Chapter 22: Teenagers of this era have never disappointed anyone (please support, second update)

Chen Fan stood in front and looked at the reporter who questioned him

"You ask questions"

"Hello, I think you are their teacher. I would like to ask, what are your thoughts on winning the championship this time?"

"Not much thought, just expected."

You're really crazy, you're so rude, and you don't have any modesty at all."

、But the reporter discovered a phenomenon. Chen Fan said that all this was expected. When other people looked at Chen Fan, they thought it was natural.

The reporter thought for a while and asked:"Your student is a genius. I think many people at the scene have proved this. Do you think it is good for your student to study at Princeton or other foreign institutions of higher learning? would be more helpful?"

"Please sort out your question again before asking."

"I don’t quite understand, Chen, what do you mean?"

"What do you want to ask?"

It's a bit difficult to deal with. This guy is a bit powerful.

The reporter thought for a moment and said:"In other words, as far as I know, the highest scholarship offered in your country is 300,000 yuan, and Princeton simply gives With two million US dollars, Qiu Nan and Wang Dongxi were both children from ordinary families. This two million US dollars could even guarantee that they would have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

Chen Fan said:"I think you have a misunderstanding.""

"You say"

"I know what you mean. Regarding the trend of comments in our country, I can actually give you some interesting data. Since the enrollment expansion, more students have gone abroad, but at the same time, more people have stayed in China. In recent years, an interesting phenomenon has emerged, that is, the proportion of people going abroad has decreased. What do you think is the reason for this?"

"Chen, do you want to say that education has progressed?"

"That's not the case. It's because the country has become stronger and the conditions have improved, so naturally everyone will stay. I believe in the young people of this era, because, in my knowledge, the young people of this era have never let us down. They always know what they need, what they lack is the courage to speak out."

The reporter had nothing to say.

Nasser put his arm around Chen Fan's shoulders.

"Ignore them, hurry up to receive the award, take photos, I have arranged a dinner for you, let's go have a big dinner."

Chen Fan said goodbye to reporters.

Several students stood together, and Chen Fan stood behind.

With a smile, he won the first place in the Mathematical Olympiad competition.

It was ordinary, without any challenge.

In a competition like this, Chen Fan has already It's rare to express interest, but for the sake of his daughter, he is willing to give it a try.

It is very interesting in China.

Qiunan's parents are teachers, and Qiunan's stepfather immediately accepted the offer. The call was naturally about whether Qiunan would study abroad.

Qiunan's father hung up the phone.

Qiunan's mother received the call.

"My daughter will not study abroad. I think I know what my daughter likes."

A lot of money is indeed very tempting, but the concept of family has been ingrained since ancient times.

Moreover, they all owe their children.

With two children and two reorganized families, Wang Dongxi's father may not be doing well, but equally Both families have not lost their joy and happiness.

Just like Chen Fan said, the young people of this era have never disappointed anyone.

Likewise, the parents of this era will not disappoint anyone. I called principal Huang Youwei back.

"Chen, we can provide you with everything you need. Thank you very much for bringing the honor back."

"Well, it's nothing, it's not a big deal"

"I think we at Peking University will give a good solution to the education of Qiunan and Wang Dongxi."

"Qiunan is suitable to study with me, Wang Dongxi is not suitable, he is suitable for engineering."

Well, after all, there is no way to have the best of both worlds.

"Okay, by the way, Chen Fan, get rid of the rest. I have a doubt."

"You say"

"Are you sure that these two children will choose you? If I remember correctly, according to traditional thinking, this amount of money is enough for parents to change their minds. Chen

Fan said:"In education, the first teachers are parents. If a child has no ideas, then it must be taught by his parents. Don't you really think that the cultivation of a genius's character has nothing to do with his parents?" True genius is inseparable from the education of his parents"

"Chen Fan, I think you can write a book about children’s education and send it to these parents. You are really suitable for education."

"Well, by the way, what I said about the qualifications for the competition"

"Someone will handle it. When you get the honor, many people will believe in you."

Chen Fan hung up the phone.

In fact, Chen Fan didn't have much thoughts during the dinner. He found a corner and started to finish the finishing work of his Mersenne prime numbers.

On the foreign forums, the abuse of Chen Fan had already begun. The core of education is children.

Chen Fan's words somewhat force children to stay in China. Naturally, the video interview was processed by the reporter.

"Real genius, it has nothing to do with the teacher"

"These children should stay in our country. Their country has no way of educating children like this."

"For the technological future of all mankind, this child needs to get a better education, instead of just studying in a small place."

But what does all this have to do with Chen Fan?

Chen Keke, on the other hand, was so angry that he had a toothache, registered a trumpet, and quarreled with others.

As a result, he found that he was outnumbered, even if Zhang Rongrong joined in, it would not work.

Nasser handed two Two glasses of wine for a girl

"What you are doing now is the same as when I dealt with those people who scolded Chen. It’s okay. These are all small things."

"Was my father targeted by many people back then?"

"Your father has been a genius from beginning to end. Geniuses are destined to be targeted. Look at him, as long as he is in a daze, he will produce something good."

Chen Fan seemed to have thought of something. He took the napkin on the table and started writing.

It seemed that he had caught the wisp of white dove.

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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