Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 262 NO0105: Second Repeat

Chapter 262 NO.0105: Second Repeat

Many stupid guys will wait until things get out of control before they act like a savior and show that they actually know the inside story.

Under normal circumstances, this will only cause your teammates to think about why this guy didn't say it earlier, or... let your teammates say "fuck" before they die.

But it was clear that Perse Fanny was a smart enough person.

Even if it involves her own emotional private matters - and it is the kind of private matter that ordinary people don't want to mention - she is willing to calmly consider the possibility in order to solve the current problem, or just to provide some ideas for solving the current problem. Tell me useful information.

Generally speaking, Jim would appreciate such a person.

"Let me think about it... It was probably between the 28th and 32nd year of the New Calendar. We worked together for about four years."

Fanny looked out the window, her eyes a little blurry.

Well...we worked together for four years.

"Uncle, please don't drive so fast...I'm a little scared."

On the other side, seeing the "die without regrets" logo flashing on the car's dashboard, Donata lay back on her seat, one of her hands tightly grasping the safety armrest.

She turned nervously to Jim and spoke in an almost pleading tone.

Not paying attention to what Donata said, Jim just stepped on the accelerator vigorously.

The 28th year of the new calendar...

This point in time was exactly when he finally left the Eden resettlement area - in other words, Hanel, who he thought was dead. Shortly after he left the Eden Settlement, he joined Apollo Creatures.

Why did she do this?

Jim couldn't figure it out.

Even if you join the "Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committee", this is something you can understand, or you can find a reason in your heart to excuse the other party.

But Apollo Biotech... are you kidding me?

Resisting the urge to pat the steering wheel, Jim gritted his teeth.

No, what's even more incredible is...how on earth did she join the Apollo Creatures?

Calm down a little, Jim thought.

When they were in the Skyfire Team, their mission was to cause trouble for the Apollo creatures. The grudges formed during that period cannot be resolved through a simple exchange of interests.

So, let’s not talk about Hanel’s own wishes...how did the company agree to her joining?

And how did those people who had a grudge against her in the company manage to work with her without getting hurt?

"Tell me more about how we work together."

At this moment, Qianxia Sakura on the side was obviously interested. She whistled and asked.

"Apollo Bio's development model of abyssal dark web resources is different from that of Pluto Deep Diving Company. They do not use deep-diving warehouses as the basic unit. They salvage them first and then sort them. Finally, they sort the resources for those who are suitable for cracking the technology blueprint. , set up a corresponding deciphering research team.

"At Apollo Bio, they often determine the direction of research first, and then conduct targeted darknet salvage. The research team has a complex composition. In addition to researchers, there are also product departments that can directly connect. …The deep-diving unit responsible for salvaging darknet technology.”

Without answering Qianxia Ying's question directly, Fanny first talked about the differences between the two companies. Then, she turned around and said:

"And the previous female police officer, in the 28th year of the New Calendar, was an Abyss Wanderer affiliated with the 'Third Wish Research Group'... an Abyss Wanderer that was connected to my research project."

"The third last wish...why is it called this name?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but ask.

As far as the information he has learned so far, the "last wish" refers to the legacy left by those super artificial intelligences who promised to fulfill certain human wishes.

For example, my "Janus Program" as a "Gestalt" thinking structure is probably the product of the "First Will"; and the "Styx Firewall" that separates the Abyss Dark Web and the World Wide Web is the one who was stolen from the fire. The organization calls it a "last wish."

So what will be the "third last wish"?

Regarding this question, Fanny shook her head to indicate that she didn’t know why, and then said:

"I don't know, but the naming style of Apollo's creatures is so confusing."

Well, it seems that her confidentiality level has not reached this level yet...

Jiang Zhou thought to himself, and then continued to ask:

"What was the research you were doing?"

After asking this question, he realized that he had been stupid again - would you like to guess what project Fanny was recruited to Pluto Deep Diving Company for?

"Our entire research group is responsible for biological protein chips."

As Jiang Zhou expected, Fanny looked at him strangely and replied:

"Including 'Pegasus', all biological protein chips on the market are products of AI - imagine a brain organ that can stabilize heredity and be compatible with network devices... This is comparable to the return of the Creator. Technology. Apollo Bio executives believe that deciphering this technology will give them a big enough advantage in the future.

"As the saying goes, the era of the new calendar is the era of living things."

When talking about her major, Fanny's tone was obviously more confident.

But the last sentence left Jiang Zhou with a lump in his throat, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

How come in this day and age, there is still such a saying...

he thought.

In a sense, I crossed over from brain science to coding.

"Anyway... let's talk about the female police officer named Hanel and the pseudo-simulation movie "Doppelgänger" first."

Finally, he said weakly.

Isn't that what you asked?

Fanny glanced at Jiang Zhou with this look, and then said:

"She is a depth 3 adjuster of the Narcissus Path - this is a specialized path for electronic warfare. The adjusters of this path are good at creating 'data clones' and launching distributed attacks. Because of the ability of electronic warfare, At that time, she was the leader of a deep-diving salvage team and was even able to participate in salvage in low-light zones.”

Having said this, Fanny looked at the ticket stub in her hand again.

"But she never mentioned to me that she once worked in the Eden Resettlement Area Public Security Bureau. She also never mentioned that she once had a boyfriend..."

she murmured.

She hasn't mentioned to me that she actually likes women...

Jim thought to himself, and then asked:

"Hasn't she ever mentioned her past to you?"

"In the company, it is the most basic courtesy not to mention one's past."

To this, Fanny replied.

"Is this true even if you are a couple?"

At this time, Qianxia Sakura on the side asked the question that Jim wanted to ask but couldn't.

"Couples should do this more...whether they want to protect each other or themselves."

To this, Fanny answered calmly and without any concealment.

"Considering that you have now switched jobs to Pluto Deep Diving... it was indeed a wise choice to do that back then."

Hearing this, Chinatsu Sakura spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

But Fanny shook her head.

"She's dead."

Fanny looked at Chinatsu Sakura and said.


Jiang Zhou restrained himself from appearing too excited, but he still couldn't help but ask:

"How did you die?"

"There was... a small agreement between me and her."

As she spoke, the expression on her face twitched slightly - as if she was recalling something she had originally planned to never recall again.

"You may think that Pluto Deep Diving is already an unbearable hell. But at Apollo Biotech, the company's control over employees is more than ten times greater than this hell today...

"And the only way we can resist is in the end -"

Hearing this familiar rhetoric, Jim's breath couldn't help but stagnate.

"Faced with this cruel world, there is only one way we can resist."

In his memory, Hanel's words seemed to echo in his ears again.

Because he was caught in a flashback to the past, Jim didn't even hear Donata beside him, asking what they were going to do this time.


He and Fanny simultaneously told the ultimate answer that Hanel gave back then.

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