does the business make! And how does all this money come from!"

Fan Tianlong's retort completely angered Hughes.

"Fan Tianlong! Don't think we will take you no way! You are against us, you are against the USA government! If you don't do what I said this time, I promise you will cut off your responsibility within three days. Americas Network, and then cooperate with the Thai government to wipe out all your business in the Golden Triangle."

This kind of near-threatening argument did not have much effect on Fan Tianlong.


Fan Tianlong said contemptuously: "I know what you mean, you are planning to let Dan persuade Veneto to use my original interest there in exchange to appease him, right? I tell you, you seem to have miscalculated your calculations. Now your lobbyist is still held as a hostage by Veneto in the manor in Cavaron Town. I also know that Veneto will give him the most satisfactory answer within three days. You are now desperate to force me and let me send God of Wealth goes to Cavalon, but I tell you, go back to Gary with your kindergarten-like pitiful thoughts, hug your mother and cry! The matter between Veneto and you, want the Black Sun organization to do it for you? No way! "

"You will regret the decision you made today!" Hughes said, cutting off the phone.

Fan Tianlong took the satellite phone and stood in the solarium. After a while, he pressed a new number on the keyboard of the satellite phone.

"Is everything ready?"

"Boss, you're all ready, you can do it at any time." A man's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"That's good, follow the original plan."

"Understood." The man suddenly said again: "Qin Fei of the X mercenary group is also here, do you kill him?"

"If you have a chance, you can kill him, but it's not him to target your current mission first." Fan Tianlong said solemnly, "You should know what your purpose is for going to Cavalon this time."

"Understood, boss."

Washington, DC.

In an office building, Hughes put down the phone in his hand and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass quietly watching the lights in the distance under the night.

After a while, his cell phone rang.

On the phone, there was an elderly baritone with a slightly magnetic tone.

"Hughes, what's going on with Fan Tianlong?"

"I just called him, and this dog seems to be disobedient." Hughes said, "President, I'm afraid we have to plan early. This person is no longer suitable for staying. It seems that we must..."

"Oh? He didn't send the God of Wealth to Cavalon?"

"Not only did he not bring it, I was worried that he would do something behind his back." Hughes said: "I originally planned that if Fan Tianlong refused to send the God of Wealth to Cavalong Town, then it means he has a ghost in his heart. It confirms my idea."

"I heard that you deployed a SEAL team that has entered Mexico?"

"Well, they are already there, waiting for my final order." Hughes said: "If the God of Wealth does not go to Cavalon, Veneto will definitely be furious, and now he is detaining Dan there to demonstrate to us. These **** things. The drug dealers don’t know that the sky is so great, they all think they are dealing with the greedy Mexican officials!"

"In the past two years, many organizations below us have had loyalty issues, Hughes, you must have an account of this to us."

The other party sighed slightly: "I really miss the era of the Cold War. It was our best time. When the Soviet Union collapsed, many people were caring about it, but I couldn't be happy. The end of the bipolar world. It means that our power will be more constrained. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not a good thing for our organization."

"President, please don't worry." Hughes said: "The Flying Eagle Project has been executed very effectively. Since the 9/11 anti-terrorism war, we have still obtained many opportunities for expansion..."


The opponent coldly interrupted Hughes, "Yes, it was originally a good hand, but unfortunately the people in the CIA have done things too carelessly in the past few years. The Snowden matter has already had a great impact on us. Look at those anti-war activists who sit and demonstrate outside the White House every day, but now the government can’t come up with any idea to deal with them! It’s incompetent! Also, none of those wars on terrorism can end smoothly. Many things are beyond us. Unexpectedly, we got stuck in a quagmire. Congress invested a lot of money in it. We made a lot of profits. But don’t forget, the president has announced that he will withdraw troops from many places. I think he meant strategic contraction. I plan to re-emerge isolationism, which will not do us any good."

"That stupid donkey, I just saw the immediate benefits..." Hughes couldn't help muttering: "President, don't worry, I will adjust the current situation of the Flying Eagle Project to get it back to normal."

"Oh? What can you do?"

"First of all, I think I need to rescue Dan. After all, he is the liaison of the Americas Network. It will be very useful in the future. Once the SEAL team rescues Dan, we will contact the Mexican anti-narcotics department and special forces in the name of anti-drugs, and proceed with them. After a large-scale raid, we get rid of Veneto and use him to kill chickens and monkeys, everyone else will obediently listen again. After all this is done, we can concentrate our energy on dealing with the big trouble of Hei Sun..."

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