Absolute Honor

Chapter 968: Hellfire Missile

Buddis is an experienced sniper. He was already a gun sergeant when he served in the Navy 6 team. After voluntarily participating in the screening and entering sea1, he stood out from all the students and was selected. As a sniper.

The snipers of the SEAL troops are assigned to the combat squad to participate in missions after a highly professional training, and constantly improve their killing skills from actual combat.

This method of holding the gun can completely relax Buddy's hand, and the wrist will not be taut, which helps to reduce the tremor that occurs at the moment of hitting. Although those small tremors are difficult to detect, they will affect the accuracy.

In actual combat, mistakes are not allowed. Once mistakes are made, blood will be used as the price.

Being in a favorable position on the hillside, Badis can clearly see the sentry on the guard tower less than two hundred meters away. The night attack has the advantage of allowing the sniper to press closer, and the distance is not as good as during the day. Far.

Through the sniper's dedicated an/pvs-4 gun which is also a scope, the sentry seemed to be standing more than 20 meters away in broad daylight.

This sniper mission member Batis is simply too simple!

The only difficulty to think about is that he can't let this hapless guy fall from the watchtower after being shot, because the fall of the human body will make a great noise, which will immediately alarm all the sentries.

What's important is that the guard still dropped a cigarette in his mouth at this time.

This is an extremely important detail.

When the sniper shoots and hits the opponent, perhaps the unfinished cigarette will fall under the guard tower. In the dark, the lit cigarette is as dazzling as a shooting star.

Buddis knows that snipers are not an easy job, especially the snipers of the SEALs.

When training in the Pendleton Naval Training Camp in Colorado, the instructors used all available means to make every sniper learn to analyze every detail under the harshest battlefield conditions. It might be a shooting belt for himself. Additional impact.

As time passed, Buddis was still staring at the cigarette at the corner of the guard's mouth.

This is really a long and difficult wait.

Finally, the guard on the tower took off the cigarette held in the corner of his mouth and threw it on the floor, bowing his head and using his feet to smash the sparks.

The timing appeared in an instant.

Buddis adjusted his breathing evenly, aimed at the target with his sight, and then gently pressed the trigger.


The moment the Yayin warhead was installed, it hit the opponent.

The guard collapsed silently on the platform like a damp rag, but when he lay down, an accident occurred-the m16 rifle in his hand was originally on the body because there was a bottom of the body. So there will be no noise, but even if Buddis can consider everything as a good sniper, he can't control luck.

Well, his luck tonight is really bad.

The m16 automatic rifle came loose from the guard's hand, rolled down on the horizontal belly, and finally landed heavily on the floor.

The floor is wooden and the texture is fairly soft.

But in the quiet night, even a low muffled noise still attracted unnecessary attention.

The fixed lurking sentry hiding under the tree on the ground seemed to perceive something. In Captain Noland’s thermal imaging camera, he started to move, seeming to look upwards, trying to figure out whether he was born on the tower more than ten meters away. What happened.

Fortunately, he didn't immediately notice what was wrong, but kept looking up at the same place.

Captain Noland frowned slightly.

Buddis is now facing a major test.

According to the original plan, he must quietly kill two sentries-one is the guard on the tower, and the other is the lurking sentry under the tree.

Now one of them has settled, but the second goal seems to be aware.

The accident of the m16 automatic rifle slipped only a glimmer of coldness in Badis's mind. The strict training he received immediately calmed him down, the muzzle adjusted a bit, and he pressed the trigger a second time.

A special sniper shell for mk12 sniper rifle came out, and fell to the ground the latent sentry that looked up and wanted to see what was wrong with his companion.

Two fixed sentries were cleared, and the poster team led by Sergeant Sith had received the signal to attack. They jumped out of their concealment point and rushed forward according to the established target.

After a dull and dull gunfire passed, the sentry in the woods on the right had been resolved.

"Group A reported that the enemy on the right has been cleared, and it's over."

"Received, Group B is also advancing, you can attack on your own." Noland gave the final attack order, "Now, everything is up to you."

"Received, we start to act, it's over!"

Sergeant Major Sith turned his head and made a "follow-up" tactical sign language to his teammates. The five SEALs in Group A began to quietly approach the buildings in the center of the manor in a fan shape from different angles.

Before leaving the woods, they are at least safe, and once they reach the edge of the woods, they will choose to open fire first.

The two teams did not rush in, but continued to slowly encircle the main building at the pace of slow penetration—because the requirement of this mission is to delay the fiercest exchange of fire as much as possible, and to solve everything while keeping as quiet as possible.

Now, in the front garden of the manor, there are a total of 30 fully armed Setta members and a dozen bodyguards brought by visitors.

Using five people to deal with Setta members and bodyguards who were almost ten times as many as his own, even the Sith Sergeant Major, who had extremely rich combat experience, was still under tremendous pressure.

But there is one thing that can reassure him a little.

That is, on the hillside less than two hundred meters away, including captain Noland, correspondent Wrights, and sniper Bardes, there are three mk12 semi-automatic sniper rifles that can provide fire support for themselves.

mk12 has excellent control in the middle distance. This sniper rifle, which is based on the ar-15 gun type, was modified by the gunner of the SEAL in the early days. It is actually a light sniper carbine, and it is also a special purpose. Scouting rifle.

Just as Noland and their hands are all mk12 mk12 rifles, although they are not as good as mk11modo in range and power, but its extremely excellent muffling design can play a miraculous effect in small-scale special forces raids, suitable for The characteristics of special operations such as "silent intrusion, no love for battle, and quick evacuation" have been adopted within a certain range of special operations.

The action has quietly begun in silence.

The automatic rifle in the hand of Sergeant Major Sith spit out a string of flames~www.wuxiaspot.com~A double short shot knocked one of the armed members of Setta down.

Almost at the same time, from different angles, the five SEALs hid behind the tree and started to turn their guns at the seta militants who were at a loss in the front garden for a while.

On the hillside in the distance, three mk12 special purpose sniper rifles made almost soft sounds, and the next thing was a hunting activity.

After all, the members of the Setta armed forces are just a mob. They may be brave in gunfights and fights in the gang, but they are still a bit short of those experienced SEALs.

In less than a minute, a dozen people were already lying down in the yard.

Everything seemed to be going very well, Nolande withstood the tables under the large porch, before Veneto and others were sitting at the table.

However, looking through his scope at this time, the people who were sitting at the table seemed to be gone, as if they all ran to hide under the flower beds and pillars.

There was a short noise in the earphones.

Soon, the voice of Lieutenant Colonel Wharton from the Port-au-Prince Command Center resounded in the headset.

"The hive calls the hummingbird! Emergency! Over!"

Wharton's tone was full of a certain kind of anxiety that could not be concealed, and Captain Noland suddenly had a bad feeling.

"This is the Hummingbird team, we received it, please speak! Over!"

"Leave there quickly! Evacuate quickly..."


"The Predator drone is out of control, and its supply system has locked you up..."

The drone was hijacked! ?

Before Lieutenant Colonel Wharton’s voice completely disappeared from the earphones, Noland raised his head subconsciously. He saw an orange-red line of fire appeared in the sky, leaping towards the manor...

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