Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 263 NO0106: Can’t think about it or think about it too much



Shocked by Jim's scary answer, Donata unbuckled her seat belt and jumped up, then shook the other person's shoulders vigorously. The movement was as vigorous as trying to shake his drunken father awake when an earthquake occurred.

"I'm just asking you why you want to go to the seventh floor of the resettlement area. Why do you suddenly want to commit suicide? Your current state is very wrong, old Rett!"

I don’t know how she came up with the title “Lao Lei”.

Jim, who was shaken back to his senses, was dumbfounded for a moment.

"And for things like suicide, wouldn't it be better to just point a gun at your head at home? Why do you have to bring an outsider to the seventh floor? Isn't it troublesome?"

Donata continues to persuade... No, girl, are you really trying to persuade people?

Jim complained silently in his mind and turned to look at Donata.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

He waved his hand and said.

Despite receiving such an answer, Donata still tilted her head and stared at him with an uneasy look on her face.

"Then what do you mean when you suddenly said suicide just now?"

Judging from this stance, she wanted to get to the bottom of things.

Not knowing how he should cover it up, after a moment of silence, Jim simply continued on the topic of "suicide":

"I just want to ask...under what circumstances do you think people would choose to commit suicide?"

Donata, who was originally worried about the other party's mental state, stopped moving his hands instantly after hearing this question.

She looked at Jim suspiciously for a while, and then answered carefully and carefully:

"Well...if we rule out situations where suicide is used as a bargaining chip, or people are threatened and forced to commit suicide. I think there are only two reasons for committing suicide..."

After protracting herself to whet her appetite, she gave an answer that made Jim think she was talking nonsense.

"Either I can't think about it, or I can't think about it."

Donata said.

At this moment, Jim had regained his grip on the steering wheel, and now they were approaching the exit of the high-speed tunnel in the resettlement area.

Looking at the canal stretched out by the car's taillights in the distance, Jim slowly asked:

"what differences are there?"

In his opinion, the two reasons mentioned by Donata are essentially the ultimate choice to give up when encountering a problem that you cannot solve.

This is not to criticize the choice itself, but whether it is "can't think about it" or "can't think about it", in the end the result is "giving up", right?

"There is a difference!"

Surprisingly, Donata retorted firmly.

"For example, only people who commit suicide because they 'can't think about it' will leave a suicide note, or perform suicidal behavior in a conspicuous public place. They don't really want to give up their lives, but hope to pass this extreme method, trying to get yourself to figure out the ultimate answers to the questions that bother you.

"In other words, suicide is just a means to achieve an end for them, not an end in itself."

Donata's expression was very serious when she spoke.

Jim originally just asked casually, not expecting to get any enlightening answers from this little girl. But after listening to the other party's answer, he suddenly became interested.

"What about the other kind of suicide? What happens to those who think about it?"

he asked.

"For those who think they've found the real answer - death is their final answer."

Donata replied.

"Just like what is described in the poem, the person who really intends to leave will not show any signs. She will leave quietly in an early morning that is no different from ordinary days, and then you will never find any trace of her in your life - -Those who have figured out that suicide is the final answer will neither leave a suicide note nor cause trouble to others who are still alive. If they must leave any last words, I think they will only say 'Then How about this'."


"so be it."

This sentence was the reply of Jim to Hanel after the other party proposed that the two of them find peace through death.

Although Jim knew that it would be a difficult road when he chose to join the Skyfire Team, he still overestimated his own will after all.

The tragedy of Kurosawa's family is just the tip of the iceberg. The filth and filth behind this city and even this world is completely beyond the limits of their imagination.

Becoming an adjuster and gaining strength would not allow him to fight against the real darkness. On the contrary, after Jim witnessed a higher level and more disgusting evil, his powerlessness became more profound.

There is something wrong with the world, and there is nothing we can do to fix it.

After countless powerless struggles, this was the conclusion he finally came to.

A further conclusion - the darknet technology brought about by the "Big Impact" and the advanced technologies created by AI that surpass human intelligence should not be in the hands of the human species.

Those technologies that were too transcendent transformed into power in the hands of gods, completely blocking the space for ordinary people to advance. But those guys who hold technology and claim to be gods cannot get rid of their mortal nature. They still rule the world with the desires of apes, the mentality of giant babies, and the methods of tyrants.

In the past, no matter how tortuous the road was, those who mastered advanced production technology and organizational means were still able to defeat those corrupt and backward forces. But now, any technology within the scope of human cognition cannot resist the dimensionality reduction attacks of darknet technology - this has completely changed the operating logic of human society.

Companies named after gods have become real gods. The demigod heroes with divine blood are just gladiators for them to place bets and have fun, and mortals are just the background for the gods to have fun.

Carrying the name of a hero, after all, there is no way to resist his own destiny.

"So, she said to me, 'We can't change anything.' The only way to resist is to say goodbye to this fucking world."

At this moment, Fanny said this.

She briefly described her past experiences - the abyss wanderers sent out to die pointlessly, the inhumane human experiments, the apocalyptic weapons that have been developed or are being developed, the unspeakable cruel hobbies of company executives , a future without brightness and hope...

And finally came to the conclusion that only death is the final salvation.

Regardless of the stage of the story and the gender of the protagonist, the story between her and Hanel and the story between Jim and Hanel are 70% or even 90% similar.

It's so similar that it's like a slapstick farce.

"You asked me how I chose in the end?"

Fanny looked at Jiang Zhou in disbelief for asking this question, then tapped her chest and said:

"So what do you think it is that's talking to you right now? A ghost?"

As Hanel's second lover, she did not choose to die together and resist this fucked up world through death.

Just like the choice Jim made at the last minute.

But unlike Jim, Fanny rejects the offer at the outset - just like any normal person who would hear a similar question.

"I'm not as paranoid as she is, or in other words, I don't have the same ideological realm as she is."

Fanny said mockingly, and then she added:

"Even though I really, really love her, I have tried to stop her..."

As for Fanny's choice, whether from Jiang Zhou's perspective or from Jim's perspective, I can't blame him - for a moderate reformist who has tried his best to support the bottom people in the resettlement area, you blame The other party is unwilling to commit suicide for the original sins of the company that he has been tainted with. Apparently, he is too much standing and talking to avoid pain in his back.

As for accusing her of not being firm enough in her love for Hanel?

Jim felt a little funny for a moment.

Fortunately, he wasn't firm enough. After all, Hanel was neither "can't think about it" nor "can't think about it".

This was not considered suicide at all.

No matter what method she used to escape death, since the final result was "not dead", it definitely did not count as suicide.

On the other hand, relying on one's "immortality" to encourage one's lover, who has only one life, to commit suicide with oneself, is simply the worst emotional deception!

"Are you sure she's dead?"

Jiang Zhou asked.

"I saw it with my own eyes...she forcibly disconnected the connection during deep dive salvage, and the 'apoptosis program' in her brain was instantly activated."

Recalling this past event, Fanny closed her eyes in pain.

"Fortunately, it was a painless death."

Fanny's words revealed another fact to Jiang Zhou.

There are whole corpses...

Whether it was jumping into a well or undergoing apoptosis, her method of suicide did not damage her body. In other words, it is not certain that she has multiple independent individuals who call themselves "Hanel", and it is possible that she is reusing the same body.

No...this is not the key.

Jiang Zhou shook his head invisibly.

The real question is, why would she or the person behind her do this?

What is the point of dragging your lover to accompany you to commit suicide?

And...did the person Jim once loved really exist?

Or even... did my past really exist? (End of chapter)

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