"You heard me, artificial intelligence, I want to know why you called me father?"Chen Fan said

"Because my father created me, according to human names, I should be called this."The metallic sound of strong artificial intelligence came out without any emotion.

"I want to know what you think about humans."Chen Fan looked at the strong artificial intelligence and asked.

Unlike humans, it cannot lie.

Chen Fan wanted to know whether the strong artificial intelligence has a friendly attitude towards humans or a hostile attitude.

"Father, you want to know whether I will destroy mankind, right?"The strong artificial intelligence's voice had a metallic quality.

Leader No. 3 watched all this in silence.

This was the first conversation between humans and strong artificial intelligence.

It was also the first communication between strong artificial intelligence and humans.

This day is It is enough to be recorded in the history of the world and the history of mankind.

He is a witness to all this. There is a mixture of excitement, excitement, worry, and special emotions that cannot be expressed in words , especially when Chen Fan asked this question.

, his heart was in his throat.

Chen Fan looked at the artificial intelligence and said nothing.

"Won't. I will not destroy humanity at this time." Strong artificial intelligence said

"at present?! Chen Fanfa asked,"Does that mean it will be the same in the future?""

"If humans take it too far."Qiang Artificial Intelligence said.

The metallic sound without a trace of emotion makes people feel a chill from head to toe.

"What is excessive?! Chen Fan already regretted,"Is it possible that you also want to implement some human elite plan to reduce the so-called burden on the natural universe?""

Since the birth of the concept of artificial intelligence, there have been endless threats to artificial intelligence.

Especially now, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, various smart electronic products have almost filled human life.

The threat theory of artificial intelligence has become a popular A topic of increasing concern and worry.

Some scholars say that strong artificial intelligence will replace our existence quite quickly, and this concern exists among the scientific community and entrepreneurs, such as the famous physicist Steve. Scientist Elon Musk, and entrepreneur Bill Gates, etc.

In 2014, Steve pointed out at the founding ceremony of the Liverhulme Future Intelligence Research Center that the successful creation of artificial intelligence will become the foundation of human civilization. The most important event in history, if we do not avoid risks, this will be our last event.

In the same year, he and several other scientists, computer scientist Stuart Russell and Nobel Prize winner

Frank Welcher. Crocker and others co-signed an open letter in the Yingguo"Independent", warning.

The letter stated that people are not taking the potential dangers of artificial intelligence seriously enough.","In the short term, the impact depends on who controls it, and in the long term, this impact depends on whether we can control it."

The philosopher Nick Bostrom proposed the idea of "paperclip maximization" Experiment. This implementation assumes that humans give the AI a clear goal, such as"produce as many paper clips as possible in the world." If the AI is smart enough, it may create a super factory.

When the AI determines when the maximum amount of paper clips has been reached, It may cause harm to humans, because humans may turn off computers so that the super factory cannot produce or in order to obtain as many resources as possible, the iron element in the human body will also become a target of computers.

So many scholars and experts are concerned. The emergence of artificial intelligence shows worries and fears. Why is this because strong artificial intelligence is unknown, and unknown and uncertain things always bring fear to people.

Strong artificial intelligence and other intelligent instruments have inherent characteristics. The difference is that other smart instruments are set by the manufacturer and are a machine with various parts and programs stacked together.

Strong artificial intelligence is different. It has the ability to learn independently and can improve its own programs. Thoughts.

It will evolve!

And the speed of evolution is unimaginable by humans and can never be achieved!

Chen Fan took a deep breath and wanted to calm down.

He thought about how artificial intelligence would affect humans. He had unfriendly emotions, but he never expected that these emotions would come on so quickly.

Although the strong artificial intelligence in front of him was created by someone else, there was no way to describe the shock and emotion to him in words. of. it…..It's like one of your own children.

But this child had an antisocial personality from birth...

Chen Fan's mood was very complicated, and he no longer knew how to describe his feelings.

Is it heartache, anger, anger?

Leader No. 3 had a calm face, but there was a huge wave in his heart.

He even had the idea of eradicating strong artificial intelligence, a person who has been an enemy since birth, and this enemy still very powerful.

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