Absolute Honor

Chapter 969: Chaotic situation

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the three-person team led by Noland in the distance to suppress the members of Seta in front of the manor, Sergeant Major Sith led several SEALs to launch an attack.

"GO! GO! GO!"

Sergeant Major Sith’s M4SOPMOD assault rifle equipped with EoTech internal reflection red dot sight and Surefire tactical flashlight spit out a burst of flame, and shot a member of the Setta who appeared from behind the column and planned to shoot at him. fall.

The members of Seta in the front garden were a little confused now. The SEALs suddenly appeared in front of them, which caught them a bit by surprise. Just as they were going to retreat to the concealment on the left, they were preparing to fight back with various stones and trees. Group B also entered the manor very punctually.

In this way, although the members of Setta were crowded, they were attacked by their backs and stomachs. They were simply a group of frightened ducks who were driven away.

In addition, Captain Noland used the terrain to continuously use the MK12 special-purpose sniper rifle with excellent firepower to carry out named sniping at them, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Captain Noland in the distance saw a guy hiding behind the side wall of the house in the sight. He was quietly stretching out his M16 rifle in his hand, intending to sneak attack on the members of Group A who had rushed to the vicinity of the house.

He hurriedly adjusted the MK12 sniper rifle, and almost completed the adjustment and aiming and fired in less than a second. A bullet hit the right side of this guy and penetrated under the ribs, but he suddenly Not dead, he stood up staggeringly in Captain Noland's sight, and then he tried to run, clutching his wound.

This made Noland feel unhappy.

Although the MK12 is a special sniper rifle customized for special forces such as SEALs, it has great advantages in accuracy, firepower continuity, and concealment, but it has always had a fatal flaw, that is, this gun. The power of the 5.56MM sniper shell used is really small. In the past, three bullets hit the opponent on the battlefield in Afghanistan or somewhere in the Middle East, and the enemy still jumped out of the sniper field of vision.

Today he finally realized it by himself.

But as the front-line commander of the special forces, Noland has no time to complain.

He adjusted a little, and the second shot popped out of the chamber.

This time the bullet hit the right side of the member of Seta who stumbled and escaped, but this time it extended about two inches to the back of the body, and the bullet shattered the opponent's spine. Finally, he threw face down directly in the grass, and didn't move anymore.

After the front garden came out, Sith commanded his group A to get closer. They must now enter from the gate and enter the row of rooms on the right after passing the hall of the manor, and then search the inside one by one to find Dan and put him alive. Take it away.

He has reached the parking lot in the garden.

There are more than a dozen luxurious SUVs parked here, all of which are convoys brought by the bosses of the criminal syndicate who came here to participate in the meeting.

When passing a Mercedes-Benz G550, all the glass on the right side was shattered by grenades, leaving only the glass on the left.

A figure suddenly flashed past the left side of the vehicle.

Sith was startled in a cold sweat, but it was too late for him to shoot back.

But the opponent seemed to be faster, he was already lurking there, just waiting for the seals to come and shoot.

Intentionally guarding Wuxin, it is the latter that suffers.

The worst thing is that the distance between the two cars is too narrow, and he can't even quickly switch the M4SOPMOD assault rifle in his hand.

Chi Chi Chi Chi —

There was a low gunshot from the back of the Sith.

A shuttle bullet hit the remaining glass of the Mercedes-Benz G550. The gunner who was about to shoot at the Sith exploded a cloud of blood on his head. Several bullets hit his right cheek, and then shot his The skull shell is torn directly.

There was almost no ability to fight back, and the opponent fell.

Ciss breathed a sigh of relief and looked back. Qin Fei, who had always been a rookie, was standing more than three meters behind him. The muzzle of the SCAR assault rifle in his hand was a strong orange in the night vision goggles, which proved just now. He made the burst of haircuts.

Now is not the time to thank Qin Fei. Sith just tapped his head vigorously, which was regarded as a thank you to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei did not intend to make Sith be grateful to himself. Now his main purpose is to find Dan, and then to evacuate first, implement a kidnapping plan on the way of evacuation, and take this important intelligence source away for interrogation.

Maybe half an hour later, he and Captain Noland and Sergeant Sith will be on the opposite side. Once the SEAL squad finds out that they and Mister and others have not arrived at the evacuation point, they may know something is strange. Although Qin Fei worked hard to make them feel that he and Mister and Maggie had encountered some kind of accident with Dan, but SEAL is not an idiot after all, can you tell them otherwise.

The ground in the front garden was already full of corpses in just a few minutes, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

"Group B, hurry up and search the room as planned! Find Dan!" Sith gave an order: "Enter the building carefully. If it doesn't work, use more sound and light bombs."

"OK, understand!" Group B team leader responded quickly.

Qin Fei saw in the night vision device that Group B had already started to bypass the side of the house first, and then walked towards the back door against the wall.

He quickened his pace and walked to Sith and asked: "Sergeant Major, I request that our DEA enter the house first."

"You?" Sith's eyes drifted with contempt like a routine business. He didn't think that DEA's operatives could be compared with his excellent subordinates.

"Don't mess things up, we are in charge of searching, finding someone and handing it over to you."

"You don't seem to trust us?"

"Yes, I don't trust your tactical abilities. Now I have no time to talk nonsense with you, so I will stand here. Now I am the commander of Group A!"

Sith's tone became instantly brutal.

Qin Fei could also understand that he was currently on the battlefield, and one second of delay could lead to the failure of the plan.

Now is indeed not the time to argue with the Sith.

He can only stand where he is, watching Sith and his team walk towards the big house.

"What? Those stinky seals think they are the boss of the army again?" Mister came to Qin Fei's side, looked at the back of Sith and his men leaving, couldn't help but coldly said: "I just watched Until you saved him!"

"Forget it, now is not the time to fight." Qin Fei said.

"Then what shall we do?" Maggie asked.

Qin Fei said: "You didn't see it just now, he was angrily let us stay here, and said that he would bring Dan out in time..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, Mister suddenly exclaimed: "Look, what is that!?"

Qin Fei and Maggie looked up, and an orange-red line of fire appeared in the air, just a few hundred meters away from the manor.

"Fuck! Missile!"

The three immediately ran in opposite directions like frightened rabbits, rushing all the way into the woods.


A huge fireball soared from the roof of the manor, and Qin Fei felt the heat wave behind him pounce like a giant wolf.

The three hurried to the ground, crawling into a pit with their hands and feet together, and rolled in.

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