Su Chen was stunned.

It is said that alcohol makes people brave.

But this is too much, isn’t it?

Could it be that Liuying took the initiative to bring up this topic?

It doesn’t seem like it.

But she said so.

So why are you still hesitating?

“Of course, no problem.

He hugged Liuying and grinned at the other two:”That’s it, Liuying and I will go back first, see you tomorrow.”

After that, he carried Liuying back to the room.

Then they fought for 300 rounds.


The next morning,

Su Chen smiled at the blushing Liu Ying sleeping in the quilt.

He left a note that read:”After waking up, go to Master Qiao Pu and ask for a bowl of big bone noodles. It’s delicious. I have something to do and need to go back to our world.” He put it on the table and then gently opened the door, revealing a world of ice and snow.

This is the upper area of Beloberg.

Half a year ago,

Bronya and Seele entered the dream network at the same time.

After experiencing several beautiful dreams,

Bronya said:”It would be great if the residents of Beloberg could enjoy the same beautiful dreams.”


Su Chen was bored at that time.

He came directly to Beloberg from Bronya’s dream.

Then, he helped Beloberg survive the star core crisis and changed the environment of the suburban snowfield.

The suburban snowfield is like spring all year round, and crops and flowers can be grown.

Now, the quality of life of the residents of Beloberg is improving day by day.

Because of this, every resident is sincerely grateful to Su Chen.

As for everyone on the Star Train…

Su Chen heard from the company’s night broadcast that after leaving the Black Tower Space Station, the Star Train went to a planet called Cloverfield-VIII.

It was also a planet ruled by the City Builders and was also deeply damaged by the Star Core.

He also learned from March Seven that

Xing got a glimpse of the guardian star god Kripal from Cloverfield.

In short, the track of the Star Train seemed to be firmly controlled by a big hand and there was no deviation.


No more small talk.

Walk out the door.


“Mr. Suchen?”

“Mr. Suchen is back!”

Passersby cheered.

In the noisy crowd,

Jeppard quickly squeezed to the front of the crowd:”Suchen, you are back.”

Suchen smiled and nodded.

“I haven’t seen you for half a year, and you’re still the same, serious and unsmiling. The star core has been removed, so it’s okay to smile more.”

Jepard smiled bitterly and shook his head:”The star core is gone, but the rift and the rift creation are still there, I dare not relax at all”

“Why did you come back this time?”

Since the core crisis was resolved,

Su Chen left and never came back.

Now that he is back, there must be something big.

Just as Jeppard was thinking,

Su Chen smiled and said,”I came up with an interesting idea on a whim, so I came here to discuss it with you.”

“Jeppard, do you mind if a group of strange people come to help you resist the monsters from the Rift?”

What kind of question is this?

“I definitely don’t mind.” Jeppard didn’t even think about it.

Every year, many Silver Mane Iron Guards sacrificed themselves in the fight against the Rift Creatures.

Now Su Chen said that someone was coming to help.

No matter how strange they were, as long as they were helpers, they would be warmly welcomed.

“Really? That’s fine. Take me to meet Bronya. If she agrees, I will put it into practice.”

Jeppard understood, and while evacuating the crowd, he took Suchen to Krip Castle to meet the current Grand Guardian Bronya.

When they arrived at the door,

Jepppard said tactfully,”The Guardian will be very happy to see you. I won’t go in. You guys chat.”

Suchen nodded,”Well, go and get busy.”

After Jepppard left,

Suchen pushed the door open and saw Bronya working with a sad face.

The sound of the door opening did not make her look up. She just asked skillfully,”What’s the matter?”

Seeing this,

Suchen smiled and said,”Oh, are you so busy that you don’t have time to look up?”

The voice she had been thinking about for a long time made Bronya look up.

When she saw that it was really Su Chen, she immediately stopped her busy official duties, trotted to Su Chen and asked,”Su Chen, why are you here? Would you like something to drink? But I only have coffee here……”

“Let’s have a cup of coffee.”

Bronya nodded and ran to make coffee.

Su Chen took this opportunity to come to her desk to see what Bronya was busy with.

《Proposes to reduce the number of Silvermane Guards》

《Suggestions on encouraging childbirth》

《Rebuilding the marginal access plan》

《A proposal to build a new area in the lower district to provide housing for the homeless. 》

And so on.

There was a lot of chaos.


There were hundreds of documents to be processed.

Just looking at them, Su Chen felt overwhelmed.

When Bronya came back with a cup of coffee.

He knocked on the documents on the table and asked,”Do you have to deal with so many every day?”

Bronya nodded,”Yeah.”

“Why do I feel like I have more official business to deal with than during the Star Core Crisis?……”Su Chen couldn’t help but complain.

He remembered the first time he came to Beloberg and met Cocolia, her desk was always clean.

At most, there were a few documents that needed to be processed.

How come it has become a pile now?

Bronya put the coffee next to Su Chen and replied helplessly.

“While the star core is still there, we only need to consider fighting against the rift and collecting the earth marrow stone.”

“but now……”

“Issues such as the split boundary, post-disaster reconstruction, education, fertility, and the relationship between the upper and lower classes all need to be addressed.”

“This means that I have to deal with a lot of things every day.”

So there are indeed a lot of things to deal with.


“What about the Back Office? Don’t they have a special project to take charge of? Why don’t you give these documents to them?”

Su Chen asked hesitantly.

Bronya sighed:”They… Heh, now I understand why my mother chose to join the Star Core. Those people in the Back Office are all bastards.”

PS: Uh….Can the ratings go up a bit, fellow Yanzus!!!

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