Absolute Honor

Chapter 959: Big guys gathered

The town of Cavaron, inside the manor of Veneto.

Veneto was sitting in an exquisite handcrafted wicker chair, knocking on a pair of Erlang’s legs, a glass of red wine was placed on the table in front of him, and a "Queen's Cigar" worth seven thousand five hundred dollars was held in his hand. Smell the clouds and fog.

This kind of cigar sword goes slant, and the cigar is covered with gold foil and Swarovski crystals. This is traditionally regarded as a sign of local tyrants and lack of heritage.

For Veneto, money doesn't mean much to him. What he wants is Howe, who seems to be able to make people understand the feeling that he is a rich man.

Just like when he and his daughter and son were on holiday in a country house last year, because of the cold weather, when the firewood in the house burned out, he took out stacks of dollars from the cash box in the bedroom and threw them into the fireplace to burn banknotes to keep warm.

That night, he burned a full two million dollars.

Just like today, Veneto cares not only about the 3 billion dollars in the public account, because the money in there is not his family, but also the money from the Japanese "Yakuza" organization, the Russian mafia, and the Colombian Lundman. Group funds.

If you separate it, Veneto did not lose much, only 600 million US dollars. On the contrary, the supplier Lundman Group lost the most. The cocaine supplied by them lost 1.2 billion in the end.

It was not this account that ignited Veneto's anger.

Three or two black Mercedes-Benz G550 drove into the manor, stopped at the gate, and drove toward the courtyard after being inspected by a guard with live ammunition.

Veneto squinted at the cars through the smoke from his cigar.

The car stopped by the large fountain in the yard, and jumped out of the car, a young man wearing a black stylish slim suit and a round hat on his head.

This man is only in his thirties in terms of age, with fair skin and slender fingers. He looks like the kind of pampered guy.

Those who appeared next to him were tall and sturdy bodyguards, and everyone had tattoos on their arms, even on their foreheads.

"Olexie!" Veneto stood up from the wicker chair, walked down the steps with his arms outstretched, and made a face-to-face ceremony with the visitor. "I didn't expect that this time it was you who came here. It's hard to see you! Last time! See you, I remember it was in St. Petersburg, right? It's been a year."

"Mr. Veneto, my brother made me apologize to tell you that he was too busy with his affairs, so he got caught in his hands and feet and failed to come. Let me express his apologies to you." Oleksei looked like Gentle, not at all like the leader of a criminal organization.

Veneto put his hand on Oleksei’s waist, walked up the steps with him, and said, “Actually, I also know that your brother is very busy. I heard that he and KGB have been a little unhappy recently, right? It is said that... it seems to be related to a KGB peripheral organization, and it is said that there is a lot of trouble in Stockholm."

"Well, let's tell you, it is true." Oleksei still looked cold and unable to wake up, and said lazily: "If I were my brother, anyway, the money will not run out, so there is no need to mix it up. I advised him about the intelligence organization, but he would not listen to me."

"You can't say that."

Veneto invited Oleksey to sit down in the wicker chair opposite him, while sitting down opposite him.

"Your brother can send you over this time, which proves that he values ​​you very much. You know, your brother has only two younger brothers. Before Vera Ivanovich was unfortunately killed, now he is the only relative beside him. Who else can you trust if you don't?"

After speaking, Veneto opened the wooden box in front of him and handed a cigar to Oleksei.

"Try it, good stuff."

Oleksei looked at the "King of Denmark" cigar that was shining with gold foil and crystals under the light, and smiled and took him over.

"Mr. Veneto's cigars, of course, will not be defective."

"This time, I have something to discuss with you. I'm sorry, but I estimate that your September supply will be temporarily delayed."

"Huh?" Oleksei's hand holding the cigar cutter stopped in the air. "Why is this?"

"Oh..." Veneto lay down in a wicker chair and continued to smoke his cigar, while saying: "I don't want this to happen. Recently, I was walking a batch of goods in the border area. I don't know what happened. DEA intercepted it. Twenty tons! Twenty tons!"

He was a little excited as he said, waving his hand constantly, and the cigar between his fingers was almost flying.

"Mr. Veneto, your channels have always been safe. Why did something go wrong this time?" Oleksei joked slightly: "Is there a ghost inside you again?"

"Impossible!" Veneto said proudly: "There will be no more traitors in my organization. The traitor was stripped of his skin last time by sending someone to him, and he used his heart and liver to soak the wine. Now it is still in my organization. In the wine cabinet in the lobby, I don’t think anyone wants to try this taste again."

A look of contempt drifted across Oleksei's eyes, as if modern people were looking at the uncivilized Shengfan.

"How did the DEA scan that shipment? Didn't you have official channels to provide you with information and protection? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Veneto's face turned pale, as he was about to say something, a few more cars drove into the manor.

The person who got off the car this time looked like a native of Mexico, because he was wearing a huge Mexican sombrero on his head. This kind of hat looked a little funny when it was buttoned on his head.

The man is short, but looks very strong, like a bison.

Looking at this man, Veneto didn't walk up to shake hands or kiss the other person like Oleksei, but still lay in the wicker chair, looking at each other coldly.

"You can ask the cartel, he is responsible for the transportation of the goods." He said to Oleksei.

"Dear Mr. Veneto." Cartel walked to the table and suddenly noticed that Oleksei was there, and his eyes lit up: "God, rare guest! It turns out that Mr. Oleksei is here too!"

Oleksei stood up, shook hands with Cartel politely, and explained once more programmatically: "My brother is not available for the time being, so I will come here on his behalf."

Then, another convoy drove in.

This time there is a big man-Garcia, the boss of the famous Lundman Group in Colombia.

"Garcia! My dear Garcia, my friend! My brother!"

From Veneto’s enthusiastic tone, you can hear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This Garcia has a lot of origin, and more importantly, half of the cocaine that happened on the US-Mexico border was produced in Colombia. , Which is the goods in Garcia's hands.

"Veneto, you are so enthusiastic about me, why do I sound a little scared?" Garcia's mung bean-sized eyes shot out cold, and he swept around, his bodyguards almost surrounded him by half an iron bucket, only the front of Veneto There is still a gap in the station.

The two gave a warm hug, then came to the table and sat down.

At this time, the table is already very lively.

Including Veneto, there are already four people.

The slender girl in three-point style, big straw hat and cowboy boots came up with a fruit plate and a large plate of Mexican beef and placed it on the table.

"Veneto, you know me. I took a big risk and came here in person, so I ask you to hurry up and say if you have something to do. I'd better go back as soon as possible. The outside is not safe for me. I went there by special. I just came to Mexico." Garcia was a little fidgeted.

In Colombia, he is a most wanted criminal on the list. Although the local government has nothing to do with him, many special forces of the anti-narcotics department and even the field units of the anti-narcotics department such as DEA in the United States are very interested in him.

"Wait, we still need to wait for someone."

Veneto raised his hand and looked at his watch, frowning slightly.

"Our distinguished guest seems to be late..."

Before the voice fell, the lights came on again on the far road.

Veneto picked up the first night vision telescope next to him and looked at the light. Several FJ Toyota off-road vehicles were coming here.


He put down the night vision goggles, turned his head and said to the people: "It seems that our distinguished guest has just arrived."

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