
Mao You thought that he hadn’t drunk any alcohol.

Why did he start to hallucinate?

What was Su Chen talking about?

What did he mean by creating a few original voids?

Voids are supernatural phenomena!

How could they be created artificially?

But immediately.

Mao You discovered that among the four people present, it seemed that he was the only one who doubted the authenticity of this matter.

The other two were not like that.

The bartender Shu Weng glanced at Su Chen and shrugged,”I am opposed to this opinion. The people in this world are too weak. The existing voids have made them exhausted. If a few more powerful voids are created.……”

“They can’t bear it”

“Liuying, you’d better persuade Su Chen as well.”

Liuying looked up at Su Chen and continued,”Do you really want to do this?”

“Still considering it.”Su Chen replied

“Can you tell me the reason?”

Hearing Liuying’s question,

Su Chen nodded:”Of course”

“As for your amusement park, the current game projects are too low in fun.”

He also had a sudden idea when Liuying went to the dead end hole. He planned to create a few holes.

The main reason is that people from the Starry Sky Railway World will continue to come to the Zero World.

The existing holes are obviously too easy.

It’s a bit embarrassing.

But creating a few difficult holes and letting them conquer them will be different. After saying this, Liuying understood Su Chen’s idea.

“So, you are actually preparing for us? What about the locals?”

“If they mistakenly enter the void you created, they will never be able to get out.”

She understood.

Since she and Shu Weng could come to this world, other people from the dream network would also come.

Su Chen wanted to prepare a”surprise” for others, so he planned to create a few voids.

But the problem was.

In this world, what should people as weak as Nekomata do if they mistakenly enter those powerful voids?


Su Chen shook his head firmly.

“Since I created it, I will design a [key】”

“The key is strength. If your strength does not meet the standard, you cannot enter the void I created.”

If this condition is added, then no one will mistakenly enter the void.

While thinking, Liuying asked the last question:”Are you happy about this?”

“Of course!” Su Chen smiled with relief.

Why wouldn’t he be happy about such an interesting thing?

Seeing Su Chen smile,

Liuying also smiled:”Since you will be happy and will not hurt innocent people, I support you.”

Shu Weng shook his head helplessly.

He smiled bitterly and said:”I should have known that I would not let you persuade Su Chen.”

Good guy.

After persuading,

Liuying became a supporter.

Fortunately, there was an innocent person who was unaware of the situation at the scene.

“”Wait a minute!”

Mao Ma stood up in disbelief.

When she saw Liuying with her own eyes, she had doubts.

Could someone with such powerful strength really be from this world?

At this moment.

The conversation between these three people seemed to confirm this doubt.

She couldn’t help but ask loudly:”What are you talking about?”

“What does it mean to create a void? And…what does it mean that the people in this world are too weak?”

“”Who are you?”

Although Nekomata’s voice was very loud, the others in the bar seemed not to hear it.

No one looked over.

Only Su Chen and the other two looked at her.

“You will know our identity soon.”

“Calm down now.”

Su Chen’s voice seemed to have magic.

When he finished speaking,

Mao really calmed down and sat down again.

Su Chen continued:”Also, although I will add a few holes to this world, you can also benefit from it and become stronger.”

“So, don’t worry, don’t be afraid, now you just need to know that I have no ill will towards this world.”

Mao nodded obediently.

In the meantime,

Shu Weng prepared the wine.

The four of them ended the topic.

“Cheers to Liuying for completing her first commission!”

Shu Weng raised his glass and said with a smile


“”Tons, tons, tons.”

The four drank the wine in one gulp.

Su Chen and Shu Weng were fine.

But Liu Ying and Mao You got drunk soon after drinking.

They started talking nonsense.

Mao You:”I am actually an orphan adopted by the Chi Ya Gang. Even though they turned bad later, they still owed me a favor.”

“Now Shiro has been killed by the people of Jiaotu House. I want revenge, but in the last contact, I found that they are not bad people. What should I do?”

At this time, it was the turn of the intimate elder sister Shu Weng to appear.

She handed a bag of small fish biscuits to Maoyou.

After taking it behind Maoyou, she asked:”As outsiders, it is difficult for us to judge this matter, but I want to ask a question… For ordinary people, is Shiro’s death a good thing or a bad thing?”

Maoyou lowered his head and replied:”Probably a good thing? No, it is a good thing”

“What about the rabbit-chopping house?” Shu Weng asked again.

“What kind of existence do they have to ordinary people?”

Mao pondered again.

After knowing that Bai Lao died because of the Rabbit House, she privately investigated the matter of this [Universal Office].

It can be said that she knows the reputation of the Rabbit House very well.

She said with a little reluctance:”Although Nicole loves money and owes a lot of debts, even so, the reputation of the Rabbit House among ordinary people is very good.”

“I asked an old man, and he said that once the people in the Rabbit House accept a commission, no matter how big or small, they will do their best to complete it.”

“Now that you know, it’s easy to talk about it.”Shu Weng said with a smile

“Do you think it’s worth pointing a gun at a good man’s head for Bai Lao?”

Speaking of her, she paused and added:”Of course, this is just my opinion. The final choice is in your hands.”

The drunk Nekomata was telling her about her troubles.

And the drunk Liuying stared at Su Chen with a red face and hazy eyes.

He said something earth-shattering:”Su Chen, do you still remember Xi? I want to have a child with you.”

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