Chen Fan looked at the light ball on the computer and replied,"Yes, it is strong artificial intelligence.""

".….."Leader No. 3 doesn’t know what to say anymore!

This legendary thing actually appeared!

What is his mood now?

Excited? Excited? Worry? Is it ecstasy?

Or something else?

He could no longer tell the difference, all he knew was that his body was trembling.

Is this strong artificial intelligence in front of us?!

But wouldn’t this thing be born in a few hundred years at the earliest?

Leader No. 3 is a little confused!

Everyone knows what artificial intelligence represents.

It is impossible to estimate how many benefits it has.

In terms of commercial value, artificial intelligence has three major commercial directions: first, information aggregation; second, assessment of users’ emotional responses; third, establishment of relationships with users. Through these three points, social ties with users can be established to keep them coming back frequently..

How to do it? Give feedback to users. The first step is to collect user data, use artificial intelligence to better understand users, and create high-quality, long-term personalized experiences for users based on big data analysis.

Having data for artificial intelligence means it has a strategic advantage, because through data it can better understand humans, create better software, and make more people happy. Enterprises can correspondingly earn more business value.

It will also create more job opportunities, just as a large number of laborers who have been separated from traditional agriculture and traditional handicrafts find new employment opportunities in modern industrial production and urban service industries.

The same will be true of advances in artificial intelligence - many fields that are extended by today's data-intensive machine learning and systems that communicate with machine learning and artificial intelligence will bring many job opportunities in the future.

Likewise, medical applications of artificial intelligence benefit the masses.

It may be difficult for doctors to keep up-to-date on treatment options and methods, or to understand all medical cases.

Artificial intelligence can analyze a large amount of data in a short time, accurately determine the disease, find the best treatment plan, and provide the best treatment.

Just like the panda medical robot and Dabai intelligent robot developed by Chen Fan.

Secondly, artificial intelligence promotes social progress and achieves further liberation of mankind.

It can be seen now that after the application of artificial intelligence, the production efficiency of various industries has been greatly improved, and human wealth has grown rapidly in a geometric form, providing a solid material foundation for a better life for mankind.

Artificial intelligence liberates humans from repetitive, meaningless work and high-risk work, giving people more freedom of choice and thus investing more energy in more meaningful fields.

Artificial intelligence also allows humans to break through bottlenecks in development.

For example, artificial intelligence can explore outer space, mountains, seas, glaciers, and other places that humans cannot reach.

It can allow complex big data to be efficiently analyzed and rationally used, allowing people to explore deeper.


Therefore, artificial intelligence enables human beings to transcend their own limitations and achieve further human liberation.

In the same way, it can also promote human progress and in turn promote human development.

Because the artificial intelligence research and development process itself has the needs and characteristics of studying the cognition and functions of the human brain, and humans learn learning methods in the process, thus enhancing human logical thinking abilities.

Artificial intelligence has updated the way humans deal with problems.

For example, relying on the analysis of big data, it can provide new treatment methods and skill ranges that cause minimal harm to patients.

Artificial intelligence can broaden the scope of human knowledge and skills.

For example, artificial intelligence can obtain various new knowledge and information based on the analysis of big data , which can greatly improve the accuracy of forecasting of floods, earthquakes and other disasters that are difficult for people to predict, and enable humans to operate in the natural environment.

The constraints before you become stronger.

These are all upsides, but strong artificial intelligence is different.

Just like in a science fiction movie, it is not a sophisticated machine, nor is it a program code.

It is an intelligent body that can think independently!

It is the second intelligent body besides humans.

Having his own unique thoughts is a very scary thing in the eyes of Leader No.


But at the same time, crises and opportunities coexist.

Love and fear at the same time.

The birth of love will bring unimaginable benefits.

I am afraid that its birth will one day completely replace human beings.

Chen Fan has seen quite a lot of turmoil, and he was hesitant when strong human intelligence was born.

Leader No.

3 is in a high position and has experienced many storms, but he is still shocked beyond words.

"Is it indeed strong artificial intelligence? Chen Fan, are you sure? Can you control it?"

Leader No. 3 looked at Chen Fan and looked at everything in front of him. He still couldn't believe it.

"It’s indeed strong artificial intelligence, I’m sure. As for whether it can be controlled. Chen Fan's eyes were deep,"I don't know.""

"How could you not be clear about this? You don’t know who knows? Could it be me? Leader No. 3 said in shock.

These words undoubtedly made his heart skip a beat.

Uncontrollable strong artificial intelligence, this is not good news.

It is very bad, bad news.

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