Chapter 21: The child on the hot search list (please support, first update)

"Genius, really a genius. I have never seen such a genius in many years."

"With this algorithm, this thinking model, and this ability to master knowledge, I feel that the children I taught before were all waste."

"Sure enough, Chen has a sharp eye and can always find outstanding young people."

Basically, when this group of professors collectively said something like this, it was basically to determine who the champion was. From leaving the examination room to preparing to mark the papers, everyone was talking about Qiunan along the way.

And about Qiunan Various information has also been retrieved.

The International Olympics, the final championship, will attract many people, reporters, media, and of course, people who live broadcast, but Princeton does not seem to be very interested in the live broadcast.

Of course, the power. There are already enough black spots in Princeton. Most of the time, those who entertain the public will stay away from Princeton.

This school is famous for producing outstanding mathematicians in history.

"It's so shameless, Uncle Nasser, how can these people be like this?"

Chen Keke felt uncomfortable after listening to what these professors said.

Nasser said:"Can't you stand this? You can't do this, Keke. Your father has experienced all this back then and faced it all calmly."

Chen Keke felt uncomfortable because of what these professors from Princeton said when asked by reporters.

Charlie's words were very simple.

"We are honored to host this edition of the Olympics, and we are also proud to see the rise of a genius, a girl from a small city in China, Qiu Nan. Her strength has been recognized by all our professors. I On behalf of Princeton, Qiunan can be specially invited to attend classes at Princeton University and given a scholarship of two million US dollars per year."

Another mathematics professor, Richard

"Perhaps, in this competition, everyone is running with us, and it is really an honor to see a genius like Qiunan appear. On behalf of the Royal Mathematical Society, I can specially give Qiunan a house. , plus a scholarship of US$150, and a promise that a knighthood will be given in the future."

Holy shit, this is a bit scary.

The reporters were all confused, what did Qiunan do?

After asking Wilson, they found out.

Wilson said:"Qiunan's last question was answered in a very unique way.

There are seven algorithms.

Three of the seven are the standard answers we think of.

The remaining four include the application of the reverse theorem, one from the history of mathematics and the application of algorithms in ancient Babylonian mathematics.

Of course, the most interesting one is the application of a theorem.

Wrong reasoning was used by him in the algorithm.

You know, to prove that a theorem is wrong, this kind of proof process can also be used.


Such news was sent to the country in the shortest possible time.

The championship belongs to China, there is no doubt about it.

The score given to Qiunan was 42+4.

A total of 46 points, compared to Chen Fan gained two points back then.

Naturally, the domestic media took notice. Without saying a word, various platforms spontaneously began to promote

Qiu Nan's future.

"In recent years, the brain drain in domestic academic circles has been particularly serious. This is mostly due to the lack of correspondingly good treatment in the country. In a small place, one million US dollars, even half a million, is money they may earn in a lifetime. I think she can go abroad."

"The country spent a lot of resources to train her, but ended up leaving her motherland. Is this really good?"

"Has the country really spent resources on training? I heard that it is really funny that such a genius is not qualified to participate in the domestic Mathematical Olympiad competition."

An endless stream of comments appeared on the Internet, and the relevant departments naturally noticed it.

Everyone just guessed that something would definitely happen if Chen Fan led the team, but they didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

"Is it our fault, or is it a physical problem? Why is it that Chen Fan always discovers genius?"

"Is there any problem with comprehensive education?"

"Which of you can give that child better treatment than those from abroad?"

Everyone chose silence.

Huang Youwei picked up the phone and dialed Chen's phone number. There was a sound, but no one answered.

The award ceremony was about to begin. What on earth is this guy doing?


Chen Fan, who was in the hotel at this time, washed his face and put on a spare suit. After thinking for a while, he dressed himself up.

Get your hair sorted, your beard clean, and even your nails repaired.

The table was covered with more than a hundred pieces of calculation paper, which Chen Fan sorted and put away.

Then we took a bus and came to Princeton.

The time is six o'clock in the afternoon.

The school district near the Princeton examination room was filled with many people.

Everyone is discussing.

There are also those who show off in front of the media, and of course, there are also those who comfort their students.

Chen Fan's arrival attracted Chen Keke

"Dad, this way."

Chen Fan walked over.

Chen Keke couldn't hide the matter and said directly:"Dad, dad, listen to me, these people are really too much, too much."

Chen Fan said:"Well, I can probably guess it, don't worry."

"No, they were all chatting with Wang Dongxi and Qiu Nan, and they were all doing so in private."

"This is normal. Education in China is different from that in foreign countries. In foreign countries, you should first focus on solving the children's problems, and then think about the parents. Well, they will always have to go through this."

"But... I discovered people, and you taught them two. Chen

Fan said with a smile:"It's okay. Everyone's choice is everyone's right. We can't kidnap them morally, and we can't ask for anything. Just let them choose.""

The reporter saw Chen Fan and took the initiative to come up.

At this time, Wang Dongxi and Qiu Nan ran to Chen Fan and stood behind Chen Fan, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Teacher, these people look like fools. Are they qualified to teach my sister? A bunch of stupid pigs"

"Don't curse."

Wang Dongxi hurriedly covered his head and felt more comfortable with the teacher.

When they go abroad, what are they kidding about? They know what is deep in their hearts.

But the reporter still came.

Because in China, where the children go, the choice lies with them. Parents. ps: Please support me, thank you all.

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